Waking up to the fact that you’re a one-armed, one-eyed orphan?
You get used to it.
Being sent to some museum with a bunch of brats because some heartless corporation wants pictures to convince middle-aged women that they truly care deep down inside?
Pretty lame, but that’s Tuesday for ya.
Seeing the sky tear open and the invasion alarms go off?
Pretty awful.
Getting superpowers from some all-knowing and terribly unhelpful aliens?
Not as awesome as you might think.
A cyberpunk magical-girl-ish alien invasion LitRPG. It’s exactly as wild as it sounds.
I have a really bad habit of ignoring things that have the tags I like because I read one bad review or get an entirely wrong idea about a novel from the synopsis. This was one of them. Was because I have binged over half of it in two days, and has immediately gone into the top five favorite novels. The characters, aliens, interesting power system are all incredible, but my personal favorite is the small random bits at the start of every chapter. Something about them, going from talking about memes to the consequences of Corpo takeover, makes the world feel so alive! Highly recommend it to anyone and everyone who took the time to check the reviews to see if they like it.
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I absolutely adore this novel, but why are there no reviews at all?
The story overall is a bit slow but it's filled with action and allot of sci-fi goodies. I like how the characters feel like actual people and I find myself bonding with them rather quickly. Though I wish there was more romance between the couple since there have only been hints and suggestions.
I recommend this novel if you like like human vs allien type of scifi novel with a hint of romance. I know I do!
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guns, boobs and explosions... what more could you need?
Ps (i joke but it is still very good)
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A really enjoyable story. Funny, cute, adorable at times that sidles up to catastrophic mayhem.
All of RavensDagger stories that I read have entertained me greatly. I recommend not only this story but her others as well: Heart of Dorkness, Lever Action, and Tentacles Cafe come to mind. One of these days I will have to dive into Cinnamon Bun.
Oh! To update this review. I did dive into Cinnamon Bun and found it as delightful as every one of the other stories. There are so many chapters it was daunting, but I dove into the middle, and it all worked out fine with a bit of cleaning magic.
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It has been a bit since I made a review last, so I might be a bit rusty. But.
I am really liking this story. It has kept it's entertainment throughout. I was thinking that once the action of the initial incursion was over; that'd it start getting a bit lame. But I'm glad to say I was proven wrong.
If I were to point out any issues I had. Then I'd say it really comes down to two things. The MC despite only being 17 (Almost 18) Acts like a 30-year old veteran. I get her life had been tough so she'd naturally have a tougher outer shell. But the amount of stuff that happened within one day and the MC's reaction seemed a bit weird. She never seemed to really react to it. It all came across as a big joke to her I feel. Not bad necessary. But I feel a bit of seriousness could've been good for the character. Like her initial reaction is muted due to it happening. But once she has a break she starts realizing she pretty much died, resuscitated, and became a super awesome OP person.
This might also have to do with the MC's past which hopefully gets explored. But her reaction to getting an arm was fairly tame. Same with Lucy being able to walk. I guess I was expecting more something like drama? Fanfare? I don't know what to call it.
I am hoping we get some more interesting body modifications in this story. I always thought the body horror/ cosmetic genre of stories is interesting. Such as the use of the face sculptor mentioned once. The MC's appearance isn't really mentioned much besides her deformities. So I think this could be quite interesting to see.
Same with more external stuff. Like how she is getting more Cat-themed battle gear. I'm still hoping we get something like an exo-suit that has her running around on all fours like a cat. The image of a Cat themed Samurai that is stealth is quite a fitting theme.
The pacing is great for this story and the Author never lingers on things too long. Writing has little to no grammar mistakes from what I remember. And the MC isn't an annoying protagonist that isn't afraid to get even slightly s*xual and isn't on the other spectrum where she's a deviant in s*x and the entire story revolves around s*x. It's that nice middle ground from what I have noticed.
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Honestly a pretty good novel. I like that that main character is obsessed with protecting her own. Whether it be her found family, or people that she only has the smallest inkling of a good impression of.
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All-in-all, a wonderful read.
