"You may now kiss the bride."
But no kiss ever came.
I'm ripped from my wedding and thrown into a medieval fantasy world with game-like elements. It may seem like a game, but that doesn't matter to me, because this is my reality. The pain, the hunger, the cold, the fear, it's all real to me.
Alone, without knowing why I'm here, in a world where I know nothing and nobody, I decide to buy a Blood Slave to have someone I can trust. She brings me comfort and so much more. She helps me raise my head high again and bravely move forward. Together, we'll grow stronger. Together, we're unbreakable. But she won't be the only one by my side. We need more than just each other, for I know that my purpose in this world can't be accomplished with only her help.
Monsters and dungeons plague the land, forcing civilization to protect themselves from the hordes with tall walls and fierce determination. Killing monsters is a daily need, but they aren't the only enemy here. I have a powerful "Gift" that allows me to change my "skill points" at will, but if others were to know about it, there would be many that would try to use me by any means possible.
Step by step, moment by moment, day by day, we keep moving forward, always aiming to improve our strength. One day, we'll meet our Fate, and we'll be ready for it. Swords held high, shields tightly strapped to our arms, wings spread apart, spells at the tip of our tongues, minds focused like blades, and our hearts hardened like steel. We'll take on whatever comes our way!
**New chapters Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 8PM US East. At least 3k words each.**
*Additional Tags*: Psychological, Romance, Magic, Male Lead, Portal Fantasy/Isekai/Transmigration, Polygamy, Slaves
*Content Warning*: gore, profanity, sexual content (male/female, female/female, and human/non-human (*not for the faint of heart*)), traumatizing content
*What to expect*: Slow story focused on the day-to-day life of a transmigrated man rather than on the plot.
The plot exists but it *very slowly* becomes relevant.
Also, *slow* character progress. It's a long journey, so don't expect a hero to grow in just a few chapters.
Detailed environments and extensive world-building.
Realistic and tactical combat instead of flashy.
Protagonist with a cheat but far from overpowered.
*Lots* of descriptive sex scenes, it is treated as just another part of life instead of merely fan-service.
A harem where the members actually enjoy living with each other.
Occasional weird wording and grammar, English isn't my first language.
This story is also on Royal Road (*most of the sexual content is censored*), Novel Updates, Hentai Foundry, Webnovel, MoonQuill, Archive of Our Own, and Literotica.
Never touch this trash.
MC talks to a girl. She wants his d*ck. why? No reason, she just does.
Writer literally treats his first love interest like an actual object and even said themselves that their relationsh*t is "just comfort it doesn't mean anything"
Goes into extreme detail about how the world and its gods works. Then throws that all out with the window to give the MC Bullcrap reasons to interfere with events that QUA the worlds rules and Gods degrees goes against everything they'd thus far laid out. Just so the MC can step in and be the "nice guy" or "the savior"
for starters. The inn keepers daughter, hell if I remember any of these characters names.
"Boo hoo, I have to get married, I'm so sad it's not you, the random guy I've literally spoken to 3 times other than taking your meal orders. If only I had a choice"
Oh wait, you do have a choice. QUA the rules of the gods and the land you live in, no one is allowed to force you to do anything. Else they literally could get Cursed or SMITED by the actual gods themselves. Who are very active and even nosy.
These gods aren't nebulous, mysterious or distant entities. They are a very real and common thing in every day life. People literally get smited for being too much of an asshole or breaking too many laws but aren't ever told an exact limit so people cannot game the system.
SECOND!! Alice breaks literally every rule of the world. No one is allowed to be put into slavery by force unless they are a criminal, and most only become slaves in the hopes of working for someone rich or to get a legit better life.
Alice breaks every rule laid out as she was apparently RAISED to be a slave, Just so our special boi MC can show her compassion and tender love to show her that she doesn't need to be a slave anymore, she's his equal. blah blah blah. All the things she should have already known and were made very clear were always expect to begin with, not as virtuous or special. But the BASE LINE HUMAN DECENCY to be expected.
She also is hinted as having a VERY close relationship to the Chief of the beastkins. Which is literally the same position as a KING.
