"You may now kiss the bride."
But no kiss ever came.
I'm ripped from my wedding and thrown into a medieval fantasy world with game-like elements. It may seem like a game, but that doesn't matter to me, because this is my reality. The pain, the hunger, the cold, the fear, it's all real to me.
Alone, without knowing why I'm here, in a world where I know nothing and nobody, I decide to buy a Blood Slave to have someone I can trust. She brings me comfort and so much more. She helps me raise my head high again and bravely move forward. Together, we'll grow stronger. Together, we're unbreakable. But she won't be the only one by my side. We need more than just each other, for I know that my purpose in this world can't be accomplished with only her help.
Monsters and dungeons plague the land, forcing civilization to protect themselves from the hordes with tall walls and fierce determination. Killing monsters is a daily need, but they aren't the only enemy here. I have a powerful "Gift" that allows me to change my "skill points" at will, but if others were to know about it, there would be many that would try to use me by any means possible.
Step by step, moment by moment, day by day, we keep moving forward, always aiming to improve our strength. One day, we'll meet our Fate, and we'll be ready for it. Swords held high, shields tightly strapped to our arms, wings spread apart, spells at the tip of our tongues, minds focused like blades, and our hearts hardened like steel. We'll take on whatever comes our way!
**New chapters Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 8PM US East. At least 3k words each.**
*Additional Tags*: Psychological, Romance, Magic, Male Lead, Portal Fantasy/Isekai/Transmigration, Polygamy, Slaves
*Content Warning*: gore, profanity, sexual content (male/female, female/female, and human/non-human (*not for the faint of heart*)), traumatizing content
*What to expect*: Slow story focused on the day-to-day life of a transmigrated man rather than on the plot.
The plot exists but it *very slowly* becomes relevant.
Also, *slow* character progress. It's a long journey, so don't expect a hero to grow in just a few chapters.
Detailed environments and extensive world-building.
Realistic and tactical combat instead of flashy.
Protagonist with a cheat but far from overpowered.
*Lots* of descriptive sex scenes, it is treated as just another part of life instead of merely fan-service.
A harem where the members actually enjoy living with each other.
Occasional weird wording and grammar, English isn't my first language.
This story is also on Royal Road (*most of the sexual content is censored*), Novel Updates, Hentai Foundry, Webnovel, MoonQuill, Archive of Our Own, and Literotica.
Pretty realist take on an isekai, getting suddenly pulled out of your world and sent into one that objectively worsens your life would f**k with anyone's mind.
MC starts out depressed and fearful and slowly grows into someone better. The keyword being slow since the story's pacing is very slow as the author spends most of the time writing details and telling about the daily life of the MC. I mean, literally every day. The only timeskip is near the beginning that jumps two days.
The focus is on slice-of-life, fluff, character interactions, s*x, and love between the MC and the harem members (and a lot of "love" between the girls themselves) interweaved with lots of adventuring, world-building, combat, and some plot.
The second arc (Escort through the High Forest) has too much s*x, but the next arc fixes it.
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[Updated review]
Now that I'm almost caught up, I'm glad I stuck with it.
This is a story that requires an open mind and a relatively lewd one as well. If you dont like explosive dominance and questionable earth morals, go somewhere else.
Now that only the adults are left, lemme tell ya, the level of lewd, incestual, over the top s*xuality is beyond any othet novel I've read. But not in a bad way. The author is VERY descriptive. World building is strong. Character growth is strong. But takes a LONG TIME.
Also, to the author, can we please have Wolfy kill someone by
using his skills to enlarge his cock enoughto literally split them in 2?
Asking for a friend ?
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I enjoy reading this. The pacing of the story and substance in each chapter leaves me satisfied each time.
If I had to ask for improvements, it would be more character development of the side charaters. I just don't understand Ciel and Lina. I don't see their relationship as being something that require marriage. Hana and Roxy are raging perverts so I get them but Ciel and Lina have the most pure feelings with wolf.
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Each chapter is long as hell but honestly I can't see myself enjoy this any further. I read up to this point in hopes of some good development and unique characters but all the girls--ALL the girls are basically sl*ts by the end of the day.
