By Esiyx
Lin Songmei is poor. Getting dropped off at the doorstep of an orphanage while she was a baby—the classic baby in the basket situation—she didn’t have much of a childhood, and spent most of her days doing schoolwork or reading in the library.
So, first off I did decide to drop the series relatively early on; so I cannot say if it gets better as it goes along or not; hopefully someone else can write another review to shine light on this.
I also would like to say that this story seemed to be interesting and honestly is just the type of thing I love to read. I didn't notice any glaring grammatical issues; the characters while still early on seemed to have potential; and the premise and worldbuilding were looking promising.
Why then would I decide to drop such a story? Time. Some stories have their own changes to their calendar and it works for them, for two key reasons: First, the changes have a reason for existing, maybe the months are named after the pantheon for example. Second, you the reader, don't actually have to care about and remember them to enjoy the story. Fiends For Hire unfortunately fails both these metrics by not only changing the names of months and days, but the very units used to calculate them. From the story's wiki:
"A ‘Second’ stays the same standard length, but a ‘Minute’ is now 100 seconds, and an ‘Hour’ is 100 minutes. There are 10 hours in a day. A day’s range of time is from [000] to [999].
To give a few examples of how times compare to that of Earth’s; Midnight would be [000] and still referred to as midnight. 4 AM would be [166], 8 AM would be [333], Noon would be [500], 4 PM would be [666] and 8 PM would be [833]."
This in addition to being confusing and arbitrary, you the reader are expected to become extremely proficient at converting between them as they are used multiple times each chapter. For example "She pulled out her phone and took a glance at the time. It was currently [887] which made her sigh heavily."
If this isn't something that will bother you, then this may be worth trying, but for me it breaks the flow up too much trying to keep track of everything.
Wiki accessed on Oct 21, 2024: https://fiendsforhire. Fandom. Com/wiki/Time
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