An old and prestigious sect in the Empire of the Sky. Moved from the central mountains to the border between the central plains and forests a few centuries ago. Traditionally focused on sky- and air-related arts.
The most powerful spirits. Twelve of them are generally known as the 'Greater Spirits' the world over. They are also widely worshiped and could be considered Aran's deities.
Among them are Rijoko, 'the Moon'; Jideia, 'the Storm'; and also 'the Sun' and others.
This is the full family tree. Contains major spoilers for the story up to about Ch. 120!
A full vertical line means a direct child, a partly broken line means descendant (e.g. grandchild), a full horizontal line signifies marriage, a horizontal dotted line another relationship/common child.
The most famous and successful resistance organization in the Zarian Dominion. It consists mostly of people in the low citizen tiers (low cultivation stages), and rumors claim it has eyes everywhere. It has a cell structure and has (for the most part) evaded the Dominion's security organs for quite some time. Its stated aims include the removal of the citizenship tier system and its restrictions, and it is willing to use violent as well as nonviolent means to pursue its goals, though it has historically preferred to keep a low profile and disdains terrorist tactics.
Our heroine. On Earth, 22-year old Cognitive Science grad student from a Western country, certified genius, and fantasy/sci-fi nerd. Family: parents and younger brother. In the world of Aran, 18-year old heir apparent to the Empire of the Sky, certified genius, and unlucky transmigrator. Family: Mother and two younger siblings.
Empress of the Empire of the Sky (long list of titles). Roughly 130 years old but already in the eighth stage of cultivation, official genius and progressive. On Earth, she was a mid-thirties educated businesswoman. No spouses, but formerly in a relationship with Carston, in addition to several other lovers past and present. Three children (Inaris, Alaster, Xiaodan).
Prince of the Empire of the Sky, i.e. son of Acura, younger brother of Inaris and older brother of Xiaodan. Known for mischief and martial talent. 12 years old.
Princess of the Empire of the Sky, i.e. younger daughter of Acura and sister of Inaris and Alaster. Eight years old and cute.
Main guard of the MC. In the sixth stage of cultivation. From an unimportant family in the noble clan Tener, he joined the army as an officer and worked his way up.
Elite soldier in the seventh stage of cultivation. Temporarily assigned to guard Inaris during her stay in the Carmine Cloud Sect. Commoner from the capital city.
A new outer disciple of the Carmine Cloud Sect. A commoner, former street rat from the west of the continent who was offered a scholarship by an elder. In the third stage of cultivation, with earth and fire affinity.
A talented scion of the Leri clan. Twenty-three years old (mentally twenty-four), she went on a soul journey to a steampunk-like world. Third cousin once removed of Inaris, and her new retainer.
A scion of the Leri clan (distant cousin of Inaris) and a member of Inaris' research team. In the fourth stage. His soul journey's life was on a world with relatively advanced technology, and he's known for being enthusiastic about tech, but also as a passionate fighter.
Cultivator in the fourth stage. From a merchant family, joined the Imperial army early. Inaris' 'concubine'/girlfriend.
Cultivator in the eighth (black) stage, wind affinity. Loyal supporter of Acura.
A powerful spirit who's a close supporter/ally of Rijoko, the Moon.
Tenth Prince of the Kingdom of Terbekteri, son of the King. In his early twenties and in the fourth stage of cultivation. Inaris' intended.
Member of the Leri clan, distant cousin of Acura. Unofficially her intelligence director/spymaster, focused on internal matters and ensuring the dynasty's security. In the seventh stage of cultivation. Her soul journey encompassed a life in a very advanced world (the slums of a futuristic mega-city), where she died as a child. Known as pragmatic and ruthless.
Known as The Pioneer, a powerful spirit that's a close ally/follower/vassal of Jideia, the Storm.
Actually a former human who ascended to the ninth stage and possibly further, becoming more like a spirit: a former hero of legend who received some guidance from Rijoko, the Moon, but chose to follow Jideia in exchange for help ascending.
Free-spirited young woman in the third stage (as of her introduction), with qi affinities of fire and light. A granddaughter of the Greater Spirit of the Sun. From a Zarian-occupied country on the Earth Continent.
Cultivator from the noble Wei clan, with fire and nature qi affinities. He works for Kariva. Son of General Wei Jun, nephew of clan head Wei Yong, and heir to the clan.
Young man in the fifth stage of cultivation, with qi affinities of fire and light. A grandson of Piallara, the Greater Spirit of the Sun. Elia's older brother. Originally from a now Zarian-occupied country on the Earth Continent, he moved to the Dominion several years ago after their father's death, and was quite successful as a freelance detective, spymaster and information broker.
Young man in the fifth stage. Son of the Auditor, a powerful spirit who acts as a lieutenant and enforcer for the Storm.
The country the story takes place in. Currently ruled by Empress Leri Acura, although the Leri dynasty is relatively young. Its capital is the City of a Thousand Stars, outside of which the Imperial Palace is located, next to the Central Mountains.
