Waking up is always a difficult part of anyone's day- it's even worse if you wake up inside some squalid room to spit out mysterious black cubes in a land you are not familiar with.
Now imagine what Sybil's going through.
Watch this short and tempered child grow, seeking a home and friends to fill it and what she's willing to do to achieve her goals
-Sybil is very masculine looking and will occasionally be misidentified as a guy and there are going to be parts when she pretends to be a guy for fun and profit.
- Throughout the story there will be vomit-adjacent actions (i.e. cubes)
- Warning: Bugs
- The orcs, elves and dwarves aren't Tolkien types and I've done weird things to them
-While gay stuff is definitely in the future, Sybil is currently a child and is uninterested in Romance, she'll get into it when she's older and I'll be sure to announce it with bells
- I have a brain that actively works against me so it'll take a while before most of the tags become relevant in the story]
Review title: Child Abuse
We have little Sybil, who may or may not be a faulty reincarnator. She starts off like a normal child, and then goes to Hell...
Well, not Hell per se, but judging by the abuse and bullying she gets, it is not so far from the mark. My personal feelings on bullying aside, one can never say that Sybil is not shaped, and in a good way, by all the little devils... I mean children.
There is a lot of mystery surrounding Sybil, and I don't want to spoil anything, but I think I can give one bread crumb, without angering the author. Sybil is strong. Demigod strong.
Maybe I would have gotten some clues if I had read the gibberish in the first couple of chapters, but I wanted to experience Sybil's story through her own eyes. So, I did not.
This is a hero's journey. Sybil never allows dark thoughts to take a grip of her for long. She can make friends with those who are good to her. Even if said people are a bit eccentric.
That said, she is just an innocent child in need of a hug. She gets even, but doesn't think things through, which gets her in trouble. Just like it would any other child her age.
The mystery around Sybil gets darker and darker. The adults she is supposed to put her trust in are no saints. This story is a dystopia seen through the eyes of someone who doesn't understand what evil is.
An innocent little girl. One that could even pity a goblin, not that she would show him any mercy. Even Sybil does evil things, selfish things. She just doesn't realize that they are wrong.
As any child, she too wants to be accepted, and in the last couple of chapters she finally is, but knowing how the story twists so far, I don't think it will last for long.
Sybil is an overpowered child with a head full of fluff and wonder. This, coupled with the good grammar and style, makes the story binge worthy.
Five stars from me, and I will wait for the next chapter!
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This is a fun story with an interesting twist on the Protagonist is somehow different and special fantasy genre.
The MC Sybil is not a pretty friendly little girl that you would expect from most fantasy book. No she's a demented little gremlin that will probably bite you though her internal monologue does make her endearing. Also this is one of those stories where the MC gets kicked in the face, literally here, on a regular basis but to be honest as bad as it gets for her it's still fun to read so if you want a good story that's fairly quick to read I'd say this one is for you.
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Really good work. The grammar is perfect, The writing is amazing, and it's a genuinely fun read!
The MC is really my type. She's kind of funny and innocent, though it seems to be taking a different turn from where I am currently in the story and the tags... but it's definitely a turn I like!
Highly recommend this. Its easy to read as well, so no reason not to.
(I will update my review once I'm done!)
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