So apparently the author of this godforsaken series decided that I should tell him what I wanted to say and he'd type it out on here. Honestly, he's just talking too himself and pretending I exist. Wait, you're typing all this out also? I mean, okay. Let people think you're crazy.
So my name is Ty Peon, and I do have a weird last name compared to other people. But what's wrong with that? At least I don't have a last name like a certain someone. Really I'm just glad the person writing me decided to write me in a comedy. I can only imagine how I would work in a tragedy. Good thing there's nothing wrong here.
Q: What's your profession?
A: I'm an author, and a successful one of course. Are you sure I'm not just a self insert? What do you mean no and you're going to write me as an actual person? That sounds bullshit.
Q: What's your relationship with Harmony?
A: She's my roommate. We fuck every now and again because of who she is, but otherwise we're nothing but that.
Q: Anything interesting happened to you as a kid?
A: I don't want to speak about those times.
So is that it? Well, then I guess this is my introduction gone. So I'll wait to live my life. Look inside your brain and into my eyes. Don't make this a tragedy.
So this is what Ty was talking about? I mean, thats cool and all, but you really will sound crazy. Whatever, lets get this started.
My name is Harmony Yulyss. Thats a normal last name for cubbi, but Ty just heard it and laughed like it was the funniest shit imaginable. Says the dude who's last name is weird amongst humans also. I can't wait to liberate the cubbi and names like mine become the norm. Then its my turn to laugh.
Q: What's your profession?
A: I work with Miranda in the antique shop. It was fun at first seeing all the overpriced antiques, but it got boring after awhile. But its easy and I get paid decently.
Q: How's you relationship with Ty?
A: He's the dude I'm rooming with. He's fun to be around, but it does get kind of annoying when he imagines me naked. He can just ask and I'll show him. Apparently its another one of his fetishes though, so what can I do?
Q: Anything interesting happened at your homeland?
A: You're the author. Just explain it in the story.
Welp, I guess thats it. See you mister author. One more thing before I go. Do my dreams come true? Haha, I guess it would spoil the surprise. See you.
Well how should I start this. I guess just the standard introduction should do.
My name is Miranda Vinkle. I guess the best way I can describe myself is an opportunist. I see something I want to do, then I do it. Of course, within reason. If Karina is in trouble and I have the choice to either save her or a billion dollars, I would grab both and die along side them.
Q: What's your profession?
A: I own an antique store next to the cheap grocery store Karina works at. Some people will call my business model corrupt, but they're not making 800 dollars off a painting realistically worth 20.
Q: What's your relationship with Karina?
A: We've known each other since highschool. We became friends right away and we help each other in tough situations.
Q: What's your parents like?
A: ...
That should be all. If you'll excuse me. You're an omniscient being, right? If so, will everything be alright in the future? Maybe? Of course you won't tell me anything. Also stop staring at my boobs. It's creepy.
Wow, this place is amazing. So you're saying that I just stand in here and you can communicate with the outside world? That's crazy as balls. Can you give me this power. No I won't use it irresponsibly. Don't give me that look. Okay then, I'll get on with it.
My name is Karina Illia. I'm a happy go lucky girl with many talents and abilities. If I think hard enough, I can probably read your mind. Hold on, I'mma try that now. Hhhnnggg. Damn, its not working. Whatever, it was worth a shot.
Q: What's your profession?
A: I work at a grocery store. My parents may be well off, but I don't want to hide behind them forever.
Q: What's your relationship with Miranda?
A: We met in highschool. She's such a good friend. We go partying and drinking and shopping all the time. I remember this one time when we got super drunk and my drunk self convinced her to go down on me. We woke up that morning with awful hangovers, but I never forgot that. Sadly she did and thought I was joshing her.
Q: What was your time in highschool like?
A: Next question!
Wait, thats it. Well whatever. Tell me something. Will the entire world smile one day? So what if thats unrealistic? Fine, I'll just imagine it instead. See ya. I'm boutta get a fresh cold beer at Zeehoo's.
So this is the inside of an authors mind? I've always imagined that it was filled with worlds that played out their own stories separate of each other. Reality seems to be that there's a ton of porn. Like, that's an absurd amount, even for Ty. I'll just ignore that girl drinking her own...