Currently, it covers all of the Central/Sky Continent, as well as parts of other continents. It is often regarded as the most powerful nation on the planet. It has a traditional enmity with the Zarian Dominion.
Also Thousand Stars City. The capital city of the Empire of the Sky. It is situated at the foot of the Central Mountains, between two great rivers, close to the Imperial Palace. The city is quite big, contains a number of skyscrapers and is known for its color and abundance of decorations and gardens.
The home of the Zarieni nomads. It's a small landmass connecting the Central/Sky Continent, the mainland of the Empire, with the Southern/Storm Continent, the home of the Zarian Dominion.
A big and economically important city in the south of the Central/Sky Continent in the Empire, relatively close to the southern border and of strategic importance.
The former capital city of the Sea People, before the Empire's conquest. Built half into a cliff and cave system, the city is now sunk beneath the ocean, and its underwater ruins are rarely visited by anyone but spirit beasts of the sea.
A very powerful nation and old rival of the Empire of the Sky. It covers the Storm Continent to the Empire's south, as well as territory on other continents. It's something of an oligarchic meritocracy with a strict caste system depending on one's stage of cultivation, and rather imperialistic. (More information in Bonus 7.)
A big continent to the northeast of the Sky Continent. Many powerful nations hold territory here. This includes the Empire of the Sky towards the southwest, the Kingdom of Terbekteri to the north, close to an enormous mountain range, and the Zarian Dominion to the east/northeast.
A country which is influential but not generally acknowledged as a global power, and known as a trading hub. Adzur is based on the Chain, a group of islands off the southeastern coast of the Earth Continent. Most of its islands are connected by artificial land-bridges, and its capital city is built party into the ocean. Adzurians venerate the Moon and are technologically very advanced compared to other nations on Aran. Adzur is governed by a republican system and large corporations have a lot of influence. The country also practices slavery.
A very powerful nation, which has friendly relations with the Empire of the Sky. Currently ruled by Terki the Second of the dynasty of the same name. It is based on the Water Continent and its peninsulas and archipelagos, and is the foremost naval power of Aran's southern hemisphere. It is also somewhat more culturally diverse than the Empire, with four major languages and many others also spoken there. Some of its constituent groups practice polygamy, and it is known as somewhat more sexist than the Empire, let alone the Zarian Dominion.
The current capital of the Zarian Dominion. It's situated at the foot of the Whitecap Mountains in the south-east of the Storm Continent, built on several hills. The city is one of the oldest cities in the Dominion, but has been prettied up extensively and is a center for culture and learning. It's also the seat of the High Temple.
I've been following this story for a while and have been consistently impressed. It's an enjoyable isekai/cultivation adventure that follows an capable and confident (if occasionally impulsive) main character as she gradually learns about the world she's found herself in and gains the skills she needs to help herself and her mother's empire survive. Along the way, she meets godlike spirits, survives assassination attempts, and delves into the secrets of her mystical heritage. Great overall read!
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A very interesting take on the reincarnation/isekai trope mixed with cultivation. It lives up to the title and turns any expectations on their heads.
The story starts slow but strong, balancing character introductions with slow, methodical world building. Info dumps occur as the MC learns things and aren’t even really info dumps, they’re well placed, bite sized chunks of lore that feel naturally sprinkled in. The strongest aspect of the story is the authors handling of portraying the MC as a confused, unbelieving, somewhat uncooperative participant. The MC realistically questions what the hell is going on and spends the first bunch of chapters pretty confused. So far, the story seems to be winding up with some tidbits of a larger mystery being sprinkled in so I’ll be looking forward to learning about those.
Stylistically, I found the use of first person to be very well handled. There weren’t too many jarring tense switches and the sentences, for the most part, flowed well. The immediacy and confusing of the MC was well portrayed by the proper use of first person POV.
My only gripe with the story, so far, is the MC herself. She feels a bit too samey, a bit too generic for my tastes. I’m sure my opinion will change the more I get to see her development but right now she feels too much like every other transmig/reincarnation MC.
I think the author has a very interesting concept on their hands with the mixing of cultivation and reincarnation. It’ll be interesting to follow the story as it unfolds.
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It's been a very enjoyable read. At the time of review it's building up to the big final confrontation between Inaris and
Inaris has been a pretty entertaining character to read and follow, even if she isn't as over the top or bombastic as many other MCs from different novels. Probably the best way to describe her is pragmatic, somewhat stoic, and competent-she isn't an entertainer or showwoman, but if you want something done she's the one you'd go to.
When we find out Inaris was a magic designer baby, this makes a bit more sense as well-they'd want someone well suited to being a ruler and someone who is competent and not overly swayed by her emotions. Inaris does actually eventually confront her mother over this and how Acura hid it from her, but they do work things out for the most part
While I do get annoyed at some of the dumb decisions she makes, she at least does try to make a point of learning from her mistakes and has shown later on in the series that she actually does learn from her mistakes-especially not charging into battle on her own rather than letting the soldiers and warriors handle it.
