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/ Series / What If… Harry Potter
What If… Harry Potter
What If… Harry Potter
147.5k Views 2360 Favorites 37 Chapters 1 Chapters/Week 703 Readers
4.6 (77 ratings)
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Total Views (All): 147,512
Total Views (Chapters): 107,393
Average Views:2,903
Word Count:641,362
Average Words:17,334
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37 / 37 Apr 30, 2024
37 / 37 Apr 30, 2024
37 / 37 Apr 30, 2024
37 / 37 Apr 30, 2024
Table of Contents 37
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    Status: c0

    I've completed everything and it's great. The rating system here seems really bugged, because it somehow only shows 4, 2 stars instead of the five it should be. These are really good stories, independently of the fact that they're technically HP fan fiction. 

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    Status: what if harry successfully cast...

    A great Fanfiction with a realistic twist, well if some of these were done we wouldn't have the HP we love now won't we?.

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    Status: what if harry was pure...

    Hi to everyone debating reading this series!

    Well the easy part is that you should do it ✧\ (>o<) ノ✧ but seriously (no pun) there's something you will enjoy in these standalone stories. From light hearted and funny to spicy and somewhat dark, plenty enjoyment awaits even if you only have some remote knowledge of the HP lore.

    Just some advice, no small chapters to be found just in case you need to take out your dog or smth and noticed that 4 hours have passed. (@_@) (☉。☉) !

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    Status: 18 what if harry’s parseltongue...

    I've been skipping around these different short stories; they don't need to be read in order and I skipped a couple that I may come back to. Generally, a GREAT SUCCESS!!! If you are looking for stories that extol the virtues of Dumbledore and the members of the Order of the Phoenix, these may not be your cup of tea.  It isn't much of a spoiler to say that many of the stories are based on the fact that Dumbledore is a grade-A manipulator and staged Harry's abusive home-life, school situation (likely including some "coincidences" that led Harry to be a Gryphondor rather than some other house), and orchestrated many of the occurrences that led Harry's challenges that prepared him to be a sacrificial lamb towards the end of the HP stories (something he admits to Snape in the cannon stories).... these stories show what might have happened if all the insanity didn't play out as Dumbledore planned; you didn't think the abusive home-life and friendship-starved childhood, inter-house fighting, the Philosopher Stone randomly sitting around the school, the poorly protected Tri-Wizard Cup, hiring various Deatheaters, criminals, and homunculi as teachers... was all accidental, did you?  (Aside from the diary and basilisk, everything up till the 5th year was pretty clearly enabled or allowed by Dumbles.)

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    Status: c29

    One of if not the best fanfictions on this site. 9/10 chapters contained stories I enjoyed and as for those 3 or so that I didn't they were still okay just not to my taste.

    Hope you keep writing it.

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    Status: 07 what if harry was pure...

    Very funny and interesting.

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    Status: chapter 13

    Some of these are quite enjoyable. Very impressive What If.... series.

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