Cast out from his knightly order for using magic, Corec has no idea what lies ahead. Leaving his homeland to make his own way in the world, he finds himself linked to a beautiful woman through a mysterious rune. With otherworldly forces manipulating events behind the scenes, the two must seek help to free themselves from the unknown magic. But when the runes continue affecting others, Corec and his companions—an elven druid, a con man with a hidden past, and a thief who wants to be a bard—must work to discover truths about themselves and the world in which they live.
I post the chapters here as I write them. There's also a revised version of each book that's collected and published as an ebook and paperback. That version is compatible with the version posted here—the story itself hasn't changed; it's just gone through additional rounds of editing.
This is one of the best stories on this site (and many others I guess.) Everything about it—the meticulous world-building, the consistent character growth, the intricate interconnecting story-lines and the enjoyable pacing—is at the level of published novels.
Author has put a lot of thought and effort into this and it shows, despite the ever expanding world, a growing and diverse character cast and regular exposition that often has to switch perspectives, the whole story feels and reads seamlessly. Kudos to the author for actually writing a harem story that can stand on its own solid foundations and need not resort to cheap devices for its popularity.
There is however one big mystery here.... Why isn't this in top ten yet!
[Old review]
Beautifully written with multiple storylines converging into one. The world-building is good and the prose is enjoyable. Plenty of mystery and good character development add to the charm. This is among the best stories here and is getting better as it progresses.
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It's a wonderful book. Wholesome, very deep in character and world build. A tad suspenseful but the reveals makes it all the more fun and interesting, very worth it. Different from eastern type setting novels but has its own Western setting appeal. I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up getting its own movie and series even, honestly.
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It’s still early but so far it’s a very solid story with interesting characters. The backstory of them was also put in nicely, except Bobo but he will get one later probably. The future storyline already has some nice hints.
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Great fantasy story with an ever building plot and a detailed involving world.
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So... This novel has great world-building, captivating mysteries, and beautifully crafted history. But it heavily lacks in some other major aspects. First, it is very stretched. Chapters can be without any real substance to it. Second, the romance here is strange. It comes out from nowhere and without any warning. No interaction makes it very believable. Like
Leena and Ellerie or MC with other characters
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Book has a far lower rating than it should. For me, this tracks right up there with the best scribblehub has to offer.
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