Literally ban (dark) + dai (light)
Literally cai (burn) + wan (fire).
Literally cal (bright) + dai (light). Unlike the Empires, the Dragon Clan has no royalty. They have a Leader. CalDai is a personal title (not inherited), and it refers to the youngest son of the Leader, reason why ZaiWin and the others sometimes refer to him as a prince (which he is not).
Literally cal (bright) + wan (fire)
Literally cal (bright) + wei (crystal)
Literally car (fresh) + fan (grass).
Literally fan (grass) + sai (happy).
Literally fei (raging / furious) + wan (fire)
Literally gin (golden) + wan (fire)
Literally hen (heal / medicine) + wan (fire). Name of FeiWan's Celestial.
Literally jan (flower) + hai (laugh / laughter).
Literally jin (stotm) + ven (sea / ocean).
Literally jin (storm) + wan (fire)
Literally kim (perfume / scent) + won (wood).
Literally lan (white) + ran (moon)
Literally lao (strong) + tar (wind)
Literally lao (stron) + tin (leaf).
Literally lin (silver) + wan (fire)
Literally lun (black) plus cal (bright) + zai (blade), or Blade of Light. It can be translated in common language as Black General, one of military leaders of the Empire. Each Province has it’s own Calzai. To distinguish them they were giver different colors.
Literally mao (monster / beast) + zao (guardian / keeper).
Literally men (lake) + tar (wind)
Literally min (fast) + nur (death).
Literally min (fast) + xin (rain)
Literally nam (cold) + rin (cloud).
Literally Rim (cold) + Myu (water).
Literally nim (gentle) + ren (river)
Literally nim (gentle) + tar (wind)
Literally nim (gentle) + mai (hand).
Literally nim (gentle) + wan (fire)
Literally rim (cold) + jan (flower)
Literally rou (rock) + zen (silent).
Literally ryu (dark) + xin (rain)
Literally vin (hard) + wei (crystal)
Literally ten (eternal) + wan (fire).
Literally tsa (big) + kor (bird).
Literally xun (full) + ran (moon).
Literally yu (green) + fan (grass).
Literally yu (green) plus cal (bright) + zai (blade), or Blade of Light.
It can be translated in common language as Green General, one of
military leaders of the Empire. Each Province has it’s own Calzai. To
distinguish them they were giver different colors.
Literally zai (blade) + win (chaos).
Literally zen (silent) + tar (wind).
KimLay: Literally Kim (perfume / scent) + Lay (seed).
LinDou: Literally lin (silver) + dou (tree).
Literally far (island). Where Far is the name of the Clan, also the name of a Province.
Literally hao (fertile / abundant). Where Hao is the name of the Clan, also the name of a Province.
Literally nox (night). Where Nox is the name of the Clan, also the name of a Province.
Literally pon (mountain). Where Pon is the name of the Clan, also the name of a Province.
Literally ran (moon). Name of one of the three Empires, Wen,
Ran and Sen. (Sun, Moon and Star). Also used as surname by the members
of the Imperial Family with ascending rights to the throne
Literally ren (river). Where Ren is the name of the Clan, also the name of a Province.
Literally sen (star). Name of one of the three Empires, Wen,
Ran and Sen. (Sun, Moon and Star). Also used as surname by the members
of the Imperial Family with ascending rights to the throne
Literally sur (plain). Where Sur is the name of the Clan, also the name of a Province.
Literally tei (metal). Where Tei is the name of the Clan, also the name of a Province.
Literally tei (metal / metallic) + suffix in (center), meaning the
center of the Province of Tei, in other words, Tei’s Capital. All
Capitals of all Provinces are named as such.
Literally ven (sea / ocean). Where Ven is the name of the Clan, also the name of a Province.
Literally wei (crystal / precious stone). The name of a Province.
Literally wei (crystal / precious stone) + suffix in (center), meaning
the center of the Province of Wei, in other words, Wei's Capital. All
Capitals of all Provinces are named as such.
Literally wen (sun). Name of one of the three Empires, Wen, Ran and Sen. (Sun, Moon and Star). Also used as surname by the members of the Imperial Family with ascending rights to the throne
Literally wen (sun) + suffix in (center), meaning the center of the Province of Wen, in other words, Wen's Capital. Since Wen is the Capital Province of the Empire of Wen, Wenin is the most important city, where the Imperial Family lives. All Capitals of all Provinces are named as such.
Literally won (wood). Where Won is the name of the Clan, also the name of a Province.
Literally zai (blade). Zai is the name of the Clan (family name), also the name of a Province.
Hen: Literally hen (heal). Where Hen is the name of the Clan, also the name of a Province
Literally cal (bright) + zai (blade), or Blade of Light. It can be translated in common language as General, one of military leaders of the Empire. Each Province has it’s own Calzai.
Literally dai (light) + nin (person / human), the Gifted Ones, blessed with daitai.
Literally dai (light) + tai (mark), or Holly Markings, considered Heavenly Blessings. They’re the source of power.
