This is something I made for English class so it was kinda rushed, and the fact that I had like 2-3 hours of sleep while making this doesn't help. The assignment was to make or write something that shows you understand the theme and symbolism of a book. My book was Fahrenheit 451 (The Book) and this is the story I wrote for that assignment. I really was proud of it, but my USB where I stored it is full and needs to be cleaned up. I really didn't want to just delete it so I decided just to post it here. Hope you enjoy it if you do decide to read this mess of a story.
P.S I get nauseous when I drink caffeine so I couldn't use anything like coffee to help me.
P.P.S Does this count as fanfiction for Fahrenheit 451? Well, it doesn't matter, I will just say it does.
I don't own any of the artwork.