eye colour: violet
Name: Pluto
Nickname: The Unseen one, Mr. P
Race: Eternal
Age: ???
Partner: Single as fuck(Update: with Thena)
[Eternal Physiology]:
-Superhuman Strength(Not as Strong as Ikaris and Gilgamesh though)
-Superhuman Durability(He can tank a punch or two)
-Superhuman Stamina(For fighting and sex alike, he's a virgin though(Update: Not a virgin anymore , hell yeah!!))
-Superhuman Agility(He can do ballet with this)
-Superhuman Speed(He probably can outrun a cheetah, not as quick as Makkari though)
-Superhuman Reflexes(Bullet time, baby)
-Superhuman Healing Factor(Can heal faster than normal humans)
-Immortal(You know, can't age, different from invincible)
[Cosmic Energy Manipulation(Construct Conjuration)]:
-Construct Conjuration(Can Conjure Constructs)
-Cosmic Energy Absorption(Can absorb cosmic energy from dead bodies)
-Construct Manipulation(Can combine his constructs to make a more stronger one)
-I am Thou, Thou art I(His constructs can possess him so he would have their powers, knowledge, memories, and energy temporarily)
-Multilingualism(Speaks multiple language, can learn quickly also)
-Expert combatant(Tortur- *cough* trained by Thena herself)
-The big black stick(You know, the bident, I don't know what's the name of it yet, so this is just temporary)
-Eternals' Battle Armor
Abilities from his legion:
-Rage-fueled strength(From Asterion)
The angrier he is, the more powerful he become
-Magical Immunity(From Idemnon)
all types of magic will be nulled if Idemnon is the one that is possessing him.
-Mind Shield(From Idemnon)
Can't be mind fucked if Idemnon is the one that is possessing him
-Mesmerize(From Mephia)
can 'mind control' people using their lust and desire
-Size Manipulation[Self](From Fluffy)
Can control the size of his body
-Eye of Judgement(From Fluffy)
Can see lies, feeling, and/or thoughts to a certain degree
-Stare of Medusa(From Fluffy)
Can slowly absorb Cosmic Energy from another human being just from a stare
-Energy absorption(From Ammit)
Can absorb cosmic energy from others, and redirect it.(Cannot be stored permanently, as it is just possession).
-Weather Manipulation(From Ghidorah)
Can manipulate weather in a small scale
-Acid Secretion(From Hydra)
Can secrete Cosmic energy-made acid from his skin.
-The heads of Hydra(From Hydra)
All heads of Hydra will appear from his back
-Sound Sensing(From Camazotz)
Can use Echolocation
-Spider Web Creation[Cosmic](From Anansi)
Can create Spider Webs from Cosmic Energy
-Invisibility(From that deviant that can make themselves invisible in the earlier chapter)
Can become invisible.
-Sentry(From Helen's cat)
the cat could be the spy of Pluto, and can show what the cat see to anyone that Pluto allow.
Zimeran apes are a Simian society that flourished in the Jungle of Congo in Central Africa. it is believed that they were taught by their god, Eshu, who taught them how to speak, and in death, they will return to him, to serve him in the final war to gain freedom. they also believed in Ifri, the goddess of war and fertility, it is said that she was the most beautiful creature to have ever lived, and she had taught them how to defend their homeland.
they had a line of kings, but all of that were abolished when Grodd, the Eternal king of the Zimeran apes, was chosen by Eshu to be his apostle. it is said that he is one of the oldest being to have ever lived in this planet, but some doubt the truthfulness of this, as some people believed that the line of kings continued, but they acted as if it was one king all along.
Their homeland is called Zimera, located in the heart of the Jungle of Congo. they had built houses around the trunks of gigantic trees, connecting it to other houses and trees using bridges that is as sturdy as it can be. it is said that those trees have been there for as long as the apes were there, but recent studies said that those trees have only been around for around 500 years, but it is still a strange thing, because the trees were humongous, some even doubt that those trees are still alive, well, humans rarely visit Zimera, so it is hard to confirm whether it is true or not. In Zimera, there was a mount near the edge of the jungle, that mount have been carved from the inside, and it resembles a skeleton of gigantic gorilla, bearing its fangs to the lake beside it.
Zimeran warriors are one of, if not, the most feared warriors that ever existed on the planet. their armour deflected bullets, as it was made out of Vibranium. they used feathers as a means of scare tactics, and often put valuable gems on their armour and warhammers, decorating it.
as a weapon, they used warhammers as a main melee weapon. they also used flying darts that could be controlled using the huffs of the apes, they also used heavy duty guns that normal humans couldn't carry at all.
In the 1900s, the Zimeran apes already have a means of flying transportation for the royal family. it was in the early development, but they used ornithopters as a fast transportation, this will develop significantly in the coming century.
Zimeran apes have a strange culture, they often hit their chests as a means of intimidation, respect, or a threat, an example of this when an army of the British Empire cross the border of Uganda and Congo, the king and his army intimidate the army by huffing loudly, and thumping their chests. another example, is that the Zimeran apes will thump their chest when their king was walking pass them.
A definite diamond in the rough, the rough being this website. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut, but I could have never imagined something this good here. Truly amazing, Story writing: 5/5, Character Development: 5/5, Grammar: although there were some spelling mistakes, it was impeccable. It was capable of making me sad, happy, and thirsty for more. I have never heard of nor watched Eternal, but after reading this I can tell that was a mistake, or you contributed so much to it that it didn't matter. Although after reminiscing my read, I do have one minor issue. In the begging how did he already know he was on a Marvel planet, I might have skipped it, but it does bother me. But most of all this Novel made me scared. Scared I would catch up, This was amazing, thank you.
