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Ugly Bastard
Ugly Bastard
407.2k Views 14378 Favorites 239 Chapters 2 Chapters/Week 1559 Readers
4.2 (119 ratings)
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Moonstar Kingdom

A powerful kingdom that has prevailed over such powerful opponents as: the Lolicon Paradise Kingdom and Deez Nuts Kingdom 🤣 in a Poll of the 9th chapter

Central Cathedral

The country that is situated in the middle of the human territories and between the four satellite countries that are its vassal states. Ruled by the church with Saintess as the highest authirity.

StarRain Kingdom
Country North of the Central Cathedral and Moonstar Kingdom
GuidStar Kingdom

Country East from the Central Cathedral and land of Beastmen clans

Skill List
Folder within the mind realms of main characters systems desktop screen, containing all his skills
Very important stuff
usual for the systems in the world pocket space dimension, with limited space, that can contain non living objects
special type of dimensional pocket, with an unlimited space, that can contain any object user don't want others to find*

(Useful against: Scan Pocket, Identify possessions, Dimensional thief)

contains the list of faces of people and other useful information that can be easily accessed and easily searched. 
Skills (Active)
Nothing gets forgotten
Gives back any memory that person struggles to forget
Ugly bastard transformation
Transform user into horrendous being for a short amount of time
Cure poison with poison
Creates a portion of malign energy within user to erase the influence of external energy
Please look at this white light

Erases part of the memory

Kyaan damee


😝 no spoiler for you here, just keep reading


Stronger companion
If the right conditions are met, give the user one companion that is stronger than him. Companion will disappear when user will become equally strong or stronger than that companion
Second skin illusion
A thin layer of illusion combined with mind interference makes others perceive the user as another person. Deeply connected with a Mind Canvas Painter skill. Consumes a small amount of mana when used
View change
Gives another view of the target.

Has 4 types of view

  1. 3rd person view
  2. Back view
  3. Bird eye view
  4. Panty shot view


Raises the basic stats, instincts and reflexes of the user several times of their original. However, the user loses his rationality. Also becomes very aroused. Not recommended to use near females

The source of all horny(AoE)

User exudes the strong aura of arousal, making everyone nearby titillated and lustful. The closer to the user his target is the stronger the effect, with touching the target giving the most effect

On the same wavelength
Allows to synchronize the minds
Malign aura(AoE)

makes the user exude malign energy from his body that rots and degenerates the world around him, while stealing the energy from surrounding and restoring the user.

Dark energy beam
shoot out a beam of dark energy that destroy everything
Degenerative touch
covers the hand with dark energy that destroys everything the user touches, while stealing energy and mana from everything that is destroyed.
Establishing connection
Allows the user to establish a connection with people and objects
Gang Van Driver
Gang Van Driver - allows to drag unconscious or sleeping beings into the mind realm.
Skills (Passive)
He who dwells on the precipice of delusion
Makes no difference between reality and dreams. Sees dreams in reality, and sleeps while lucid. Travels back and forth between dreams and reality.
He who lives in dreams
Allows user while asleep to enter and travel through the dreams of others
Mind canvas painter
allows user a freedom of creativity within the mind realm
Awareness minimap
Creates a minimap in users scope of view, that shows a small area in his immediate surrounding, mapped through combination of information from all of his senses. Has a function to lock on specific target.
He who hears the call

Can answer the call. Can only be used when in mind realm

The dragons will

Your will makes you worthy of being called a dragon


Mind realm barrier

Best performance milking equipment. It will squeeze out what other milkers can not.
Nobility Ranks
Nobles Hierarchy:

Esquire, Knight, Baronet, Baron, Viscount, Count, Margrave, Marquis, Earl, Duke, Archduke


Lowest class of noble and not even considered full fldged noble by other nobility. Given out as a non heridetary title to commoners that gained merit in service of Dukedom.

The amount of them in kingdomnis not known and no one really cares about them to count.


Full fledged noble title and lowest rank among the heriditary titles, although certain conditios must be met by an heir to receive the title as heriditory. One of the conditions is proof of strength and some merit in service of their Lord.

Given out by Viscounts of regions to those who showed great service and loyalty to their Lords.

A fief of Land is alloted to them as their property upon receiving the title, making them Landowners and allowing them to be refferd as Sir.


Second lowest among heriditary titles and is achieved by a Knight purely with monetary gains.

The peerage symbolises the succesfulnes of the Knights Land Management and considered as a first step into true nobility. 

Title is gained through a huge sum of money and posession of this title is followed by a special tax that is paid annually to their Lord. 

In case of failure to pay this tax, the peerage is absolved and the title of Knight would be returned. The next acquisition of this peerage after failure may only be accuired by the next generation of the family.


