Betrayed, Beaten and abandoned, those were the words that ran through detective Paul Allen’s mind as he sat bleeding out. The faces of those responsible flicked through his head. Filling him more and more with anger. And at that moment, he vowed t
My main point of contention with this story is that the classification of "litrpg" is a blatant lie for the majority of the story so far. At the beginning there were a few system - prompts, but those reduced rapidly until in one chapter the system "broke" and no further system - related stuff is visible.
Then there's the MC and her "witty" sidekick, both are just annoying after a while. Lackadaisical and random to the extreme.
Really good grammar, though, which seems to be ensured through the use of Grammarly.
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sigh... I had a nice review wrote up on my phone and then the site didn't save it when I submitted.... so stupid.
Read this story if your not already. Its a great novel so far, its dark but also very light humored and honestly I couldn't help but sit and grin at all the stuff that Blake kept doing. The only down side to it currently is that the "next" button stopped working and I can't keep reading it. But i'll take quality of quantity any day so thanks for the good read author and keep up the good work!
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Lovin it so far. It hits certin tropes to scratch that particular itch, yet fells fresh and original.
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