By DukeCheburek
The world Star King Dragon Veldanava created was supposed to get a small unassuming slime with great potential. However, fate seems to be whimsical sometimes and gave the unprepared world a vast dungeon full of beings, both wondrous and terrible.
TL/DR: If Villain protagonists are your thing, this is the story for you.
I am giving this four stars out of five because the author really needs to put some tags on this story, because it looks like a hero story, when it is about a villain.
I don't want to spoil it, but this is a story about a functional narcissistic sociopath who is too lazy to form a criminal empire as a supervillain, but instead works just enough to fuel his personal growth. Stronger Powers, Stronger Body, Stronger Mind.
Yet, he recognizes that society exists for a reason, so he does not overtly break the rules, he just selectively breaks the rules here and there for his own personal growth. Fortunately he has not decided to do anything truly disgusting as a villain. He has a complete and total disregard for human life and sees love as a disease. He's just obsessed with personal power, and that's it.
A bit refreshing. I was expecting him to pick up mind control powers and build a harem of mind slaves, but no. The author, so far, as avoided anything that would make you want to murder the MC. Yes, he's evil right down to his black little heart that does not pump blood like you or I, but a thin, oily, viscous fluid that if ever spilt would dissolve both flesh, bone, metal and stone, but he limits his evil to people who have it coming, and any incidental damage to innocent bystanders is caused by his inaction, not because he actively hurts innocents.
So, while he is evil, he doesn't revel in the suffering of others, and I can respect that.
Do not read this expecting some guy who will some day turn into a hero, because after what happened in chapter 38, and his follow up in chapter 39, WOW. Uh... Not gonna spoil it, but, for me. Ain't no WAY he's coming back from THAT. I explain my position in chapter 39, if you want details, but don't skip there. You really need to read the whole story to understand.
Would I recommend it? Well, not my cup of tea. But if you like villains as the protagonist, it's well done. He's a monster, but not a monster I want to MURDER. He has inched past the Moral event horizon, but did not dive over it. He has the potential to become a truly wonderful magnificent bastard, but hero? NEVER. If he was going to walk back what he did in 38, he needed to do it in 39, and he didn't. Far too late.
But that doesn't mean he's not a fun read. I just like stories about heroes, not villains. I wish the Author had put the right tags on the story, so I wouldn't have wasted my time reading it. I'm not likely to continue reading, but that's not because of the quality of the story, but the content.
TL/DR: If Villain protagonists are your thing, this is the story for you.
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3.5 Stars
the level of theory behind his powers and various modern details make it deserve more than 3 stars.
The reason why this story deserve only 3 starts is mainly the awkward sentence's structures. While small errors in the grammars do not turn me off, the amount here is enough to take you out of the immersion several times in each chapters. The style is not bad, it feels like the author has some experience in writing. Another flaw is the cringe behavior at times, he is showing-off but in a manner that try to depict it as his normal behavior while is not. It's really not.
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The novel has so few tags it's impressive it manages to fail at basically all of them, technically "crime, fanfiction and dc" are fulfilled but only because they're literally impossible to fail. The MC becomes a dissapointingly small-minded adrenaline junkie at random part way through the novel and never grows out of it, he falls for blatantly obvious traps constantly and is backed into corners by other characters just because he's too much of a dumbass hooked on thrills to ever think anything through.
The entire "romance" tag I'm pretty sure was only selected on accident since I was getting close to 100 chapters into the novel without any, if there was romance after that point then I guess you can just blame the author forgetting one of the only core components of the novel until that far in.
The powers are the one redeeming quality I'd say, were this novel given a serious rewrite/edit I think I'd actually enjoy it, it needs to be translated properly into English and the MC needs to more or less be built from the ground up into something more tolerable but the rest of the novel flows fairly well. As far as I read the world reacts fairly to his presence, people are aware that he exists and pay some attention to him but not a ridiculous amount which makes sense. Heroes that deal with world ending threats and mass murderers every other weekend wouldn't commit days or more of work to tracking down some childish adrenaline junkie who steals sh*t for the thrills no matter how much plot amour their plans have.
From what I could gather reading through the shoddy translation the characters seem pretty fleshed out aswell, they tend to have their own interests and aims that don't revolve around the protagonist. I also liked the little offshoots he did with his website and "consultant" work considerably more than his childish thrill seeking meaning it could be implemented more in the rewrite to properly give the novel some shine.
The reason my rating is so low despite almost enjoying the novel is that it's a literal impossibility to look past the blatant flaws, they crop up painfully, consistently and inescapably across the story. Almost every time he has any sort of interaction with another human it's skin crawlingly cringe listening to him narcissisticaly brag about how perfect he is, followed up by him bumbling around a heist like some halfwit drunkard because he doesn't know any better, then we cut to some 3rd party who are once again commenting on how amazing Tom is.
The novel feels like some sort of parody writing of the intended work with how blatant most of this is. You can jump to just about any point of the novel, read a few paragraphs and immediately come to the thought of "this guy is the supposed genius who has all of dc running around like headless chickens chasing their own tails?"
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Lovely story. There are flaws (which I'm mentioning in the spoiler), but I still enjoyed the novel nonetheless.
Few complaints. He eventually gets with raven, but even after he still stays relatively flirty (imo, not really a good trait but not the end of the world) but then he gets a BJ from Catwoman? Im just confused on that, I dont really mind as it was brought up once then never really mentioned again. Plus, he still stays with Raven so I'm pretty sure when author wrote that he just straight up forgot MC had a relationship with Raven. Thats not what brings it down to 4. There's the repeated pararaphs/sentences. Again, not the end of the world, but it happens a LOT. Which is what brings down my review.
Also, when I first read the title my dumbass thought Vector frlm Despicable me. Though, if I took 5 seconds to see the thumbnail. I would know I was 100% wrong.
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Very good untill the party stuff and the whole Ra's thing. Just so forced and borring. Dropping it. Sad but the author made it bad for no reason.
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Not bad, it's actually quite refreshing.
Hope it continues.
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I like the story, with the MC being the kind of guy he is, it's new for me and the overall writing is done quite well. I appreciate the story and hope more comes of it.
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This story is decent if you're into the ridiculously overpowered villain protagonist thing. Unfortunately, the author's inability to find the correct word, or even one close to what he's trying to say, and the awkward sentence structure make it difficult to stay in the story. I'm giving it three stars as I enjoyed the part I read before the ongoing issues finally made me drop the story.
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