First off, the author tries to connect science and Magic by referring to scientific topics and how to is similar or different to the magic shown. It's straight bs. If you have an inkling of physics knowledge you would know this dude just went on Wikipedia and scanned through the first few sentences. And author gives the MC a background in robotics... for no fking reason. I'll go a little more in depth here:
The very idea that you can get a degree in robotics and have no fking clue how magnets work is so mind blowingly dumb I don't know what to say. When you are taught the behavior of electricity you are also taught about magnets, the two are so strongly correlated that you literally can't have one and not the other. We can observe this with electromagnetic waves, which is basically two sinusoidal curves at 90 degrees of each other and are in phase. One of the curves represents electric fields and the other magnetic fields. Long story short, if you learn about electricity you learn about magnets.
MC has a degree and robotics but gives up on making robots because he doesn't want to figure out how to make transistors... are you fking kidding me!? The robotics degree may as well be fking useless cus bro doesn't want to figure out how to make a freaking switch. If bro doesn't want to make a prototype then you may as well not give him the degree cus bro ain't gonna build s**t.
In one of the battles it is raining. I repeat, it is fking raining. The MC uses lightning magic. What do I even say about this man. Later the author tries to BS this by saying magic can "guide" the lightning by creating a "path" of potential difference but that ain't gonna stop lightning from spreading bro, there is no insulation. If there is enough potential difference to generate a lightning bolt, the electricity ain't gonna go straight with this logic, it makes no sense. There is also a movement type spell with lightning magic but it somehow has to do with creating a difference in charge between the person and location... guess what that means, fking lightning if the difference is high enough. It has nothing to do with moving a human. If there was some magical explanation, sure, but bro is trying to explain with science which author clearly did not research enough.
That should be enough for a gist of how mind numbing it is to read this if you have some knowledge in physics cus the explanations make no sense at all.
And I went on a rant so there are some mild spoilers:
The characters... ohhh the characters. They have no depth to them. First girl Alissa, is just an archer and likes to suck d*ck. Second girl is masochistic as fk with a skill that converts pain into pleasure and is bi. Third is a succubus who likes to fk and is also bi. Fourth, is a priest girl who has massive tits and ends up in an orgy later, so much for pure character and beliefs. Fifth is a loli dwarf who just wants to fk. You see a similarity? All they really want is to fk and fk, any character they have just ends up twisted into perversion and the author's strong desire for Yuri. At some point the MC may as well not be there and the girls can just fk each other. The MC is also bland as hell. He shows no growth at all and does not bother to explore options. He has access to every fking skill and what he opts for is some s*x skills and skills other characters are shown to have. Tries to make the MC seem all so fancy and smart but if you look into what the MC does it's really not. For example, he makes what's essentially an onyx golem. Onyx has the same hardness rating as porcelain and yet bro makes it seem like diamonds. You can break porcelain with a tap of a hammer if well placed and otherwise a swing. Honestly don't even know why the author made him 30 in his og world. May as well have been a shut in teen in his horny stage cus that's what he basically is. Yes, he is 15 in the new world but that doesn't justify orgies every single day, EVERY SINGLE DAY. Literally has no control over himself or the girls and the girls themselves all just want s*x.
Author also tries to justify slavery. Very badly. It makes no sense. At first MC was against it because oh slavery bad. But the slaves themselves can't be punished unless they want literal gods to mark buyers sinners and maybe smite them if they feel like it so why the fk is slavery a thing. There is close to no benefit for the buyer cus the slave can just make sure to act nice till the contract and abuse the fk out of the status as a slave. Buyer starves slave? Oh no that's torture, you a sinner. Buyer doesn't buy clothes? Oh no, that's extreme humiliation and thus torture. Oh no, he doesn't house you and keeps you outside in the cold and rain? That's torture. Rapes you? You a sinner, be ready to be hunted by the temple or smited. Being a slave has better working conditions than fking food workers who have to deal with idiotic Karen's every other day and worry about bills, housing, food, etc. And guess what, apparently you can choose whether or not you are bought so if you don't like your Buyer you don't have to be bought. And guess what's the next surprise, if you have enough will power you can break the slavery contract and just run the fk away, wowww. I cant bro.
And the temple fighting force is inhumane as fk. They intentionally have people who are close together grouped in hopes one or two dies and those that survive gets mad and thus fight harder and repeat the cycle. Do I have to explain why that is basically torture?
These kind of points just keep popping up as I read and I can't take it anymore. The worst is the girls cus they are just introduced and their personalities basically stay the same but with more lewdity as the story goes.
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This literpg is the first one I read off this site and while it had a lot of potential at first but the further in a got into the "story" it just became weird.
