(DB) A 'normal' teenager was watching Mumei, until an ad popped on his screen, now trying to get rid of the ad ask ''Want to have an adventure?''
(A/N: Doing for fun, And this one turned one of my favorites to work on, if you don't like a Protagonist who likes to make joke out of everything, well, not for ya, The story itself will remain serious, like real dangers and everything, but the mc is going around joking and being seriously whatever it calls the need, and that's what you should expect.
And I love DB, so I am gonna try and keep the fidelity to the OG's)
A 《 Hololive EN x Dragon Ball 》Fanfiction.
So if you don't know neither, this is going to be so confusing lol.
Enjoyable from the little that I have seen, and I enjoy Mumei's interactions with Kro quite a bit. Hopefully this story continues and doesn't get dropped, as quite a bit of good fanfics do.
Also liking the inclination of lore from both Holo-Live and Dragon-Ball. I am definetly looking forward to seeing where the novel ends up going, especially considering the pacing seems to be perfect for my tastes.
I AM 100% wondering however, what is going to come of the interaction between Vegeta and Mumei, especially now that we have some inclination of the possibility that he was the cause of her father's death. Will be interesting to see. As of right now in regards to the pacing, we probably won't see interactions between Frieza and Mumei until the mid to late 80s, with other characters like the Androids probably being in the early 110-120s.
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It is pretty enjoyable fanfiction for anyone that is into dragon ball while also having extensive knowledge about hololive. The author also puts an actual development in the story to make it into it is own plot instead of just following already established canon and they are doing well in that regard so far.
My only gripe with this story is the forced romance plot being developed all around the place center around practically most if not all of hololive members for no rhyme or reason, it feels so unnatural that I decided it wasn't for me any longer, and stop reading it for good. Except for that issue about forced romance, it was pretty worthwhile to read and I enjoy my time with it while it last.
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