Red-1 had never given much thought to the afterlife. He’d always assumed that he would go to the Great Scrapheap in the sky. After all, that’s where all of the other legendary vehicles had gone... And wasn’t he, Red-1, the Greatest Fire Engine of them all?
But when a confrontation with a train interrupts his dreams of eternal glory, Red-1 wakes up as a voluptuous goth girl, complete with a job and a life that he’d never imagined. How will Red-1, steel behemoth, handle his new life as a tiny, beautiful delivery driver?
And why do all of the other employees just seem so dang weird?
<< Author's note: This is a work of satire and parody. Any writing that appears to be of decent quality is most assuredly an accident. Thank you, and enjoy! >>
It's really funny, and the comedy is right up my alley. I also really like the main character Red. She behaves in a believable way (doesn't know how to put on makeup) and is adorable.
Overall, it's a relaxing and funny web novel that I'm really interested in, especially with all these side characters that are getting introduced. They also seem to not be normal humans. I'm sure something is going on. It's not an over-the-top parody that I first expected but feels like it can be a lot more.
I really hope to see more of it in the future.
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