One of the pet peeves I had was because of the leveling system. Levels seem not to mean much, its more of training a persons stats and through that they increase certain strengths. Still don't know the reason why the author decided to put that a person orgasms if they level too fast or that leveling is pleasurable, which happens after like 50+ chapters, none of that was mentioned before or I missed it? Idk.
Another is the Gods are portrayed weird, still the author put down the goddess of love is basically a s*x freak, so that gives you an idea of what to expect.
At a certain point reading through on the chapters I realized I was just reading a p*rn book with a story on the side. I guess it just comes with the smut, but honestly I sometimes had that, what am I reading? moment. To give you an idea:
The MC f**ks his baby dragon. Yes, I still remember the text vividly and was thinking, what the f**k the whole time. He sucks toes (which is a weird fetish, but meh not THAT bad). One of the MC concubines is mentioned that she probably got f**ked by her son a lot, or at least it is implied. Then comes out tentacle d*cks, idk if the author thought this was s*xy or a joke, but I just wtf and read past it. There was only side mentions of NTR, one the more specific is that a Noble the MC worked with says he wants to f**k and mind break 2 of the MC harems members (he tells this to one of his harems members who basically says "bad idea, we will regret it" where the noble just implies that it is only a dream... its ironic because the one that replied wants to have a kid with the MC later on and basically thinks it is okay as long as she still has the nobles children). The MC is not gay but still trains a women with another man since that women is into threesomes, so he says f**k it and does it? like what. The MC originally has some semblance of morals, but when the Gods change him into a "weredragon" they get thrown out the window and of course it is the cliche MC somehow becomes part dragon. Now he literally wants to breed every women, doesn't matter if they are taken anymore as long as their SO says its okay or not? who knows I only got the part where old husbands are asking the MC to f**k their wives in front of them because they can't please them anymore... then why is the husband watching, pulling out his d*ck, and jerking off? Of course the MC gets annoyed by the man and turns so he can concentrate on f**king the dudes wife and after there are multiple orgies because its a celebration.
I don't know if the author changes to focus more on the story after a hundred chapters but I doubt it, some may like it, to be honest if the author would focus more on the story than writing p*rn it might be worth it to finish reading the story.
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The story is odd. It is almost a parody of a neet adolescent power/erotic fantasy which does not know what it wants to be. I think the writing suffers too much frolick and not enough actual story. I don't downgrade it because of that since I feel that the frolick is the author's way of telling a character development story even though it does not work for me.
WARNING: Avoid reading chapter 58. The author inserted an incredibly dark and depressing April 1st chapter which totally destroyed the enjoyment of the story for me even when I found it to be a "joke" chapter. It was so bad and left such a horrendous feeling that I found that I had to drop the series.
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Interesting story, not a huge fan of the bestiality/furry stuff and I wish it was tagged, or if the chapters had warnings for them - these early chapters have some hard core kinks, but amazing world building worth reading if you skip over the excessive and some times disgusting smut.
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You guys are all haters. This is a fantasy world, every single living being is an alien. Author very clearly lays out the logic and morals of said alien world and follows them and even goes through the MCs misgivings at first.
I love the smut scenes. I love Wolf as an MC and to be honest there could be even more s*x scenes, it's really hard to find an other world themed novel that gets everything right: love, world building, character buildings, smut, action, intrigue. I have been searching for this book for years. Never change author I hope to own your books one day.
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Greatest slice-of-life and smut novel there is.
Grammatically perfect.
Stable updates thrice a week.
Story and character development are insane. The story goes from "being transported to a little side town in the middle of nowhere" to "champion of the gods that might travel realms". And the transition to the latter is so natural. Little hinds are dropped throughout the story and it's perfect.
MC Character is extremely realistic going from "mental breakdowns with wimpy nature" to a "seasoned adventurer" who has seen some sh*t. The way he uses lust to vent his frustration is also realistic. The side character also has their own styles which remain consistent throughout the story. In most harem novels, the girl's personalities all blend in the end. Not here though. They have their own character development as well.
World background is gradually introduced to not be overwhelming. Interesting calendar as well. Culture and ethics are vastly different from Earth.
IMPORTANT TO NOTE: As the author has mentioned in his P.a.t.r.e.o.n, the book goes against ade to black *** scene and prudes ruining the fun of s*xuality. So expect some ****ed up sh*t in the later chapter. Orgies and bis*xuality and other fetishes are introduced. TBF tho, it gets monotone from chapter 40-60, but then the fun picks back up, so just bear with it.
In conclusion: PERFECTION
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I've really enjoyed this story so far. Good characters and action. Highly recommend.
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