Anyway, my name's Jessica Sox. I live by myself in a small one bedroom flat. I keep in contact with my parents every now and again, but they've been answering less recently. Otherwise, my life is fairly normal, except for a few, outstanding, exceptions.
Q: What's your profession?
A: I'm a police detective. I've been working in the field for a few years now and built up a good record. I'm working on a case right now which is confidential, but knowing how much the news hates us, they'll probably do things their own way.
Q: What's your relationship with Zihao?
A: You mean that bartender? Why would you ask me that? I barely know the guy. I guess out the top of my head, he's kind of shady, but otherwise he's harmless.
Q: What interesting event happened to you as a kid.
A: Well there's one thing, but I don't want to say. Although I don't really respect him, I'll respect Ty's privacy.
Only three questions? Police interrogations can last for hours so this is a whole new experience. Before I go, do you can-. No? I didn't think so.
Wait, I'm here too? I didn't think I was going to be an important character since I'm introduced later than everyone else. Well now that I'm here, lets get the show on the road.
My name is Zihao Yang. Have you seen a picture of my daughter? She's the most precious person in my life and if anything happens to her, I think I'd kill a man. All fathers are like that though. They just don't like to express it. I'm full blooded chinese, born in the states and raised by my parents who left china.
Q: What's your profession?
A: I'm a bartender and cook. I prepare mostly western dishes, but can cook some mean eastern dishes as well. Mama taught me everything I know.
Q: What's your relationship with Jessica?
A: Isn't that the red-haired chick? I don't know her all too well. Wait, is the only reason I'm here is to make this even? No? Thank God.
Q: What's your wife like?
A: I'm sorry, but can we change the question. I don't like discussing that.
So we're just ending it here? I had a great time and I hope you did also. You can see my daughters future, right? Will she grow up to become a strong woman in the future? Yes? Woohoo! Now I just can't fuck this up and my role as a guide and mentor for my daughter is fulfilled.
Wait, you're doing my introduction too? Last time I checked within the confines of your mind, I won't be introduced for quite a long time. So what's the point in giving me an introduction? Oh, I see. I guess that makes since.
My name is HNC$J#J). I don't exactly know what to say here except to thank you for having me. I'm restricted for what I can say, but I should be able to answer these questions.
Q: What's your profession?
A: I guess I'm homeless. It's hard to tell exactly.
Q: What's your relationship with the world?
A: I think the world has its issues, but I think its a wonderful place to live. Imagine what can happen if we iron out the problems.
Q: What do you have planned for the future.
A: Well, dear author, I can't exactly say that. But you would know that. Every third question has been one the others couldn't answer, after all.
Like everyone else, my time has come. But, like everyone else, I want to ask you something before I leave. Why do you give these people false hope? They're not stupid. They can see through your ruse. You don't have to answer that. I'll be taking my leave now.
What a surprise I had when I found this! I'm not gonna lie, I was just searching for some generic smut novel, but instead, I came across this lovely thing.
The thing that captivated me was the well-thought dialogues and fleshed-out characters. Everything feels so organic that's a breath of fresh air for the usual reader. Can't remember seeing any grammar errors, so that's pretty good.
Author is quite bold, delving into some deep topics, something that I always loved, in an interesting and healthy way, bringing something quite heavy to the discussion, but putting the necessary thought into it and alarming its consequences.
About the 'bed action', We've yet to see more than a couple of them, however, it's quite early in the story and I already love it, so that's not a problem for me.
Overall, solid work! I can't wait to see more of it
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Ty is a closed off very arrogant author. Then, Harmony comes into the picture. She uses her womanly charms to manipulate him, using every dirty trick she knows. From nudity to crying. Honestly, it is sort of smutty, but the smut is suggested in most chapters, not outrightly discussed. Which is a relaxing change from the usual smut stories. The author is putting emphasis on character development and story devepment and the smut is just there to spice up things.
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Really nice. Just read till chapter 52. It shows one hell of a story involving various characters fighting against their biggest enemies. Themselves.
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