The story is well written, and it can be seen from how many books the author
keeps writing to their sleeping habit's detrimenthas sold on paperback and audiobooks. I don't usually patronize based on the person writing or acting... But Ravensdagger's books are all good books. It gets a 9.5/10 on grammar and technique, just some occasional spelling errors that could be fixed by getting a proofreaderbut the blurb is addicted to spending on artthough you almost wouldn't notice on account of your brain's built-in autocorrect.The setting can be quite confusing— I'm guessing that's the point with how wild the description is, but it ultimately boils down to this:
The year is 2057, in an era that we all feared to come, the era of megacorpos and capitalism and cyberpunk (not a bad thing (?)). Humanity has all but messed the entire world up, but don't worry, we're not the only ones— alien invaders known as the Antithesis periodically drop by and wreck havoc, causing untold destruction to the already damaged (and expensive) society. But fear not, for there are heroes, colloquially dubbed as Samurai, chosen for their, often weird, heroic qualities, possessing the best anti-Antithesis combat system that can be accessed using points gained from defeating them. Join our fresh new Samurai as she gets the pay-2-win system that transcends all pay-2-win systems yet, while strutting around the city of New Montreal righting all the wrongs and blowing up aliens, because that's what heroes do!
At least this is what it sounds like in my brain lol. There are also almost always lore quotes at the beginning of each chapter, read them, they'll explore world building in a way I've never seen before. They often are very important clues to understand the deep background behind what's currently happening, whether it be corpos being corpos, aliens being Antithesis, and occasionally, just cracking you up.
The plot— Enough said. The fact that this is a GL story potentially (imo at least) makes it better, but if that's not what you're after, you'll still enjoy it, as romance is not the main plot, and albeit the romanceables do play solid roles in the story, as long as you're not homophobic, it'll be nothing more than a passing mention. If you are homophobic, well, sucks to be you IG. You're missing out on the stray cat experience.
The characters— I'm sure you'll love them. Our main characters are, as you might've guessed, orphans, and very low on the corporate food chain. Imagine American cheeseburger meals and dingy apartments, but many times over. Our MC is brave, kinda dumb (she didn't get to go to school), catty (hehe), maybe cynical to anything corporate, and is very hesitant about replacing her organs, but sweet and protective in a way a hero ought to be. Do understand that she has lived on street smarts, very little money, and most of her organs unhealthy. Whatever she decides to do, let her consider it, she doesn't have the genius MC smarts to cheat the whole system... yet. Her girlfriend though, she'll take care of that. The MC just needs to bring the bigger gun, and her snark.
Our favorite AI cat herder is also a very iconic character, having the right snark to match with our MC's personality while still being a helpful yet distant AI assistant.
Our main girl is the living embodiment of what corpos could be, should strive to become, and should probably be kept away from the schmexy catalogues. Her personality and character is, for lack of a better term, the perfect match to our MC. She also has that mystery where you only seem to discover new talents about her, allowing you to enjoy her presence even if you're not a fan of GL.
The Kittens, are, expectedly, exactly what you would think post-corporate era orphans would be like. Loud, wild, and always on their media feed. Very malnourished and very sick, though our MC won't let it stay that way.
As for the rest of the Samurai, well, they're unique, and you'll find each of them having a memorable impression, at least. Our MC is a fresh newbie, while they're mostly veterans, so expect a huge power gap that she'll slowly close over time. By the way, a religion where I get to burn aliens is something I would worship, 100%, without a doubt, take my money and gimme that
nyanpalmflamethrower woman!The progression is just right— neither too slow nor too fast. Just about the right speed for a sci-fi, that to be honest is getting too real TvT. There's a lot to cover for new readers, but that's to be expected— SCS is coming in on its 6th volume, so you have basically 5 full length sci-fi stray cat strutting alien butt-kickery action novels to catch up on. Take your time, it's one heckuva ride! And don't forget to comment about the cat puns! > 'ω '<
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2023 End of the Year Update : the series gets even better, love the chemistry between Cat and Pyro nun! Plus, the author puts A LOT of effort in developing not just the main plot but also important surrounding characters and lore of the Stray Cat universe.
Original Review: I have been wanting to pick up this series for awhile, and I am really glad I finally did so. Loving the character developments, world building, and tons of awesome scifi/cyberpunk goodness, and they are all blended with good humor and great writing into absolute treat of a read! If you are just like me, hesitating abit (or simply want to pick up a good scifi/cyberpunk series), do give first few chapters a try and soon enough you will find yourself binging read the entire series up to date!
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when it comes to sci-fi, actually sensible system types, combat, and action in a world that is unfortunately realistic, you are at the right place. It has the right amount o romance (offscreen yuri) and slice of life for flavour
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Interesting characters. Funny. I look forward to every update. The world though.. Oh boy.. Corporate d*ckery. Little to close to home with how things are going. Specially with the stories my mother told me about living in a 'Company Town'. :)
Edit: Okay SH rating script is annoying me.
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