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What can I say....
This is one of those stories that grabs you and doesn't let go the whole time you read it. I read 160 chapters in a day.
A book that tries to link most of the significant events in the reasonable history of mankind, real and fictional.
It is a pity that history so quickly (?) reached the present.
And that means the end.
Recommend to read
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A wonderful book, a change of pace for me most especially. It brings up many questions and provides answers to them. Keep up the good work author!!
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This is one of the best Marvel fanfics I've ever read.
Character Development: WONDERFUL
The Power level of the MC: The protagonist starts from the lowest and with the passage of time he has become much more powerful but everything is justified and in no way is he OP
Secondary characters: The other eternals ARE ALIVE, each one has their own thoughts, ideas and problems, not everything revolves around the MC something that I like a lot.
Timeline: We start about 6000 years before the canon of the movies but at no point do these chapters get boring.
Actions have consequences.
Romance: Shall I say this is the best? The romance is organic, it flows and a relationship is built between the two that is PERFECT
In short, you have to read this or you will regret it for the rest of your life
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An awesome fanfiction. I really enjoyed the way the author portrayed Earth's history through the eyes of an Eternal. A fun story with a roller coaster of emotions.
Especially the part where Thena started to get the immortal's version of Alziemers.
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first time writes review seriously, im really enjoys it have nice pace and lore then bits of history and mix of legend. For writing I give it 5/5, paces 4/5, overall is a good reads for me, and finish it from first to last updates in one days
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One of the best fanfic there is.
The plot of being an immortal and going all over the world is great. MC and his "family" influences the world in more ways than they are actually expecting. I like the part of MC's concept of humanity being altered most of the time as the story progresses.
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The writing itself is excellent. You don't even need to see the original movie to read this. World is built from the ground up and everything feels realistic. I have no complaints about the world-building and the overall development of the story or pacing. Everything is written really well, so I will be nitpicking and focusing on small things instead.
When you have a plot that essentially focuses on one thing that's taken over 7000 year timeskips with the same few characters it can feel a bit tiring if the characters themselves aren't the best. The eternals themselves aren't that fun to follow, mainly because Ikaris and Ajak have a stick up their asses, being their thing. Then there's the rest of the cast, and while most don't get development, Sprite, Thena and Pluto all have their quirks and are fun to follow. Just reading about Ikaris wanting to "follow the mission" for the 12th time is a bit tiring when there really isn't enough reason established for him to be so stubborn. Sersi and Druig wanting peace and crying about war is also a bit boring for the 15th war in a row. The unseen ones are actually more fun to follow than the main cast, even though most of them either lose their quirks or don't keep their beliefs. The storylines for them all could have been a bit more expanded instead of just having a 2 chapter thing of them being saved and then giving them a ring.
I have a small problem with the pacing of this though. While it is good, it isn't perfect. Which is understandable given the subject of the story, but there didn't need to be a timeskip every other chapter. With this format, you will always have the problem of not fleshing out everyone who isn't immortal, meaning they are basically meaningless. I wanted to see more development between the times, and then the ones who really get development get the rings so you can keep them in the story. It would have been fun to see more of the eternals having trouble adapting to the culture and advancements of civilization and following the lives of the people with them being ancient instead of just hopping from one event to the next. The movie just passed over everything, but here you could have given it more juice.
When the story gets to the 1700s, it's not about the eternals anymore. In the 2000s, they have a son which is a pleasure to read about. Helios is written extremely well and is fun to follow with Gwen.
The villains in the later story though... UGH. I know it's normal marvel, and Hydra is a problem. But I don't want to read about political affairs and them discriminating the apes every time. It is still good, but It's just hard to care about for some reason. You know they're not gonna be able to do anything, and for some reason the world council just aren't assassinated. It got boring after a while, but it's still better than anything else.
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If you judge this story as a fanfiction, it's a 5/5, but if you judge it as a normal story, which I am, it's a 3/5. There are just too many frustrating flaws in this story, frustrating since it could be easily fixed by changing the wording, or slightly modifying the context. But still, it is VERY annoying to read the story sometimes.
The main character is an evil man that commits war crimes casually, but everyone in the story insists that he is a hero. A paragon of virtue.
The side characters start out as basic tropes, but they do get development much later in the story. Since this is essentially a time-traveling story, you do get to meet a lot of people from history. Some are done well, others are butchered to fit the mold the author wants them in.
As for the world the story takes place in, there is very little importance placed on it early on. This also includes the MCU elements, as almost everything in the BC era of the world, which involves the MCU, is sidelined and ignored. And when it is retconned in later on, it is done in such a disrespectful way.
Now, for side characters pt.2. Early on, there is too much focus on the Eternals with very little on the others, however, for the last third of the story, there are barely any Eternals in the story, some even completely forgotten.
The Grammer of the story isn't good, but most problems with it are simple and easy to overlook. All they need is for someone to go through it, correcting the typos, or changing phrases here and there to the appropriate ones and it's all good.
Overall, nothing is offensively bad about the story if you keep in mind that it is a fanfic. It's a good and enjoyable read that you most likely wouldn't regret reading.
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It was very satisfying for a while. Good world building, good characters. Unfortunately it will probably never end, but I'm happy with what has been written so far.
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