I liked the story but there were a few problems I noted that I could not get past. The main one is the flow. When the author writes conversations there is a ton of expressions included, i.e., leans forward, leans back, taps fingers, furrows brow, etc. Though it enriches the world so I understand what the author was going for, it's really too much. If it was reduced by 2/3 it would make the conversation flow much faster and normally. I felt it broke immersion because the conversation just kept getting interrupted by useless description. There were also a lot of events that really didn't require being explained at all. There were a couple examples but one I can think of off the top of my head was the main character getting clothes for an event. Great, have a dinner conversation, or other splice of life stuff but that was really unnecessary.
Another problem was the characters all had similar habits, like leaning forward and back or drumming fingers on the chair/table. Honestly I had some weird image of people just leaning back and forth while talking to each other repeatedly in a conversation. It was a pretty funny image but I doubt it was intentional.
Really liked the story other than those so if you feel like you can get past these problems check this novel out!
I liked the story but there were a few problems I noted that I could not get past. The main one is the flow. When the author writes conversations there is a ton of expressions included, i.e., leans forward, leans back, taps fingers, furrows brow, etc. Though it enriches the world so I understand what the author was going for, it's really too much. If it was reduced by 2/3 it would make the conversation flow much faster and normally. I felt it broke immersion because the conversation just kept getting interrupted by useless description. There were also a lot of events that really didn't require being explained at all. There were a couple examples but one I can think of off the top of my head was the main character getting clothes for an event. Great, have a dinner conversation, or other splice of life stuff but that was really unnecessary.
Another problem was the characters all had similar habits, like leaning forward and back or drumming fingers on the chair/table. Honestly I had some weird image of people just leaning back and forth while talking to each other repeatedly in a conversation. It was a pretty funny image but I doubt it was intentional.
Really liked the story other than those so if you feel like you can get past these problems check this novel out!
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