An egg and a stoner wander into an abandoned amusement park, hoping to find a Witch. If they just become the Witch's acolytes, maybe they can figure out what happened to their friend and rescue her! One catch: now, they have to fight the magical girls of Chicago, the Nebulossoms!
How are they going to react when they find out their missing friend is a Nebulossom themselves? Will either of them be the same person?
Play against the Dealer, a witchy storyteller with a bone to pick. As the Librarian, you are the only agent of free will in this fate-filled narrative disaster! It's CYOA with a side of sex, so it's time to explore some bad ends and drill down to the truth of this story! All sexual encounters are between 18+ characters.
Updates M/F for now.
If you'd like to read the old version, you may find an archive at . The comments are backed up as well, so I remember everything y'all have said. Thank you.
This story would be fine, if I ever knew what was actually even happening. As of the time writing this, the author hasnt really explained how anything works in this universe. There is no exposition, no info dumps, or anything to let you know what the rules of this universe are. Reading this story is like trying to understand a fever dream you had. The plot is hard to follow, the details are even harder to understand, the rules of anything are never explained clearly, and the narrator is unreliable to make things even worse. Im sure it makes sense to the author, but to me half of every chapter just feels like jibberish. I thought maybe this was a sequel to soomething else I hadnt read, but I dont believe it is. Just adding a prologue that explains the current state of the world and the main forces at play, as well as some explanation on how the system works, would make this story 200× more readable.
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I, while reading this did not feel like this was "struggles of trans women". Looking back I guess it could be.
Pushed the idea without shoving it down readers' throats (forcing an agenda) while spinning a readable story. Though the character changes after becoming malice seem quite on the nose. While using Calico as the linchpin for the changes, and a scapegoat for the writer.
The decision to write a new story instead of making an AU of an existing story also makes the story easier to read and accept, for dose on the fence.
It feels more like a self-respecting NSFW comedy rather than a "struggles of trans women".
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