All things began with a single choice, a single desire to break the status quo, a moments decision that caused a war between four beings that still rages across uncountable worlds and universes even now.
The first amung them wished to create and observe.
The second longed for the endless cycle that had now been shattered.
The third looked upon existence with disgust and wished for it all to return to the void.
The forth desired only for an equilibrium and hoped to stop the complete destruction of the others.
From these clashing ideologies existence itself would split apart and all things were dragged into their never ending struggle. Now I must learn, learn and survive in an omniverse controlled by four warring concepts of unknowable power.
Reborn as a certain parasitic organism I must subjugate and indoctrinate, build my armies of metal and flesh, my endless hordes of monsters and mechanical weapons. I do this all for a simple reason, to protect myself against entities and beings that could wipe me away with a single flick of their wrist. And this isn't even mentioning all the opposition that I may face from those supposedly on my side of this stupid war that I find myself so abruptly pulled into.
This novel is currently only being uploaded on Scribblehub and Webnovel, this may change later on but for now these are the only places I am posting this.
I would say that it is a little early to leave a criticism, review or analysis.
So I'll just say my opinion and impression.
Alternative Stories
For now it's being interesting and I like the "potential". Since "four great forces" are mentioned in the multiverse and the protagonist is barely an "initiate" or "candidate" as a pawn in one of these (neither good nor bad, a fancion that aimed to "change" destiny by adding variables) .
With the protagonist's abilities, he can be either a "plague" calamity or a xenomorph or perhaps create his own "society" focused on his own existence.
With the protagonist's abilities, he can be either a calamity, a "plague" or a xenomorph or perhaps create his own "society" focused on his own existence (well, there is no "kingdom construction" tag, but there is "World Invasion" ", although I saw a story that combined the two, "looting/invasion" civilization, so who knows).
going to character
In essence I like the main character, in a way he tries to remain with his human "ego", I neither like nor dislike this theme, but it gives dynamism to his "train of thought" and his internal dialogues. Above all, he is not the stereotyped and cliched character of "trustworthy and calculating" or "bloody tyrant" "he is a villain just because." He just wants to survive, he has xenomorph instincts and deals with it and a bit of a tortured mind from his initial torture. Any change in your way of acting is justified.
For now, the only secondary character or "co-protagonist" may be his "recruiter" who gives him his touch of humor or sarcastic jokes to annoy the protagonist... but as I say, it is still early and there may be many things where it can be developed.
and speaking of narrative
Well, it is fluid and the occasional touch of humor from the "comic duo" prevents it from feeling heavy or that its initial "bitter" and traumatic experience is lighter and does not create an initial atmosphere of depression.
It is neither slow nor frenetic, the plot and themes advance when they have to and allow time for the development of the plot and characters. Perhaps this would be part of the previous point, but the characters have their personalities well "characterized" and that makes the narratiba pleasant to read and keeps you in the story.
The writer's resources are also well applied to "cut" excess descriptions and not overload too much.
Personally, I feel like I forget to talk or explain things... But I like my general impression, easy to read, "alive" characters (to a certain point), fluid plot and a story with potential.
It's also that I like the theme of a non-human protagonist or "reincarnated as a monster", but I have read quite a few, although there are common points in all of them or different beginnings and spices. I think I can say it's "different" in his own way.
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