Peerage given to the Baronet family that has succeede to hold their Baronet title for several generations, prooving their worth as Landowners and Bussinesmen with a skill to nurture capable successors.

This peerage is entirely heriditary and does not have any special conditions for heritage.


Middle class nobility that are chosen as a dirrect Vassals to a Count. 

The title acquisitions consist of a Count's nomination that would have to Vouch for this family in front of Marquise.

The peerage allows them to become the governers over several villages or rural towns.


The title of a high class nobilty and considered to be a symbol of upper rank of governor.

The possessor of the title govern over several town with multiple villages and rural towns.

Has the right to nominate a Viscounts that would represent him in theblands under his rule.

The holder of the peerage has an obligation to possess and train a contingent of soldiers and may posses a Mercenary company the size of a battalion for his own protection.

Peerage holder may possess a Fort or a small Castle.


Noble title that has military importance.

The possessor is considered as a defender of a State.

Governs a local army contingent and one of the Kingdoms Citadels, defending the Kindoms territory.

The Peerage is given to the family with great military merit and long military heritage. The family must proove that it is capable of nurturing several generations of outstanding officers.


The ruller of a central city of a state and all state territory with all its multiple towns and villages.

Responsible for the development of the entire territory and provision of support to the army of the region.

May be a nominated as a minister and magistrate in service of a King.

Title is also given to the Powerful Monster households of Guardians that has proven their loyalty to the country and humanity over a long perion and may produce the next generation of sentient monsters of equal strength.

In case of monsters this title allows them a lot less territory and does not allow to hold an army.

However monsters may posses a population of monsters in their control that they would vouch for.


Title of the highest noble rank that is possessed by the descendats and heirs of the founding families that stood at the root of the country or given to the outstanding member of a Country Rulling body with Kings nomination and Founding family's major vote aproval.

The possessor of the title is a governor of a part of a regions with multiple states and several city's in their posession name Dukedom after their household.

The exeption are the branch families of the founder family descendants that keep their peerage but do not possess a direct power. Considered to be the closest advisors of the Rulling Duke and members of the senate. 

Old monster houses that became the first Guardians of the country possess the title however the terrytoryes under their rule are a mere fraction of the true Dukedoms making them only Nominal Peerage owners that have the say in regions governing policyes but do not have the right to hold military power and build forts and citadels.

A new Duke is traditionally added when the new regions are being reshufled after Country's long age of successful growth.

Each of the main four regions of country West, East, North and South is devided among several Dukes with one of them chosen as an Archduke of entire Region that preside over several Dukes.

Title with a power to represent the whole region that almost equals the King of a Country.

Peerage is given to the Duke that is nominated to Preside above all the dukes of the Region.

Archduke is responsible over advancement of humanity into new territories and protectiom of a region from all threats.

Governs over all Guardian and Keeper families of monsters.

Has a decisive vote in the policys regarding all Labyrinths and Dungeons in the region.

Peerage given out as Title to a Marquise family that is entrusted with the protection a part of Dukedom with several Marquisats on that territory that is called Earldom. Each Dukedom is divided into several Earlodms.
Noah McDaniels

main character and ugly bastard system owner.

Kamilla McDaniels

Noah's Step-mother and first wife of late Count McDaniels

Keelian McAlister

Count McAlister of western region.

Keneth McAlister

Son and Heir of Count McAlister. Fiance of Noah’s elder step-sister

William O’Sullivan

Noah’s childhood friend and the heir of Margrave O’Sullivan family.

Theodor O’Sullivan

Margrave of the Western Region.

Ugy Bear

The Ugly Bastard System's materialized form within Noah's mind, with the body of a plush bear.

Duchess Theresa Threadweaver(Tessa)

Arachna or spider monster lady living in Twin Creack Valley in the Northern Region of the Moonstar Kingdom. Noah's true mate and Guardian of weakened pseudo core.

Master of the weaver and the puppeteer skills.

Mother of Priscilla and Brianna

Priscilla Threadweaver (Cil)

Arachna monster and eldest daughter of Theressa Treadweaver.

Talented in The Weaver skill

Brianna Threadweaver (Bri)

youngest daughter of Arachna Theressa Threadweaver.

 Talented in The Puppeteer skill.

Duchess Cassandra Vespertine (Cass)

nosferatu or vampire Duchess. Theresa's best friend.

Guardian of another pseudo core closest to the Threadweaver mansion.

Theron Vespertine

Cassandra's kin and the only other nosferatu of the Vespertine household.


Spider woman representing a nightmare left after reading the story Spider and the gruesome murders.

Lives in Noah's mind together with Ugy.


Dryad Queen of the Great Tree Labyrinth near Greenville Town.


Dryad serving as maid to Noah. One of the three sisters serving Noah and was chosen by Tessa as her personal maid in waiting.


