Psycho Bullet Festival: The Odyssey of Abigale Quinlan is the story of an immortal woman by the name of Abigale Quinlan, who awakens from a 7-year-long coma to find the world destroyed and her god-like powers stolen from her. Desperate to regain her abilities and return the world to normal, she must travel across the land, searching for her children in a filicidal quest with the aid of her companions Jack Crowbar and Zedaki.
This novel is part of The Saga of Dawn and Dusk series created by Natalie Neumann. Though it has a place in the greater continuity of the series, no prerequisite reading is needed to fully understand this story, and few references are made to other installments.
This novel was originally released on April 27th, 2018, and since then it has been revised repeatedly. Typographical errors and grammatical mistakes have been corrected, certain sections have been rewritten for greater cohesiveness, and minor aspects of the story have been altered.