Full name: Ticia
Codename: None
Age at their first apparition: 20
Suplementary informations: The main character of Clone Girls, Ticia is a young woman with shoulder lenght white hair that have black tinges. As an orphan with no place to call her own or people to help her, she led a life no ordinary kid should have and managed to survive. At the age of fourteen, she enlisted herself within the Borkian army in the hope of escaping from her day to day life.
Ticia was an excellent soldier, but refused to receive any grade or merit. After three years of service in the 9th assault brigade, Ticia was transfered to the 608th infantry escort company due to an incident.
Personality: Ticia is a cold blooded person when she does her missions as a soldier, and due to her past, it is quite hard to see her true self. She has no problem killing people but she also has a sense of ethic that prevents her from going overboard in some ways.
But with those she trust, Ticia is friendly. While she does not talk much to foreigners, she is very open with those she trust. As such, she took the habbit to rant and joke a lot to them.
Likes: Ranting, training and alcohol. She also likes cute things.
Dislikes: Perverts, anybody who would try to harm the clone girls
Ticia in her own military uniform:
Age at their first apparition: 8 in appearance, actually 0
Suplementary informations: Licia is the very first clone girl created and the first to wake up. As the eldest of her sisters, she was automatically seen as having more authority by the latters.
Licia is a perfect copy of Ticia exept for the age acceleration enhancement, and while it might sound like she is weaker than her sisters because of this, that is not the case. In fact, being exactly the same as Ticia means she has the same abilities as Ticia.
Licia (8 yo)
Full name: Null CG-02 Ria
Codename: Null CG-02
Age at their first apparition: 8 in appearance, actually 0
Suplementary informations: Ria is the second of the twelve Null class clone girls, being created right after Licia, and also benefits of the same sense of authority as her eldest sister. Her gene enhancements mainly focuses on her thinking capabilities, making her a fast learner and mature at a faster speed. Because of this however, Ria is not as childish and innocent as her sisters.
Ria (8 yo)
Full name: Null CG-03 Willia
Codename: Null CG-03
Age at their first apparitions: 8 in appearance, actually 0
Suplementary informations: Willia is the third of the Null class clone girls. Contrary to her eldest sisters, she does not possess any authority over her sisters. Willia's genetic enhancements are battle oriented, they make her the strongest of her sisters. It did have a side effect however, as Willia does not use her head much.
Willia (8 yo)
Full name: Null CG-04 Nillia
Codename: Null CG-04
Age at their first apparitions: 8 in appearance, actually 0
Suplementary informations: Nillia is the fourth of the null class clone girls, and just like Willia, her genetic enhancements are battle oriented. Those augmentations however are the opposite of Willia's, focusing on toughness, endurence as well as dexterity.
Nillia (8yo):
Full name: Null CG-05 Miria
Codename: Null CG-05
Age at their first apparitions: 8 in appearance, actually 0
Suplementary informations: Miria is the fith of the Null class clone girls who possesses a particuliar link with her sister Tiria. They share a strong telepatic link and their coordination is exellent.
Miria (8 yo)
Full name: Null CG-06 Tiria
Codename: Null CG-06
Age at their first apparitions: 8 in appearance, actually 0
Suplementary informations: Tiria is the fith of the Null class clone girls who possesses a particuliar link with her sister Miria. They share a strong telepatic link and their coordination is exellent.
Tiria (8 yo)
Full name: Null CG-07 Lidia
Codename: Null CG-07
Age at their first apparitions: 8 in appearance, actually 0
Suplementary informations: Lidia is the seventh of the null class clone girls. Her genetic enhancements are focused on her speed, agility and enhancing her senses. She also possesses a special ability made through gene enhancements to make her presence thinner.
Lidia (8 yo)
Full name: Null CG-08 Nicia
Codename: Null CG-08
Age at their first apparitions: 8 in appearance, actually 0
Suplementary informations: Nicia is the eighth Null class clone girl. Her gene augmentations focuses on her mind and enhancing her view. She is the most inteligent of the clone girls, but as a setback, her physical performence is a bit weaker compared to her sisters.
Nicia (8 yo)
Full name: Null CG-09 Mia
Codename: Null CG-09
Age at their first apparitions: 8 in appearance, actually 0
Suplementary informations: Mia is the ninth Null class clone girl, and just like Nicia, her genetic augmentations focuses on her mind, albeit to a lesser degree. To complement this, she also got basic physical enhancements.
Mia (8 yo)
Full name: Null CG-10 Nia
Codename: Null CG-10
Age at their first apparitions: 8 in appearance, actually 0
Suplementary informations: Nia is the tenth Null class clone girl, and just like Nicia, her genetic augmentations focuses on her mind, albeit to a lesser degree. To complement this, she also got basic physical enhancements.
Nia (8 yo)
Full name: Null CG-11 Ticinia
Codename: Null CG-11
Age at their first apparitions: 8 in appearance, actually 0
Suplementary informations: Ticinia is the eleventh of the Null class clone girls. Contrary to her sisters however, her genetic enhancements were given at random which made her health quite unstable during the growth period until adulthood. The genetic modifications were not that bad though, as somehow, Ticinia can sense other people's emotions, and her cuteness might have been enhanced?
