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The Boymoder Diaries
The Boymoder Diaries
28.4k Views 371 Favorites 12 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 208 Readers
4.8 (22 ratings)
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Sophia, a closeted trans woman living with her two roommates, struggles to transition while hiding her changes from the world around her. How much farther can she go before she breaks? Featuring hand-drawn art by Holly Dittus (hdittus13 on Twitter).

|| Content Warnings for Strong Language, Sexual Content, Mental Illness ||

What The People are saying about it:

"Reading The Boymoder Diaries was like getting shot in the face, 10/10" - @wastedelec (Twitter)

"this story is the junji ito hole that was made for me. it reached through the screen and beat the shit out of me and took my lunch money told me to look in the mirror at what it did." - @apatheticsock (Twitter)

"Sophia is literally the most autistic piece of filth ever. What the HELL is wrong with you??" - anonymous

DramaGender BenderMaturePsychologicalRomanceSlice of Life
Hiding True Identity Introverted Protagonist Male to Female Roommates Transgender
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    Status: chapter 11

    While it often seems, to me anyway, that all us trans folks are clones produced in a vat somewhere given how eerily similar our thoughts/feelings/anxieties/etc all seem to be, there *are* some differences you find, and one of those is that some of us are the "out and proud and loud" type and some of us are more like the main character in this story, Sophia, in that we want to be as "perfect" as possible in our transition and hide as much as possible (boymode, while taking hormones, etc) before risking any possible hurt in coming out to others (or dating, etc). Of course, that kind of thought process can sometimes end up paralyzing us from getting where we need to be. This story explores some of those thoughts and feelings.

    Just as it says on the tin, this is largely written in the style of a stream-of-consciousness diary loosely following a timeline, with occasional segues into notable dialog and real-world moments/interactions as they occur. There aren't any fantasy elements - very much real-world stuff here.

    Most of the airtime is spent conveying all the little internal anxieties, fears, neurosis, etc that the MC has as she goes through a period of her life and going through a lot of 'firsts'. This should probably sound terribly unappealing as a story concept, but personally I've always found it weirdly comforting and cathartic to read about this kind of stuff, since, like I said, we're all vat-clones - it's a reminder that although most cis people can't relate, our experiences as trans people are not entirely unique and alone and isolating from the rest of humanity.

    So from that perspective, I'm enjoying this and I'd recommend it if you're also trans and like cathartic stuff (or if you're some cis gender researcher looking for a glimpse under the cranial hood lol). Oh, and she doesn't stay in 'boymode' forever despite the title - Sophia is taking further steps in her life as of recent chapters.

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