Horus’s betrayal was a cataclysmic event that forever changed the fate of the Imperium of Mankind. After this tragedy, our protagonist wakes up in this world—inside the body of a Space Marine. By a twist of fate, he not only gains permission to create his own Space Marine Chapter but also discovers that his new body, once belonging to Kayvaan, comes with an incredible inheritance: control over three star systems. With his Chapter and newfound power, he must navigate the treacherous politics of the Imperium and the constant threats from xenos, Chaos, and heretics, all while carving out his legacy in this grimdark galaxy.
IF you want to support me (10 advance Chapter)
There are a lot of subtle mistakes as non wh40k fans and a lot of nonsense with fatal mistakes as warhammer fan I found
Spaces marine captain from raven guard acting as normal humans and inquisitor that are known for "innocence prove noting" not seeing it as anomaly.
Fortresses with one guard and no weapon. Zealots not parying but ignoring when they see a spacemarine (angel) that protect the God Emperor's son come back to life. No offical welcoming MC with decree from Big E (not even trying to be pretentious).
I mean if you like it fine but not my cup of tea.
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My biggest gripe is the inconsistency for example the MC has a Heresy era marine for a teacher (Who has been in stasis since the heresy), and The MC is taught to maintain Mark X power armour. This isn't possible or in any way explained.
"The sound of metal warping filled the room as Joe smashed his fist through the table." Note that Joe is stated to have the physiology of a baseline human, again not possible.
and referring to solar systems as galaxies at one point.
It's not a bad read but it take effort to look passed these glaring flaws.
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