Micah, the son of Lord Lavoric is sentenced to indentured service for his part in the killing of an endangered animal and has an unusual request for the Lady Jenwise - to live as a girl for the entirety of his sentence. As she deals with the psychological impact of her decision, little does she know, the world beyond the walls of the Jenwise estate begins to crumble.
For starters, the writing of the story itself is quite good. Whoever threw a single star at this was being completely unfair. The initial premise is intriguing, the notion that a forsaken noble accused of a crime would place themselves into servitude on the condition that they present as another gender is relatively unique AFAIK and frankly appeals to my own trans sensibilities. There's a fair amount of mystery in the plot, rather aggressive and at times unfair punishment (admittedly not a positive in my view) for their crime and persona at first to set up a redemption plot, and plenty of foreshadowing that some heavy plot elements are on the way. Where the story lost my interest is throwing much of the original premise away for what amounts to an isekai story. The protagonist isn't actually the person they were supposed to be, so the redemption aspect is thrown to the wind. Their isekai'd persona overwrites who they were and they even get a new body courtesy magic as a consolation prize of sorts for being treated like dirt. Now that's not to say that it's a completely bad plot, there's still plenty going on with the world and likely between worlds, but it kind of lost my interest when the initial premise was cut loose and relegated to the circular file. If that isn't central to your interest there's good writing here holding it together otherwise.
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