Ticinia (8 yo)
Full name: Null CG-12 Vinia
Codename: Null CG-12
Age at their first apparitions: 8 in appearance, actually 0
Suplementary informations: Vinia is the youngest Null class clone girl. She has most off her sister's genetic augmentations, but as a result, her health, just like Ticinia, is unstable until she reaches adulthood. And having all those modifications made her learn at a slower rate than her other sisters too.
Vinia (8 yo)
I've been enjoying this book. The author does a good job writting conversations between characters and following logical progressions of thoughts so no actions really feels out of place, even if seems like it would be off logically, because the way they describe things and keep the characters emotional state in mind. I only really have 2 issues with the book, the first being completely personal problem I have with too many important characters and the second being the plot armor / overly amazing individual feel I get.
The first issue is that there are too many characters (10+) with too similar names to keep track of anything. The focus on developing this characters is something I love, but its hard to keep any of the actual characters straight. I feel like I need to take notes if I want to understand who is talking or what is being conveyed to who and why, and I often found myself going back to older chapters to check if names lined up, which makes it harder to focus on the characters developing, which seems to be the butter of this book so far. Also because theres so many characters it takes so much time individualize all of them, simply because there is more. The other issue is combat. It feels as if I'm watching someone play a first person shooter. They rush in, defeat endless waves of enemies without any lasting effects or worries about simple things like ammo or stamina or enemy bullets or the blast effects of explosives, and then after murdering hundreds of soldiers at a time single handedly, they go home to play and train. And the main character is that first person shooter, and there is no one else on her superhuman impossible feat level in the world except her only friend who trained with her......... so its not something genetic specific, and anyone can train to that level, yet no one is fighting on that level despite every govt. wanting the main characters slice of home. That might change later, but it doesn't change the fact that the realism of fighting just isn't there.
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I like the story, but there are too many perspectives and characters. In my opinion that makes the story slow and boring sometimes, but it is still solid.
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I like a lot about this story. The action is very cool, but even beyond the action the main story has a air of mystery around it. It involves politics with schemeing and all the things to like about that. Big shoutout to the author for writing some truely massive 8k+ chapters after ch. 30 ocasionally. They were real nice to read!There are a few negative things aswell:A minor nitpick is the grammar/spelling, its good enough, but there are some mistakes occasionally. Something more major that I do not really like is the amount of characters. Theres a lot of significant characters in this story some with very similar names. This makes it ocasionally hard to keep track of who is doing what for me. Its also a odd choice for a web novel since to really do the characters justice a lot of time needs to be spent on each of them. It feels like theres too much and not enough time spent on each character at the same time. Not enough in a sense that some major characters dont really appear for a decent amount of chapters and are somewhat underdeveloped and too much in a sense that the time that is spent on developing those is not spent on the main story. I honestly do not know what to do in this situation and I am certain that author is agonizing over this too. After around about 50 chapters the main story continously gets too many plot threads for me to still completely understand what is going on. This is certainly no simple main plot, but there is a line between a dead simple "kill the big bad evil guy" main plot and a complete "clusterf**k" of a main plot that is "10d chess". While I dont think the plot falls into either extremes, it does start out reasonably simple, gets to a certain complexity I would feel very comfortable with at around the time where they leave the first planet and in my opinion overshoots the sweetspot later. It is not gone too far to still be salvaged but if author adds further "stuff" to the main plot then I am afraid the main story will lose all coherence. At least in my opinion. At that point, cute girls doing cute things with some action here and there will be all thats left. I hope it doesnt go there. The world building is also not completely rock solid. Its certainly not completely immersion breaking, but If you analyize some situations logcially and consider all the actors and how it influences them you come to the conclusion that there are so many possible ways to exploit the situation for the MC and especially the enemies of the MC, yet none of that ever happens. This makes the politics/schemeing part feel a bit arbitrary at times. I would like to stress that it is never immersion breaking! Just not quite perfect. The last point is that the action includes weapons with significant lethality. I.e. modern military and future military weapons where an unlucky bullet will kill you. It is not explained in detail but giving the author the benefit of the doubt and granting him that all of the clones of MC in battle are just as well protected as a 40k space marine, even then, I dont think any clone has been either killed or maimed as a result of any of the action sequences. This doesnt really raise the stakes of the action scenes, significantly dulling their impact. What makes this even worse is the sitatuion involving one "named" clone that was promoted to such recently and given significant development. This clone survived falling off what was essentially a cliff. This caused trauma to the MC due to the percieved death of her clone and started important character development. But just a mere chapter later author decide to reveal to the readers that said clone survived this... Something MC is not aware of and author tries to continue said development. First of all, I believe telling the readers so soon was a mistake and even the fact that said clone survived in the first place just reinforces the plot armor vibes I get from the story. I would have prefered some stakes in the action sequences.I would personally rate the story a 3.5/5 in its current state. I have decided to stack up on chapters before continuing with this story to hopefully lessen the impact of the many plot threads on my reading experience. Since sh only allows full star ratings I will round it up to 4 stars. I will revisit this review when I continue with this story. Best of luck goes out to mr author.
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Good stuff.
This is one of those mysterious origins type of story in space, with character development. The title should say the rest.
What I am having a really hard time with is remembering each of the main characters. Having important characters in the double digits... I don't think it was a good choice, especially with similar names. That is probably the biggest flaw of this story.
Also, more space fight pls, and I mean roman style ship invasion or smth. Too bad that I don't think the story will stear in that direction any time soon.
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