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/ Series / Demon Queened
Demon Queened
Demon Queened
327.9k Views 8095 Favorites 64 Chapters 1 Chapters/Week 2929 Readers
4.8 (219 ratings)
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Total Views (Chapters): 203,924
Average Views:3,186
Word Count:279,716
Average Words:4,371
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64 / 64 Feb 14, 2025
64 / 64 Feb 14, 2025
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    New BrieVee
    Status: chapter 61 – planning pains

    Fun story with a main character who cannot stop blaming herself for everything. If the premise in the description sounds good, you'll probably enjoy reading this story. It's also one of the more consistent stories on here - every single Wednesday there's either a new chapter or a post from the author announcing a delay. Reading this story is solidly part of my routine at this point.

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    New Ultrabenosaurus
    Status: chapter 6

    The characters, particularly the MC, make no sense whatsoever. It's just a random series of weird events mishmashed together for no reason, with no regard for established lore or character personalities.

    After gaining Jacob's memories, where it's explicitly stated that she's still more Devilla than Jacob, and deciding to maintain the status quo of her people hating her and the generals betraying her so that the Heroine can lead her people to integrate with humans in peace, she does literally everything *except* that. She immediately and completely fails to even pretend to try to be the same spoiled brat everyone hates, agrees to things neither Jacob nor Devilla nor a demon queen ever would, and just lets one of the generals and their forces walk all over her for literally no reason and with no thought process behind it.

    I'm only talking about content up to around chapter 4 or 5 so I don't think are any spoilers for the story - the first arc past the prologue has barely begun - but I'll hide the rest of my review so you can make your own choice to read it or not.

    The MC randomly decides to leave the tower on her own, infiltrate human lands, and find an ocean in order to magically extract enough salt for the millions of demons spread throughout the 90+ towns of the tower because she wants to eat potato chips... even though the demons have literally never heard of potatoes, apparently, so why even go get the salt? And why specifically enough salt to distribute throughout the whole tower, when her plan is literally to make sure everyone keeps hating her? The demons have been without salt for like 100 years but know what it is, they would be super grateful if their queen took on the risk and effort of personally harvesting several tonnes of the stuff for them!
    ---paragraph separator because formatting inside the spoiler is weird---
    In order to find an ocean, she goes to the harpy general for a map, as the harpies are the demon army's scouts. The MC again forgets she's supposed to be pretending she's still a hateful brat so her generals continue to hate her, and acts like a mostly polite and reasonable person. The general obviously gets suspicious as Devilla actually makes a reciprocal deal rather than simply ordering her to hand over a map - as a queen would do, never mind a spoiled brat princess - and then also asks for s*x despite hating her??? And with no explanation or thought process given, the MC just agrees??? And then lets the general's minions restrain her so the general can s*xually dominate her...? What? WHY?! And then they go about things like nothing happened, obviously.
    ---paragraph separator because formatting inside the spoiler is weird---
    After collecting some salt and seafood from the ocean, there's some thunder and lightning so, the demon queen - explicitly set up as the single most powerful non-Angel being in the world - is obviously grounded and must take shelter in a human village. It's mentioned several times that cold temperatures don't affect her and yet a little bit of rain is too much? She's even surprised that the human village has shut all their windows due to the storm, indicating how pathetically weak the storm really is.
    ---paragraph separator because formatting inside the spoiler is weird---
    She then decides to help the villagers with a wolf problem in exchange for potatoes - remember, not only do demons not have salt they've literally never even heard of potatoes so even with salt how was she going to make potato chips without conveniently visiting this human village???? - and is offered a lamp because it's dark. She initially declines and even explains she has night vision so a lamp will actually be bad, then proceeds to stand around awkwardly and wait for someone to go fetch a lamp for her for literally no reason - no thought process is given for this. The lamp is supposedly quite expensive and some random woman was genuinely worried about her promise to pay back the owner on behalf of the MC if it got damaged or lost, so obviously the MC then just dumps it on the ground outside on her way out of the village anyway.
    I'm not saying that visiting that village and helping them in exchange for potatoes is inherently bad.


    The writing is good, the setting could have been really interesting, I just wish there had been an attempt to actually set things up in a way that makes sense, rather than ripping up and throwing out any established setting or character personality every 5 minutes when the author has a new, nonsensical whim for the plot.

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    Status: chapter 13

    I came not expecting much, but I discovered a delightful little story.

    Sometimes you want to see people face difficult problems that aren't insurmountable. So far, that's the vibe I'm getting from this.

    There are real obstacles, but not an abundance of suffering or angst. You can relate to the characters, and they actually act like people (and this is depressingly uncommon). It ultimately looks like a feel-good story rather than gritty realism, which suits my tastes just fine.


    Pros - Fun characters, interesting narrative, hints of a setting that's more complex than you might suspect at first.

    Cons - A few scenes seem a bit rushed, and the adult scenes are a little too frequent in earlier chapters, but this could just be personal preference.

    Hoping to see more of this.

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    5 Likes · Like
    Status: c15

    This one really surprised me, the story is good, the characters are great, and the situational and emotional depth is superb. I’m hooked, and I look forward to more of this story.

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    3 Likes · Like
    Status: chapter 49

    An enthralling world and cast of characters that I wish I could recommend more highly. I was hooked right from the start, dragged into Devilla's struggles, her relationships, the honestly rather well-written smut... And dragged a bit deeper, going to that random village. Meeting some new characters, learning about the world. Again and again, new characters, new things, new lore, more things to intrigue me. Lucy's positivity and optimism are truly heroic and make me adore her, and she possesses a surprising depth of thinking to boot.

    But more recently, and I mean no disrespect to the author, there's been a slight shift in focus. Away from Devilla for a while, away from her issues and onto other characters. The addition of a teleportation ability, too, means that there's little choice for Devilla to make at times: she has her cake and eats it too. Hehe.

    This is fine, mostly. As the cast comes together, some characters are consistently taking the spotlight in a way that damages the tone, in my opinion:


    When Lucy and Devilla go to the tower together, she has a brilliant introduction. A perfect one, nearly. And then we spend two chapters talking about how Chloe is amazing, Chloe does this, Chloe does that, Chloe beats the hero, ect ect. She takes center stage so hard that I genuinely forgot that this was the first interaction Lucy had with these characters, and the Chloe v Lucy fight barely makes sense to begin with.


    All in all, I enjoy this story greatly, but there's some flaws and odd choices of focus. Absolutely something I'd suggest reading, but I've found my enjoyment waning lately.

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    2 Likes · Like
    Status: completed

    A fantastic story so far, I can’t wait to see more. 

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    2 Likes · Like
    Status: chapter 8

    The story is pretty good. The story flows well and is a fun ready waiting for more.

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