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Dark Moon : Rise of The Dark King (Please add the rewrite ver)
Dark Moon : Rise of The Dark King (Please add the rewrite ver)
276.1k Views 4841 Favorites 216 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 711 Readers
4.3 (95 ratings)
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    Status: second arc (his art of...

    This is torture


    Because it makes you crave for more


    There are something that ruins this gem

    That is

    The occasional grammatical errors


    A good read


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    Status: second arc (his art of...

    So as caelumsidhe sad THIS IS A HIDE GEM. It has everything that the tags say. Good story, nice world-building, character growth decent logic in plot and also in the actions of the MC, and nerve-wracking romance. Not gonna go into details but this novel deserv much more views and higher standings then it dose right now and for me, this is the authors best novel!if I wanna found some fault in the novel it would be the:

    1 Short chapter and 2 chapters per weak (this is just so I can found some fault)

    2 some actions that MC makes I disagree but those are my point of view and it has nothing to do whit how things turn out.

    If u hesitant to start reding it dont be just open chapter one and enjoy the ride :)

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    Status: second arc (his art of...

    I highly recommend this to readers, prospective or not.

    the author wrote this really well. Something it has that a lot of other stories do not have:

    a plotline

    3d characters 

    well written characters 

    a connectable MC, at least for me

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    Status: second arc (his art of...

    I can't begin to explain how happy and grateful I am to have discovered this hidden gem. The characters are all so alive. There exists the commonly used tropes however the way the author was able to weave all these together is amazing and feels magical to me. It's also nice that the story is primarily from our male protagonist's POV, I don't know why but I enjoy reading books like these from a male POV. I have definitely fallen in love with this story that I read everything overnight and now I'm agonizing over what happens next. 

    As the previous reviewer has stated, there are really lots of grammatical errors but to me, the beauty of this story is more than enough to make up for these shortcomings. 

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    I really like how this story, but I do have a few gripes. I do not know if English is the author's first language or not, but the grammar mistakes are pretty numerous throughout the story. They are pretty minor, and does not pact the reading experience that much. My man gripe about this story is that words that should be in a sentence are missing, and sometimes words are used in the wrong context. 


    For example, in the prologue when the kingdoms are meeting for a peace talk one of the kings brings a princess, and that princess is labeled as a nephew when in reality it should be niece.


    Also in the prologue I get that it's in the past as clearly stated in the title of the chapters, but the use of some past tense words really bug me. Like when the word 'replied' is used on multiple occasions. It may just be me, but I feel that past tense terms used in the prologue should not have been used in certain situations. While other times it was used correctly. 

    This is just a more nitpicking for the story because overall I had an enjoyable read, but they obvious mistakes and lacking of some words in a sentence broke the emmersion occasionally for me. I would still recommend for others to read this story though.

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    Status: first arc (king of euphorion) – 1....

    Picked this novel out of interest for the tags and reviews, but sincerely felt disappointed until now.

    The prologue shows some interesting points with quite a potential to be used nicely, but the characters are just too... simple and immature to supposed 'royalty'. The schemes are on the level of gang fight, while the ability of the characters to predict things close to null.

    The power level is weird too, the MC is too OP from the get go, and if one were to include his combat experience, doesn't make sense to him to be so gullible and naive, after all, even meat-heads in other stories develop some kind of feel/instinct for danger.

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