Earth in the near future is under attack by mysterious monsters named [Curses]. These [Curses] bridge the gate between worlds, bringing death and destruction to humanity. To fight against these monsters, young girls from Earth miraculously received abilities to drive them away by creatures known as [Focals]. One of these magical girls, Aki, has a secret! He's actually male, despite being considered one of the strongest magical girls in the world...
Ryosuke Hikaru: ikemen, rich, and serious. The representative and leader of Class 1-A, some of which were summoned to another world! After defeating the Demon Lord with the help of a Goddess and returning to Earth, they find themselves in a world with [Curses] !? As they fight to live in this new world, what encounters will they have?
Mahou Shoujo Aki no Himitsu
All Rights Reserved (Story is my original work - there may be inspirations from other works)
Mahou Shoujo Aki no Himitsu
Volume 1 - Magical Girls and Isekai Transfers - (14 Chapters Completed)
Volume 2 - High School of the Supernatural - (16 Chapters Completed)
Volume 3 - New Heroes of Another World - (19 Chapters Completed)
Volume 4 - Otherworld's Afters - (7 Chapters Completed)
Side Story [Rising Stars] - (6 Chapters Ongoing)
Volume 5 - Broken Secrets 1 - (6 Chapters Ongoing)
Side Story [Entwined by Time] - (1 Chapters Ongoing)
Volume 6 - Broken Secrets 2 - (0 Chapters Planned)
Volume 7 - Contact - (0 Chapters Planned)
All Rights Reserved (Story is my original work - there may be inspirations from other works)
I plan to update the series frequently (posted on scribblehub only). I have a lot of ideas but idk if I can write and express them properly. Also, please tell me if there are missing tags you find. Thank you for your comments!
^ Picture from WaifuLabs of Aki
It is very interesting so far, and the author updates a lot and quite frequently! For some info there is other elements in this story beside magical girls and enemies of earth.
There is also futuristic civilizations, hereos who went to another world and came back. Possiblyeven more in the future!
Another thing is that it is very interesting with how the. Characters interactions and they each seem like different people! Though not very much is known about the world at large and the advanced civilization, or even what the government is doing. Though that may come later, but otherwise a great read so far I highly recommend even if you don't like genderbender, since not much is done with it so far, probably a plot point for later!
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Pretty decent story
One of my favorites on scribblehub
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The first three volumes are not bad, easy to read and even grab the reader's attention. But then all hell breaks loose. A hundred incomprehensible characters, which are simply impossible to remember, are doing something strange, and it is no longer clear what this book is about and what is happening here. The last chapters are like a kaleidoscope with a constantly changing picture that is difficult to connect with what happened before.
It seems that the author is too greedy, so he dumped aliens, and demons, and magic, and vampires, and psychics, and secret organizations, and who knows what else in one lump.
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Very good, magic + science is allways cool to see. I just think the author put many new characters at the same time, because of that I don't remember of the characters... anyway, I loved, First time I thought of taking money out of my pocket if the author had kofi
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An unique story and really good by Scribblehub standards. The style is quite similar to some animes and its really chuuni. Would definitely suggest this, even with its occasional flaws and plot holes.
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