Through a twist of fate, David Frost traveled back in time to 1995 Los Angeles, The City of Angels.
The Internet era was just about to begin. Technology giants Apple, Yahoo, Google, Amazon, Facebook. All of them will pass through his hands.
Hollywood, the destination of wealth, youth, and beauty, a place full of materialism and sex. Thousands of beautiful women travel here with hopes of becoming famous, and every one of them will know of one name, David Frost of Frost Pictures.
With countless memories of many Hollywood blockbusters, David will journey through the realm of the Hollywood film industry, slowly growing his empire into an untouchable giant.
This is his dream.
Beauties everywhere, which one should I take home tonight?
"Remember this, what's mine will always be mine, and what's yours will also be mine." - David Frost
I enjoy the exposition. The investing is what sells the story not the s*x and partying.
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it explain lot of things that unnessary to core story. it include lot of boring minor interactions. it doesn't pick up pace. just continously slow burn without any attraction. protaganist is in no stressful or dangerous situation. he is a gary stu. smart buiness move come from 'knowledge of future' mostly. he is not likeble. just like a bland mob character. butterfly effect is also not strong with this one... my review is go on and on. boring to read right? no clear reasons for points I made even with so much word? well, that's representation of my feeling about this novel.
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