Literally dun (fall) + dao (magnificent / amazing) + zao (guardian
/keeper). Daozao translates to dragon in the common language. So
DunDaozao means the fall of the dragon, meaning sunset, which is 18h00.
ManDaozao would be rise of the dragon, meaning sunrise, which is 06h00.
This is the time system of the Demon Clan, which the Empires adopted.
Color gray. Granted to the Calzai from the Zai Province.
Literally el (supreme) + cal (bright) as in supreme brightness. The name
given to the one that will inherit the throne. It can or not be one of
the El’Gin or El’Lin.
Literally el (supreme) + dur (ruler). Name given to the Emperor
Literally el (supreme) + gin (gold). Name given to the male children of
the Emperor. Could be translated into prince in the common language.
Literally el (supreme) + lin (silver). Name given to the female children
of the Emperor. Could be translated into princess in the common
Literally fei (raging / furious) + mao (beast / monster). Raving beasts that appear in unbalanced, ungoverned lands. They possess destructive markings that in turn corrupt the land even further. Hard to explain in just 2 lines -_-; Anyway. Bad, vicious things that need to be killed.
Literally hae (blessed / sacred) + hir (ceremony / ritual). Blessing Ceremony held so that Tien’Elhar may find their Chosen One.
Literally hae (blessed / sacred) + mao (beast / monster). Sacred Beasts sent by the Heavens to bless the Ran Empire
Literally hae (blessed / sacred) + nin (person). Referring to the Chosen One, those chosen by Celestials.
Literally hei (glow) + nin (person / human). Meaning Blessed One, name given to the Tien'Elhar's Chosen Ones.
Literally hen (heal / medicine) + nin (person / human) + er (male form), making a male healer. A female would be a Henninar.
Literally hin (cut) + hir (ceremony / ritual). Name of the ritual where
one's markings are cut. Normally only performed on very dangerous
Literally jan (flower) + wan (fire. Can be translated into Concubine in the common language
Literally jun (work) + dai (light). Name given to all Priests and Priestesses of the Temple.
Suffix meaning boy child, or a child of the male sex and an endearing form to call a child.. The feminine, girl child, is -har
-lar Suffix meaning lady. The masculine, lord, is -lor
-lor Suffix meaning lord. The feminine, lady, is -lar
Literally lor (lord) + her, suffix meaning boy child, or a child of the male sex and an endearing form to call a child.
Literally man (rise) + dao (magnificent / amazing) + zao (guardian /keeper). Daozao translates to dragon in the common language. So ManDaozao means the rise of the dragon, meaning sunrise, which is 06h00. DunDaozao would be fall of the dragon, meaning sunset, which is 18h00. This is the time system of the Demon Clan, which the Empires adopted.
Literally quin (sound) + rien (bind). The name of a biding collar that
forces its wearer to remain silent. It can be set to different levels of
sound from not speaking at all to not shouting or screaming. It can
only be taken off by the one holding its ring key.
Literally tien (heaven) + el (god, supreme) + har (girl child). In the common language is translated to Celestial
Literally ren (river) + har suffix meaning girl child, or a child of the female sex and an endearing form to call a child.
Literally var (sky) + sen (star). Meaning that who reads the stars in the sky. Name given to the Temple's Seers.
Literally zin (punish) + tien (heaven), or Heavenly Punishers. Name of the group of men responsible to enforce the Temple's laws. They are rarely called upon, only when grave sins against the Temple are reported.
Dailar: Literally dai (light) + lar (lady). Could be translated as Queen.
Fellow fujos and fudans, this is a story that belongs in all of our BL bibles! You may be dismayed by the strange names, but Author-tan puts in footnotes for EVERY SINGLE foreign word. You won't feel lost. And she updates EVERY DAY!! It's a gift you will give yourself if you read this story. The characters are complex and well-rounded. The writing is well-done (and english isn't Author-tan's first language!). The pacing is slow and steady, but everything has a reason. The MC and the ML are not only likeable, but you can see how they both compliment each other, which you don't always get! Just because two characters are cool doesn't always mean that they should be in a relationship, but I have a feeling that Author-tan gets that! So far no unnecessary B-couples or yaoi-logic. I dig. I uber dig. If you are crying because you've already read all of MXTX's stuff, or Owl's stuff, come over here and start reading this amazing story!
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Technically I would give it a 4.5 (I'm nit picky), but I've really been enjoying this story!
Although the author does have a few troubles with a bit of spelling and sentence structure, I've found that the dialogue is very animated and engaging. Each character has a distinct personality that comes out as the story progresses.
There is quite a bit of angst due to the MC's and ML's past, but parts of the story are actually very fluffy due to Snow's naive and kindhearted personality. The ML is sort of like an easily annoyed teenager/tsundere, and clearly has character development to undergo as well.
I also love the detail that has been put into building this world of Celestials and fantastical creatures, many places and the politics of the world that are explained in a way that makes it more than plot convenient backdrop--including the use of magical abilities! True to the genre tags, this story is very much an action, drama, fantasy, character growth story for the MC besides just being a romance.
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