A slowly dying android with a thirst for battle faces a world of insurmountable odds: very nice plant people. How long will they last? How many fights will they win? Who is the mysterious Terran? And what is the point of human independence if you aren't human? All will be answered beyond.
(A Human Domestication Guide Story) 18+
Full rez cover art: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/999453696368857200/1001334771185631242/CIRCUIT_BREAKER.png
By https://www.instagram.com/hluna69420lol/?hl=en @Hluna69420lol on instagram!
If you like robots being very into being robots, and not trying to be humans like in many other stories, all while being horny for battle and plant-people, this is for you. Also bunch of fun with identity and such.
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(aI'm not a very eloquent person on a good day, be warned) this is beautiful. like, hauntingly so. it's one of the best pieces of HDG fiction ai've read... ever, ai think? and ai cannot bring myself to finish it. ai tried, but... in my dumbass hyperfocus on just reading the thing, ai completely missed the 'death' and 'tragedy' tags. whoops! (this is a personal thing. ai. do not handle those well.) if you're wondering about the quality of the writing: ai had an actual full-on breakdown, a panic attack, and an existential crisis because of this story. it was built up to fantastically and all came together in this heart-wrenching scene that ai am just not equipped to describe adequately. fireworks haunted my dreams for over a week afterwards. just uh, keep in mind this one comes with feelings before you read it, and that you can handle those kind of feelings, bcs. damn.
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One of my favorite story's in the hdg universe by far.. the themes of identity and religion, , the character's feel so real and it was such a joy to read this. there are parts in this story were it'll hit you hard, some of the chapter's had me legitimately in tears so... the cool robot and plant people are definitely a bonus. I'd recommend this story if you like incredibly emotionally competent story's with well written characters and gay robots :33
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