Betrayed, Beaten and abandoned, those were the words that ran through detective Paul Allen’s mind as he sat bleeding out. The faces of those responsible flicked through his head. Filling him more and more with anger. And at that moment, he vowed that he would never let this happen to him again. even if the world must burn for it.
Warning this story will contain extreme content like.
mind break
and indiscriminate murder.
If those sorts of things don't interest you, then turn away now.
TLDR: This story is gonna be edgy AF. if you looking for something with more nuance. This ain't it.
Any and all constructive feedback is welcome.
i hope you enjoy my story.
How could no one review such masterpiece? I'm terrible with reviews since I can't really express my feelings well, but I've read hundreds of novels with anti-hero and downright evil protagonists, I just love to read about people acting freely and doing whatever they see fit with no regard for a moral code, this story gives me that in a beautifully well-written way, it could be better of course, but if you like a villain for MC this is top notch
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So to my friends who love the insectoids that only wish to grow and over power the world. To the Zerg lovers far and wide, to the tyranid mains who eat everything they can, and even those who play Stellaris and only choose a devouring hive mind. I recommend this story.
So far the author is been putting a lot of work on this story and he's doing a great job. However I will like to point some things out for those who are new the genre. Primarily, these kinds of stories don't hold back on rape, assault, and mind break. You will find that abundant here. Along side that there will also be plenty of scenes regarding s*x and what not. For me I enjoy the s*x scenes but for others they find it uncomfortable or brutal. And the fact that I'm a rampant xenophobe myself I can easily relate to our dear main character. Secondly, these kinds of stories where the author does this as a passion project are just that, a passion. Their quality will be better than most due to the effort the author is willing to put into them. So if the author suddenly loses passion and the quality declines. Do not blame the author. Howeber I believe that it rings true with this story, it's a love passion project.. And finally, this story will leave you needing to rub one out every now and then. As I said earlier if you read the s*x scenes and enjoy them you will enjoy them.
So if these kinds of stories interest you. Then come along my dear degenerate and enjoy this story with me. After all, nothing is better than a crazy psycho for a lover.
Ps, put your d*ck in crazy. Trust me. Whatever is going on in there is way hotter than being normal.
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Attention to all fans of races like the Tyranids, The Flood or The Zergs. Take a look at the tags before sitting down to have a good read, you won't regret it.
How to define the series? In simple terms an isekai of Kerrigan and the Zergs in a world of fantasy, magic and s*x.
The only complaint is:
That she infiltrates human society pretending to be human and starts to participate in politics and plots, relatively early in the story (from chapter 26 and this without finishing the arc).
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Just binged this up to 83. WOW. Just, WOW.
This is definitely one of the best dark, evil, and smutty novels out there, that also has an engaging story. I can't wait for more.
Author, please don't drop this. I don't even care if you upload once a year, I'll keep reading.
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