By swil_
A university student is stuck working on coursework late into the night due to some unfortunate circumstances. After reflecting on the choices she has made so far in her life and looking forward to what she can do once she is finally able to reall
This story is all style and no substance.
It hand a pretty good intro but 11 chapters in and he has all these cool sounding authoritys but doesn't use them at all and still uses a sword. That just doesn't make sense
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The moment I saw "I'll kill you!" at the beginning, I felt that something was incredibly wrong. Sadly, that feeling was correct.
There are three main things that I have an issue with.
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The sole purpose of this wish-fulfillment story seems to be for the author to get as much self-gratification as possible by handing the MC (his Gary Stu self-insert) everything on a platter.
This is a quintessential Gary Stu story, except for the beginning where his enemy sends him to a place where he's supposed to die, all following chapters are all made to worship the MC. The place of death he was sent to turned him from an average human into stronger than his godly enemy in basically 1 or 2 chapters. Every next chapter makes him stronger than the last, inflating every stat of his by 100 times every time, and if you think he has at least one weakness, it gets removed easily in a couple of chapters.
All the characters that are not the MC or his enemies exist SOLELY to worship the MC, and his enemies are easily crushed without a single consequence. Any problem in his way gets solved in a second and only makes his absurdly huge stats all the more higher.
There is no logic or reason put into this story, only the desire to self-fellate. However, sadder still is that this is neither a comedy nor a parody, it is written to be taken seriously. I would have scored this one star, but I give it two because at least the grammar for this trash is readable.
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