By Fighterman481
Thomas was your bog-standard high-school kid; approaching the end of his senior year, he wasn’t quite sure what he wanted to go into in college, but that was fine, he had time.
Well, perhaps not as bog-standard as all that; his parent
starts off lighthearted. Gets really intense in a hurry. The supernatural elements are surprisingly limited, for how thoroughly they are entangled in the narrative.
characters are portrayed interestingly, the narrative is coherent and doesn't strain disbelief.
really good ride. Torn between wishing there was more, and being impressed at how tightly constrained and complete it is.
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Compared to other stories with transgender tags I have read here, this one is - comparatively - light-hearted. But it doesn't lack any depth whatsoever. The characters are beautifully fleshed out. The plot is dramatic. There is personal growth, magic, ethical musings,...
What's not to love?
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At least so far it's basically like the musical heathers but with a touch of supernatural stuff going on and, of course, a trans version of veronica. I imagine things will get darker as things go on, or at least that looks like the way things are going with trans veronica and the heathers but so far it's a pretty fun story with a surprising amount of potential for interesting character interactions especially with how the relationship of trans veronica with both the heathers and the martha equivalent have been set up so far.
I don't actually like Heathers very much, however this story seems like a lot of fun and falls into the category of trans versions of stories which I think are more fun than the originals.
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Absolutely enthralling from beginning to end.
It starts simple and slow with a focus on the typical fare endemic to a transgender narrative but with a wonderful focus on interiority. Every character has thoughts and opinions that consistently influence who they are and what they do, and by the midpoint the story's gone from a lighthearted body change fantasy to a psychological nightmare. It felt like reliving all the worst parts of high school dialed up to 10.
Didn't stumble on the dismount, and I couldn't put it down. 10/10.
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almost every chapter of this story is basically made of knives
at any point the whole situation could explode in anyone's face
it's written super well, shows a lot of character, and a
where several characters go in perfectly sensible completely unforseeable directions (compliment)
v. Emotional, chaotically
don't read it if personality death and modification are bad for you
the popular girls have been using a wishing well, one of them is incredibly manipulative, and the trans MC is trans'd ("desired body" but gender is a suprise) and inducted into the 'fun'
five stars, difficult to put down (bad thing maybe?), good ending, good writing
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