One of the three Dryad susters serving Noah as maid.

Priscillas personal maid in waiting.


One of the three Dryad sisters serving Noah as maid.

 Brianna's personal maid in waiting.

Gnundweingur (Nu)

Doppleganger spying on Theron Vespertine. Became Noah's mercenary after complition of her job for Cassandra Vespertine.

Merrik, Rnurr, Verrly - Black mist cat clam members.

Black mist cat clam members.


black mist cat, Noah met at the ball.


Purrils father, and the leader of black mist cat monster clan

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    Status: chapter 106 – factions

    The Title and the first few chapters may put you off. But trust me, it gets way better after the first few chapters. 

    The system is weird - at times hostile to the MC. However, it is an interesting character by itself. It forces many unsavoury situations on the MC but the fun is in how the MC and the system try to outsmart each other.

    The MC is a noble, and there is a lot of world building around that. 

    Don't skip the first few chapters. All the cringe in the first few chapters have a good payoff in the later chapters, where the MC uses his skills in funny and amusing ways to make his life from scratch.

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    15 Likes · Like
    Status: chapter 112

    Well done story. The plot progresses at a nice steady pace and characters actually have some depth to them. Minor grammatical errors and typos, but nothing directly off-putting and it improves as the story goes on. There is a strong dichotomy between the MC and the System, where the MC is noble and virtuous while the System is anything but. The story does have some R-18 chapters, so if that isn't your cup of tea don't start drinking it.

    Discussing the R-18 chapters, they are well put together and I found them actually endearing. The main character actually cares for the people he sleeps with and the author manages to show this through their scenes.

    The biggest issue I have with the novel is actually not with the MC or the plot. It's the fact that I want to keep punching the System's face in. The System is written well, but it's so much of a jerk I want to stab it with a digital dagger. There seem to be undertones that the System is less bad than it appears or might get better with time, but for the time being, my stabby attitude remains.

    I'm looking forward to the rest of the novel, so here's to hoping it just gets better and better!

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    6 Likes · Like
    Status: ch 10

    I tried, couldn't make it past ch 10. No clue how this has Soo many 5 star ratings. 5* coming from people who pay for only fans then claim to have girlfriends. The system is a troll and takes anything funny and beats it into the ground. Story was interesting but couldn't handle the constant arguing and dumb crap made up by system/author

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    6 Likes · Like
    Status: chapter 95 – choice

    Despite absolutely atrocious start. Sometimes clearly poorly edited chapters story does progress quite naturally. If you, as a reader, can stomach shaky start - please do. It gets way better. It is a story that has potential and tries to utilize it without being absolutely obnoxious about it.

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    Status: read this story like you...

    This is a plea to the author please write more of this or atleast  recommend something similar

    Ok so this my frist review ever I have been reading novels and books for 3 years now I don't like to review and read in silence but G damn this novel is a masterpice. The protagonist is not an idiot, edgy or some messed up villain no he is a nice boy and little by little adapting to survive

    The s*x secnces are not random he doesn't f**k bec: he is some horny stupid man no the author make them really matter in the story like, plus you can mastrubate to them. 

    The side characters are important and interesting they exist not to make him stupid or smart but as real people that progress the story. 

    The world building is fun and surprisingly the author compiles little details by little until you have this very interesting world with systems for everyone, church that is not just courropt and want to rape children like most stories out there. Nobles fighting to control the people and guilds that fight to free them. Demons and  Monsters that help, eat, talk with humans not the stereotypical all is white or black like this story really feel like a real world.

    All of this in a +18 novel like what more would anyone want to read this like ? ? ?&Nbsp; please don't stop writing this novel.

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    5 Likes · Like
    Status: c10

    Weird but intriguing. I be looking forward for more chapters

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    5 Likes · Like
    Status: chapter 180 – being completely honest (18+)

    I am a long time reader of system stories, quirky ones are practically a perk of the genre and the best part about this one?

    It was a system that got broken meant for a protagonist but corrupted in a screwed up circumstances to which the system literally had to make it up as it goes, using references from one world that the user has no context to understand.

    The absurdity is beautiful and that absurdness starts to make sense later in the story and I find it worth the read. 

    I'm hoping for many more chapters to come!

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    4 Likes · Like
    Status: chapter 36 – pillow talk (18+)

    It was fine at first but the system puts me off too much.

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    4 Likes · Like
    Status: chapter 147 – private talk

    One of the best and creative novel. The MC really fit my taste.

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    3 Likes · Like
    Status: c120

    Make past chapter 10 it definitetly gets better. While the novel is called ugly bastard or MC is behaves in way which I did not expect to see which is both fun and interesting. Another thing I noticed was the dynamic between MC and the system is really refreshing.

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