The Queen's demesne, north of Burnside, west of the river: Old Town, the Pearl, Nob Hill, Kings Heights, and Forest Park.
Pledged knights include: Roland, the Chariot; Welund, the Guisarme; the Gladius; the Pilot; the Sovnya.
The Duke's demesne, and the largest fief, south of Burnside, east of the river: Buckman, Sunnyside, Montavilla, Ladd's Addition, Brooklyn, Woodstock, Mt. Tabor, etc.
Pledged knights include: Gaveston, the Stirrup; Luys, the Mason; Meg Greentooth; Chillicoathe, the Harper; Bruno, the Shrieve; the Buckler; the Kern; the Cinquedea.
The Count's demesne, and the smallest fief, south of Burnside and west of the river, excluding the towers of downtown: Goose Hollow, Washington Park, Portland Heights, Homestead, and the South Waterfront.
Pledged knights include: Marfisa, the Axe; Agravante, the Axehandle; Rhythidd, the Glaive; the Sapper; the Cetera; the Trident.
"The hair of her head hanging down to the ground, her eyes like stars, her hands of iron. The nails of her hands
and feet like sickles. She changes herself to a dog, a cat, a fly, a
spider, a raven, an evil-looking girl, and she enters the houses of the
people and hurts the women and brings trouble upon the children. She
brings changelings, and she has nineteen names."
The demesne of the loathly lady. Beware should your journeys take you north of Burnside, east of Williams Avenue, into Laurelhurst, Irvington, Hollywood, Alberta, Kerns, or Sullivan's Gulch.
Not a demesne at all, but you will find the Local 235 of the Order of American Mechanicals United here, when they are not about their business: the Overlook, Swan Island, Mississippi, Kenton, and St. Johns.