Getting stabbed in the heart, playing dead, and having to play shapeshifting sneak to make her way back to her homeland would do that to a person.
Of note for Inaris is how she has the self awareness to allow herself to step back and letter those better qualified than her make decisions and decide the details-she doesn't decide she simply must be the one to decide everything and micro manage down to the smallest detail. On a personal note I also like how she tries to be a morally upstanding person and does the best she can to bring a modern egalitarian morality to a cultivation world and implement it in ways that the people of that world won't fight every step of the way, doing things like
implementing trade schools and better public education to help raise up the common citizenry of the empire, as well as allowing for qi talent testing of common citizens and entry into the military where they can get more resources, something that hasn't been done previously with the big sects hoarding a lot of resources and playing gatekeeper on who was allowed to cultivate. There was an amusing bit where they develop use of magitech type things that can use qi or electricity, including things that replicate modern day appliances and conveniences like microwaves and TVs and Inaris notes she wouldn't be able to spot much difference between a random apartment on Earth and one in one of the empire's cities.
A bit of a criticism is that later parts of the story rely heavily on certain aspects of Inaris's and another character's power for them to find things or what to do.
The author does heavily rely on Rijoko's "guidance" or Inaris's "instincts" to skirt around having to explain how Inaris knows how to find someone or what to do. It gets to the point where one time she consciously decides to just randomly wanders around a city, hoping Pops will help direct her to where she needs to go and find her target-and she succeeds. That said- since her father is a literal god and she's a designer baby they made to be as powerful as possible, it isn't entirely unbelievable that it could happen, and Rijoko having guidance and wisdom as part of his divine portfolio does make it more believable, even if it is still suspiciously convenient.
Romance stuff-
at time of review Inaris's harem is up to 4-her official husband (actually member 2), her first female consort (member 1), her second female consort (member 3-this one she doesn't sleep with, but she is romantically involved with-I think the author has the second consort as an as*xual romantic-no s*x, but lots of cuddling), and most recently a male third sort of consort. The latest consort being one where the guy will only ever be "visiting" and not a permanent resident, so it might be more like an ongoing fling that occasionally visits rather than a proper harem member. All her harem members get along well and Inaris made it a point to get the harem members approval before adding another, along with her taking great pains to make sure her romantic interests weren't feeling pressured by Inaris's status as the crown princess or that Inaris only wanted them around for a fling.
Speaking of consorts-Yarani, consort 1, is awesome and helps keep Inaris grounded morally and mentally. Yarani is a very kind woman who even forgives some people that did wrong to her, and Inaris notes that she is very lucky to have met Yarani and have Yarani around to help keep Inaris emotionally stable and grounded.
Update for epilogue
Series ended much how I expected it to, but that's not a bad thing. It left me wanting more instead of wishing for it to be over, so I'll say it did a good job of keeping my interest.
Basic spoiler free summary of the ending is that it's very clearly a "the end of chapter 1 of Inaris's life", but it's a solid place to end where it does since most of the major issues and conflicts that came up in the story were resolved at that point
Sparky fights with Rijoko when Inaris's forces reach the Zarian capital, sparky invades Inaris's mind and she manages to hold him off long enough for Mior to come in and save the day and tilt the balance of power enough to kick Sparky out of Inaris's mind, with the consequence that Rijoko managed to pin Sparky down and get him to surrender. Inaris ends up getting her lost memories back because of Jideia's foray into her mind and the pressure she put her under, so that's a nice touch. I don't think there were any other major named character deaths (in Inaris's side at least), and part of the contribution Inaris made to tipping the balance in her favor was getting Isuro to bugger off and abandon Jideia (expect to see Isuro in later books! He's a wanderer and already at the level he can dimension hop, so he's a shoe in for showing up in other series by the author)
After Sparky was dealt with (surrendering and leaving the Zarian empire's lands entirely to the Sky Empire-Inaris noted she was kinda uncertain about not being able to actually end Jideia herself, but admitted it wouldn't really be an option since even defeated Jideia would be too much for Inaris to kill personally and it'd be more political headache than it's worth to try since the other greater spirits had already agreed with Jideia's surrender and Rijoko accepting it) it was basically loose ends getting tied up, including Ceion's father being dealt with and revealing who killed Elis and Elia's dad (someone who'd incidentally already been killed during the war), putting a perhaps underwhelming resolution to those plot lines, but at least all three now have some closure for their respective troubles.
Elis ends up being the semi permanent 4th member of Inaris's harem, but he clearly didn't stick around all of the time.
The epilogue style of history book recounting the years after the story ended was a fun way to go about it, and Inaris did end up having kids with her harem members and having a big loving family
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Really fotogaphy memories but with the fullest of dignity
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I just gonno say that I really liked the romance. The politics is good. And the rest of the novel is nice. Bonus point for being completed.
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It's a good story ☺️ I really recommend it
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