A young man dies, a new core arises.
Kyle Branson after a long night of drinking his sorrows away, wakes up in a strange place instead of his bedroom. In a strange body that is not human he tries to make sense of his existence, but also enjoying the trip. With his new powers he posseses he can get almost everything he wants and if can't get it, he will take it.
Money is good to have, power to.... but a man's got to do what a man's got to do.
A fun dungeon story worth reading.
A former (modern) human caught his girlfriend cheating, then went and got blackout drunk. Then he decided to swallow the ring he got her and give it to her nice and smelly. Cue Death. Yadda yadda, reborn as a shiny rock with magic. New fantasy world, not too much world building before it was dropped. But a nice amount. Overall pretty fun.
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