11/06/2023: Ai Love has suffered a major stroke. Her works will be on hold for the foreseeable future.
Prepare for the ultimate erotic LitRPG experience! Five years ago, the world Changed. People transformed into fantastical Races, gained powerful and mystical Classes and could look up their Status at any time. However, while the world became disrupted by dungeons and mythical creatures and unlimited physical and mental potential, humanity mostly stayed the same. People - no matter their new Races and powers - went back to work, and the world continued on as if it was just another day.
Honoka Jefferson is one of those people that Changed, but her life mostly stayed the same. Same boring job, same small and shapeless body, same non-existent social life, same tendency to make puns and quote old movies.
Only now she had a sixteen-inch futanari cock!
An architect working in Boston, all she wants is to figure out how to level up her Class and become something more than boring. If she can't obtain normal, she'll settle for turning into something MORE than normal.
When a chance encounter leads to finally unlocking her powers, Honoka finds she might have gotten more than she can handle.
WARNING: this is a work of erotic fiction and intended for adults. Themes include a monster girl lesbian harem, futa/female couplings, LitRPG/GameLit elements and lots of female growth (BE, FMG, GTS, etc). Seriously, this is not a run-of-the-mill harem novel: THERE IS A LOT OF SEX AND FETISH GROWTH/TRANSFORMATION!! The story contains some traumatic content.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ailovestogrow
Discord: https://discord.gg/nhJK5U4XUB
So, when I first picked this up, the synopsis made it come off as yet more Chick With A d*ck fetish material for chasers to get off to. The synopsis does this series no favors, focusing on the s*xual aspects, which are very present and focal, but completely skip over the emotional weight that said s*xual apsects bring. Im transgender, I'm a trans woman, and I *completely* empathize and understand the feeling of disliking, of self loathing towards ones body. I've dealt with urges to self harm, to mutilate, to cut away at the parts of me that I hate, chasing after a sense of Being Normal. Again, I completely empathize with Honoka's euphoria and sheer horny joy of her body becoming what youve always wanted it to be.
This series is so much more than its blurb would tell you. I look forward to seeing how the characters develop, and I wish them all a good therapist.
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Don’t get me wrong, I really like the story and enjoy the fact that an author has actually gone through the effort of converting America units to real units. The writing is good and the characters are believable. There are just a couple of problems, which makes me annoyed every time they are shown. &Nbsp;First is the fact, that even though the characters are believable, they can still be exhausting to read. It isn’t really fun to read from the perspective from an MC with too many mental problems. Luckily, the author realises this and makes the MCs mental recovery something that happens during the early chapters. Second, the whole plot with Church is kinda dumb, simply because a little too much works out for him. I don’t like when the villain gets Dues Ex Machina just as little as the MC - an opinion I know I am in the minority in. Still becomes a minor problem for the story. Third and this is really the problem that made me ultimately lower the score from 5 to 4 stars. The worldbuilding doesn’t work which makes me unable to really immerse myself in the story since I am repeatedly thrown out of immersion when I think “No, that wouldn’t happen”. This specifically refers to the racism against magical races as a whole. It is said that a third of all humans turn and this is randomly distributed. That should make it impossible for human supremacy to take root since everyone would have members of their family of a different race and it has been shown in multiple scientific studies that this would make racism in a wider societal context impossible. Extreme groups may of course form but not even close to the extent of the story. Because of this, much of the plot in the story makes zero sense, even before we go over how it would also be noticed by authorities and stamped out. I simply cannot give the story a perfect score while the worldbuilding is in tatters.
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After some time to think. The issue I have with this story is the author's hypocrisy with censoring curse words instead of simply not including them. The author told me the reason they are censoring curse words is because they feel that curse words "don't belong in respectful conversation" (not a direct quote). Firstly I wouldn't describe s*x involving a 16 inch monster dong as "respectful conversation" (yes there needs to be respect in s*x, but not usually when speaking during it). Secondly, by censoring curse words instead of simply not including them the author is admitting that the curse words do actually belong there. There are examples of erotica not involving curse words (usually replacing curse words with other statements such as "oh lord") or if they can't think of a way to not include curse words the show The Good Place is a perfect example of censoring them without disrupting the flow of speech.
Tldr: the author is a hypocrite saying they don't think curse words belong but including them anyway.
The author has a thing against curse words. Every single one is censored. Because as we all know hot steamy monster s*x is a place for polite conversation. It's not even censored well. It is full block out censorship rather than something similar to The Good Place that at least doesn't interrupt the flow of the conversation. Any time a character might say a curse word it is full stop cover it with ten layers of permanent ink and back to "what were we talking about again".In short: if you enjoy dirty talk, don't read this.Read More
I’ll state from the start that I normally see Futa and bounce off the series. It was an oddity for me that I read this one past the first chapter or two. I am very glad I did. The s*x and expansion scenes might get a bit ridiculous, the declarations of love a bit quick for me, the fetish lost a hair off of mine, but it is clear that a ton of worldbuilding, forethought, and math went into this. Enough so that I subscribed to the Patreon and started writing fanfiction of it.
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This is one of my favorite stories on this site.
I love the 'fantasy comes to the modern age' setting. How the consequences of that event is the crux of everything the characters do and feel. I love how the most important thing in the main relationship is love and acceptance of both who the character is as a person and the quirks of their respective changes.
It's not perfect. I get tired of reading "chocolate futa" every other description of Hanoka. And the pacing can feel quite rushed. Even to the point that the characters lampshade it.
But I have yet to be tired reading this super nerdy, s*xy, and wholesome story. Just be sure to check the tags.
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The story itself is a great read and despite catering to many fetishes that arent really for me it still an entertaining overpowered protagonist smut story. The story itself is pretty infused with the smut throughout but doesnt let itself be distracted by page after page of slow boring smut scenes that eventually get samey and boring, instead it keeps its pace. Also manages well to do Polygamy/harem without being to much of a misogenyst mess like so many others.
The reason I cant give it full points is that some worldbuilding implications just get to "rapey" for me. This is about the succubus becoming implicitly forced into having s*xual relations from puberty or die, potentially even earlier, either way much earlier than we can conceptualise and understand consent. And the lead through of this leading to the people having had s*x with their stepdaughter since she was 14 being seen as good people. Also the implications this has for Dianes future children if they inherit her race. I understand how messy stuff like this can be when making stories as to why I dont let it be a deal killer and instead try to filter it out.Read More
I've actually enjoyed this book so far! The MC isn't someone who just bullsh*ts through everything thrown at her and everything doesn't just fall into place all the time. It feels like there are actual stakes and has me anticipating what's going to happen next. All in all, a good read.
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