So why the ever-loving hell would she ever be the one forced to grow up as a trained slave. And for the matter, TRAIN SLAVE? that literally goes against the gods rules. Oh wait. sorry I expected the writer to remember literally anything about their own world for a second there. silly me. Where was I... oh yes. So she was TRAINED to be a slave. Which means she MUST know of the rules, and MUST know that being treated with basic human decency is expected as the absolute minimum from a master. While yes the master is allowed to have s*x with them since they were put up as agreeing to be that type of slave. Another thing glossed over is that they need to agree. But still the master isn't allowed to abuse her. Yet she acts like she's expecting to be oppressed or to be treated in less then Humane ways.
The MC is stupid. Literally the dumbest MC I've ever had the displeasure to read about.
Guy is given the chance to literally use ANY skill out of QUOTE "THOUSANDS" yet he only tests out your every day elemental control spells and some very basic buffs or utility spells.
Never even browses for anything else once he works through your basic magical elemental powers and a few of the most basic of weapon skills.
We were even shown for the brief moment he was actually looking. That there was an entire fighting style. Like, AN ACTUAL FULL STYLE OF MARTIAL ARTS. Yet the MC glosses over it like "oh what's this? idk, my dumb brain can't think of any reason this could be useful."
Later Edit:
So the writer replied to me about the fighting style. Long story short the writer revealed they have literally no idea at all what a fighting style is. Literally, no, idea, at, all. and based on reading his other replies I've definitively concluded this guy probably lives in a mental word somewhere specially designed to house people who never learned anything about the world. Because he literally doesn't know any of the most basic common knowledge you can find taught in any school, or displayed in most western AND eastern television shows.
Moving on
So you're telling me, Out of THOUSANDS of skills. ranging from Physical, Magical to Misc, which itself has skills like "Hawk eyes" and "magic vision" This boi never even attempts to play with the system.
Yet you expect us to believe that this MC is "Sooo smart, and sooo curious guys, look he even got a blessing from the god of knowledge for figuring something out" that Literally anyone could have done by accident over the last tens of thousands of years. Let alone the fact these people are trying their best to be knowledgable about these things. But nope, HES JUST SPECIAL AND NO ONE EVER THOUGH OF IT BEFORE!!!
Hell I'm getting angrier every passing second I have to keep thinking of this dog CRAP.
Writer tries to claim his MC is smart and a total ladies man. When in reality he's bland as hell and makes half assed attempts at learning anything, even forgetting important stuff flat out like that time he had to ask about the gods TWICE. and the writer just forces everything with a clit to swoon for the guy if he even looks their way. He literally treats them like Objects or tools and literally thinks that a girl talking to him MUST mean she's into him.
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I have to agree with most of the top reviews. The author starts going insane with the amount of smut vs actual plot progression and instead of taking the criticism he starts telling readers to go somewhere else instead of trying to improve a story that had promise. Don't waste your time, and definitely don't waste your money. There is more detailed or fulfilling smut on this site with Patreons that actually have some story to them, paying for this would be like paying to watch some classic pizza guy plot level p*rn online.
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Since the Author refuses to put it in tags or even warnings and to save you from reading half the story if you're a sane person:
This contains HEAVY bestiality. Story goes from virtually vanilla at start and devolves almost entirely half way in into bestiality in every orgy. MC fox a fox and a lizard and who knows wtf else later, next likely candidate being a monkey... 3 star story, starts good, gets pretty dry about 20 chaps in, 1 star for wasting time and adding that crap outta nowhere.
MC is pretty pathetic as well, faints in every battle and most of his harem belongs more to one of his slaves than him.
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There's a great story hidden in here but it died an early death, murdered by the author's out-of-control fetishes. The story started out with an excellent balance between plot and s*x scenes, but s*x scenes started to take over. First the excessive s*x scenes started to get repetitive, so it looks like the author tried to compensate by increasing the amount of unnecessary detail and continually adding new fetishes rather than dialing back on the s*x and focusing more on plot / characterization / world building (the parts of the novel which are otherwise excellent). Keep this story bookmarked in case you ever need a handy example to prove that yes, it is possible to have too much of a good thing. Rupegia makes a perfect case study in the value of moderation.
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Bestiality becoming a regular and is as cringe as you imaginine it to be. Also the character merging I'm seeing is rather sad, all the girls were a trope but that wasn't a bad thing, you don't need to reinvent the wheel everytime, and can easily write about the interaction between tropes BUT all the females have warped into one trope, "your horny bis*xual". Interactions between the world and the main cast are going to continue to suffer in quality because they've become the same character +- one or two traits
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TLDR: It's missing the rape tag.
