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A Galactic HRT
A Galactic HRT
6.1k Views 101 Favorites 14 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 124 Readers
3.8 (6 ratings)
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  • Disguise: a shape-shifting technology invented by the union mimicking the ability of one of their specie.
  • Declaration of Foundation of the Federation of Continents: The treaty that formed the word government known as the Federation of Continents, a federation of all the continents nations. also called Federation Treaty as a reference to the Union Treaty
  • Europe: The nation created by the fusion of the ex-nation of the EU and other nation on the european continent
  • Federation Treaty: see Declaration of Foundation of the Federation of Continents
  • Federation Space Program: The space program of the Federation of Continents
  • FTL: Faster Than Light
  • International Jet Propulsion Laboratory: The successor of the NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, attached to the Federation Space Program
  • Massacre of the International Convention: The event which happened in the first International Convention of the United Nation in 2023 (a big reunion of all representative from the 200+ nations on earth), a series of terrorist attacks from North Korea killed 2000 people, more than half of all the heads of states of the earth died in this attack. This attack directly caused the international efforts to unionize.

  • New Paris: The capital of Europe, its exact geographic position is purposely not stated, somewhere between Belgium, France, Germany, Italy and Switzerland. Named after the former capital of France and most populated city of the UE, Paris
  • Spaceship: a vessel to travel safely in space
  • Union Treaty: The treaty which formed Europe out of the then European Union, following the events of the Massacre of the International Convention.
  • Union (The): The group of highly advanced alien species that formed an alliance spanning across 80 to 120 LY.
  • Union Central: The central political capital of The Union.
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    Status: chapter 3 – we need to talk

    I must say, the general premise of this story shows promise. The execution however?

    The prologue proved interesting enough to continue reading - not extraordinarily interesting perhaps, but enough to read on. However, by chapter 3, I felt like I had enough of a grip on things to determine that this story was not for me.

    I find myself agreeing with many of the things being said in the comments made on the earlier chapters, so I won't be bringing up much about worldbuilding choices and technology, even if I will be touching on other subjects that others have also addressed.

    Looking at this from a perspective of grammar and the like, there are a number of misspellings to be found, and the verb tenses are not always consistent. Furthermore, there are a bunch of issues in regards to punctuation, with things such as missing commas, which brings about run-on sentences as a result.

    In terms of characters and dialogue, they all felt a bit flat and unconvincing to me. Having a POV character provide the exposition detailing the changes to society also felt like taking the easy way out. It did not feel like the most organic way of bringing the reader into this world - and I would've liked a bit more of "show, don't tell", and a more gradual introduction of this info, blending it in with details of the story.

    I was not a great fan of how the characters were described, or how they talked. In fact, I really did not like the way the characters talk. As the reader LucyKitsune put it: The dialogue in this needs work. This is not how people talk. It feels unnatural, forced.

    And it does. It really does. And it was one of the main things that put me off from reading any further. The alien making extremely ethically questionable decisions comes a close second though, not because there's anything fundamentally wrong with an alien making highly questionable decisions about other living beings, but rather because I did not find their POV particularly compelling.

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