You might think that in the twenty-third century, after having reached the stars and expanded their reach across countless horizons, humanity would have grown past all of their squabbles and primitive greed. Technology has put what was once incomprehensible within the reach of any citizen. Food can be printed as easy as paper was in centuries past with housing nearly as simple, healthcare is as easy as a simple puff from an inhalant or a new body part from the biotanks, and yet corporations still lock it all behind paywalls.
The life of a space-faring scavenger may not be much, but maybe it will one day finally push me to the gate towards a better life.
(Book 1 is now complete! Stay tuned for For Book 2: "To The Void's Edge" coming soon!
So far so good, it's very much a Firefly/traveller type Setting, and the world building is excellent. Plus I love the way the Protagonist is being developed. I suspect this story can go places. Looking forward to more.
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This is an amazing story that is definitely worth reading.
Tho world building superb and the character development feels more natural than in most novels written in these days.
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I am genuinely impressed with the work that you have put into this and while I know you are reaching the conclusion for this part of the story, I am eagerly waiting for the next one. For a start, it is clear that this story has some seriously well-thought-out and developed worldbuilding. The setting is an excellent middle-ground between high-stakes space opera and something more personal and slice-of-life. The technology and the setting feels very close and tangible despite being futuristic. I believe in one of your comments that you said you were using the Slipspace universe for a TTRPG setting? It is certainly deep enough to support some great collaborative storytelling. In terms of characterization, you have done well in giving your characters their own voices and personalities. Nobody comes off as two-dimensional, even the 'villain'. Addy's transition narrative and growth as a person are strongly represented through the chapters and there is an excellent parallel with Vox in her own self-discovery. Echo plays a very strong support for Addy's journey and their romance is very relatable, especially for T4T folks. Lastly, I enjoyed the, for lack of a better word, "grittiness" of the story. The sense of a character literally scrapping and saving and becoming a "self-made woman" has excellent weight given to it with the incremental progress she makes. There is a wonderful metaphor to be found in the changes between her ship and herself that help drive home a bigger transition theme. You have shown yourself to be a particularly talented writer and I am looking forward to reading more of your work in the future.
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The kind of story that makes it worth sorting through the muck of web novels.
The kind of story that makes me happy to live here, today and in this age, so that I may experience it.
If the summary sounds neat, read it. This doesn't have near the attention it deserves, and the summary really doesn't do it justice.
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This is too good to be a first story. It's too good for the plot, pacing, and character development. I haven't read it in one setting -- because I've spent too much time reading (and adding to) the comments. It's extremely difficult to put down.
I can't remember any of the hundreds of stories I have read here and on Wattpad that I have been nearly as emotionally invested in. I think some of that is the incredibly high and low emotions you communicate. Addy is an incredible young lady, and you have described her and her rags-to-future-riches story wonderfully. The appearances of the other characters is well balanced, and none are caricatures. There's an internal integrity to each one, even the the evil Kruger rings true to himself.
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There are very few stories I feel very strongly about. The ones I do have managed to somehow affect me in my life. That one trilogy that kindled my love for fantastic and otherworldly fiction; the book that taught me that restrictions, here in the form of hard science, can serve to make an awesome story even grander; the one series that showed me that fun and humor can be as integral a part of a good story as the magical bits can ever hope to be.
To my surprise, I've found many of those elements here.
The Slipspace galaxy may not be another Middle Earth, its science not as intricately thought out as in Revelation Space, and the cast and settings not as colorful as the Discworld --- but you know what? None of this matters much. Slipspace is a fun, entertaining story that'll keep you up for nights if you're just starting out with the first chapters. It's a solid piece of sci-fi worldbuilding that'll suck you in with its promises of what the universe the author has envisioned might hold. It's a touching exploration of what it means for a person to live most of their life with gender-dysphoria, that demonstrates the importance of simple human kindness and empathy without conflating either with politically colored terms.
So should you read this story? In short - yes. Depending on your situation, you might find solid entertainment for a few nights - or a true gem.
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This is an excellent story~ It really captures the vibe of feeling of being just a regular blue-collar laborer working in space. It has excellent characters and great writing, I HIGHLY recommend it!
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