A Comedy of Sexual Horror in a Fantasy Setting.
Spetlamu, a secluded foggy village in the shadow of a vampire's castle, needs wise and book-learned heroes to solve its problems with shrewd precision. Instead it gets Fabdinus Rutt, a barbaric minotaur whose solution to every problem is to either smash it with his enormous axe or his enormous penis.
The decadent sensuality of the Vampires and the irresistible virility of the Minotaur collide, throwing the community into chaos. Only Tatiana Lever, a simple milkmaid, has the sexual skills and soft breasts that can save the village.
This chapter can work as a good standalone showcase if you're trying to decide if this book's for you...
Influences include Edward Lee, Monty Python, Carlton Mellick III, Nisio Isin, Hammer Horror and Derek & Clive.
That makes it a TERRIBLE fit for this site, since only one of those relates to LN/WN culture. There's 'niche' and then there's THIS. But lets give it a shot anyway.
It is obvious that the story condemns the sexual violence it (very frequently) depicts, but that obviousness doesn't really come out until around chapters 15&16, so for safety's sake I'd better make it clear now.
Okay, where to even start. This is a comedy of s*xual horror in a fantasy setting.
It promises gore, s*xual content and strong language, and from what I have read up until this point, it delivers on all of them.
That said, while it has its moments of comedy and comedic timing, much of the humour was not to my tastes. It's not serious or intelligent enough to be considered satire in my book, and although it does remind me of a parody, I'm not entirely sure what it might be a parody of.
As far as the influences referenced in the synopsis, I only really recognised Monty Python, and I guess I do see some hint of that influence, yes.
As niche as this story claims to be though, I have come across at least one other story that reminds me of this one. But that one was a litRPG, and it would have read as a s*xual horror story to anyone other than the protagonist.
As stated in the summary, this story does depict a fair amount of s*xual violence (and also regular violence, and gore). Much of this is treated in a pretty blasé way in the narrative of the chapters I have read, which I suppose fits into the story's general tone. It does not appear to take itself too seriously, and kicks off switching POV in-between a number of locations and characters, introducing them into the story. For me, the timing of these switches was a bit off though, and I found it thoroughly annoying when the POV suddenly shifted from 3rd person to 1st person for seemingly no good reason, and then right back again.
Anyways, disregarding the more extreme instances of crudeness and violence, I did find this story somewhat amusing. Unfortunately, the aforementioned is an integral part of the story, which is fundamentally crude and lewd.
Furthermore, the use of modern, vulgar or informal terminology (particularly in terms of anatomy) had a somewhat disruptive effect on me, making me question whether this story was supposed to be set in some sort of fantasy medieval times or in more modern times. The sizes of various organs also kept getting increasingly ridiculous.
In short, this story is definitely not for me, so I will stop reading right here.
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