There's a number of similar rated reviews with points I agree with but one thing they don't seem to mention is how the story skips being dark, gritty, on edge and real and just goes straight to a vile as life can possibly get in one particular scenario that should have stayed much further in the background or just not have happened.
One of the characters Farana is essentially a spy for one of the villains and his lover. She spies on Wolf and his crew for quite a while and never directly acts against him. Wolf eventually captures her using a dark creature and we learn that rape is one of her biggest fears. He then hands her over to Vanea whom is supposed to get information from the spy.
According to the author Farana agrees to become Vanea's s*x slave for protection. (Most likely through coercion or by not have a real choice.) Instead of protection or even being Vanea's s*x slave though, Farana becomes the abused public toilet of Vanea's brother Haaran and the Knights as they all gamg rape her repeatedly. The supposed upstanding individuals who are supposed to stand for justice and protect the town become rapists. (Coercing agreement and being unable to say no doesn't make it not rape.) Farana's greatest fears have been realized tenfold by the very people who should be the most against such a thing. She's left a dead eyed broken husk staring off into the distance who continues to be abused.
None of the agreed upon protection ever comes or is applied. She's even tossed onto the front lines to bomb her former group. No one person involved is marked evil or smote down by the gods as is the story lore. Slavery having to be voluntary is apparently easily bypassed by manipulation and threats and the gods don't care. All the reasons the author gave earlier on to prevent such a thing are magically bypassed.
Those actions could only be worse if they had happened to one Wolf's gals. They're simply isn't a worse or more disgusting action that could have been taken, regardless of how the author thinks Farana agreeing under figurative gunpoint with false promises of protection justify the situation. These are the people the cowardly and passive MC Wolf keeps working and associating with.
It was a good story, it had its flaws sure, especially with the main character and his lack of agency within the story, but with that one action the author poisoned his own story. Maybe the authors interpretation of events is different, but with the information given that's how it looks to the readers, and it's not dark, it's vile.
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This is pretty bad. I was hoping it would get better but it never did. The MC is a beta simp. His thought process is... I can't even think of a word to describe it. I guess the closest word would be inconsistent. He claims to be a robot scientists but is as dumb as a brick when it counts. He is emotionally unstable and keeps having nightmares about killing goblins. f**king goblins. It happening once is OK but it happening every night? Come on man. It's explained away as it being a trauma but then why is he still killing goblins. Hundreds of goblins at that and still having nightmares about it.
Weak willed MC are never fun to read. But we keep reading because we expect the MC to grow a back bone. I don't think this MC will do this. In fact I think he will start clinging to her harem and become a mega beta. I didn't read far so I don't know for sure but based off the other reviews, it seems to be true.
Anyway, this story hurts my brain and I will read no more. The only good thing about this story is the mechanics 'level up system' and the fact that it has long chapters. Other than those two, this story is trash.
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Author really tries to make his MC into some kinda edgy teenager when it comes to s*x when his exploits are all laughable. Keeps repeatedly saying that they’re all depraved but when you look at the actual content you can’t help but think, “really? That’s the best you could come up with?” Feels like author just really sucks at making his s*x scenes or general atmosphere of arousal actually good and tries to make up for it by throwing random sh*t in there in hopes that someone will like it.
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(Review edited because author updated the story description.)
You will note that the five-star ratings were done by early readers, as compared to the lower ratings that this story is getting now. Story started pretty well, with decent action sequences and interesting fantasy elements. However, it QUICKLY devolved into a harem @#$%fest with about 75% or more of the content focused on the various threesomes, foursomes, orgies that occur twice or thrice daily for the MC. The author had to go to ridiculous extremes providing outrageous magical abilities to enable the dumb amounts of s*x the MC was having... unfortunately, at the expense of any interesting storytelling.
If this story has any hope of being resurrected, the MCs harem needs to be wiped out (yes, kill them all, otherwise the story won't progress past the mess it has become), causing the MC to realize that he has been a nymphomaniac.... Otherwise, author has excellent writing skills and ability to formulate coherent storylines. Alternatively, rather than write an adventure/fantasy story, author could go write scripts for adult films.
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