By ChaoticArmcandy
A fantasy tale of schoolgirls, smugglers, alchemists, pirates, queer attack, bellwitches, ancient necromancy, gender outlaws, fascists, smoldering romance, trans sisterhood, intrigue, smut, spies, knife girls, mysterious resonances, herbalists, sp
Do you like your women strong? Rekka swore oaths and she'll see her charge really smile again even if she has to punch a lot of people in the face to make it so.
Well written and interesting characters. Rekka is enhanced but not superhuman. She gets hurt, she bleeds and she gets stabbed. Not at all overpowered. Come in for the tough girl but stay for the emotions. It is a journey of self discovery for two people and how they fit together with the changes that have occurred.
Regular posting schedule and an author who's willing to answer questions about their world setting.
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Okay, I literally created an account on this site in order to review this story properly because, quite frankly, it really deserves it.
I have nothing but high praise for this novel. The characters are interesting and well developed, and I especially love the author's style of descriptive prose. It's flowing and beautiful without taking up entire chapters to describe an outfit or single building. I felt drawn in, learning about the world from the observations and conversations of the characters without any real infodumps to bring me out of the story.
The story showcases a blossoming love between two women, one of whom happens to be transgender, and the struggles they both face as they flee an empire (and a throne) that wants nothing more than to crush their spirits.
I have both cheered and cried for Arcadia, and truly admire Rekka not just as a warrior, but as a strong supportive woman who loves with all her heart.
Their struggle, and the loyalty and love in the midst of it all, is really heartwarming and I can't wait to see where the rest of the story goes.
I cannot recommend this story enough.
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What a wondrously, fantastic, beautiful story! It happens rarely that an adventure about seeking freedom and obtaining the power to become the own ideal self is being told by the second-most important character. I'm so happy each time I find one. And this particular story is an exceptional gem in this aspect!
But it's also an all around great narrative. Well written, interesting characters, lore, mysteries, personal drama, love, erotic,... There is nothing about this story that would leave me wishing for something better.
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