[author] This is a small Compendium of named characters and some of their traits. I have tried to avoid spoilers but advance at your own discretion.[/author]
Melodiana Averill- Half Dargoth Half Human, Righteous roommate
Iris Snow- Lamia, Younger Twin, Housemate, Doctor in Training
Leyla Snow- Lamia, Older Twin, Housemate, Artisan focusing on blacksmith work
Fiona- Kitsune, Orphan, Adopted by the household
Maya Samura- Kitsune, Anarheim owner, Tailor, first daughter, Saved by Ranarre Cin
Emilia Samura- Kitsune, High Priestess of Almeteresia, Saved by Ranarre Cin, Knows Ranarre Cin's identity
Talia Samura- Kitsune, second daughter, Saved by Ranarre Cin
Crystal- Elf, General Store Owner
Stephanie Rainheart- Kitsune, Rainheart Heir, Duelist
Beatrice Averill- Half Dargoth Half Human, Sweet Shop cafe owner, Wingless Informer
Aya Naricsa- Dark Elf, member of the Knights, skittish
Sarah Rheingold- Elf, member of the Knights
Kagura Nishikino- Kitsune, Steele Household Doctor, second daughter of a white tailed Kitsune
Hongo Nishikino- Kitsune, Steele Household Chef, first daughter of a white tailed Kitsune
Markus- Dargoth, Ghoul Slayer
Andrew- Human, Ghoul Slayer
Cecilia- Elf, Ghoul Slayer
Class Heads
Marion Steele- Succubus, Leader of Wingless elite guards
Kira Lasille- Human?, Albino, Leader of Wingless assassins
Captain Bargas- Human, Leader of the Knights
Elise Ledoux- Valkyrie, Leader of the Nightingales
Alice Ledoux- Undine, Leader of the Artificers
Murry- Human, Leader of the Rodgers
Hunter- Lamia, Leader of the Fangers
Nathan Webber- Human, Leader of the Ranged Knight corp
Master Calburn- Dargoth, Leader of the Gladiator Rings
Lumi- Ice wolf, Pack alpha
Almeteresia- Goddess of Marriage, Love, Fertility, Sex, Childbirth
Absolutely love the story, its an amazing read.
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