Kali is a 19 years old girl, with a Fair Complexion and a pretty face, soft brown hair of middle-back length, which she has mostly in a ponytail which makes her hair at shoulder-length, and beautiful green eyes.
Her Body is about 175cm(5.7 feet) tall with a Seductive and Lithe build that has Gorgeous long legs, Perky breasts, a Cute and Tight ass, and a thin waist. She is extremely Flexible and Nimble.
Nina is a woman of 21 years, she has a pale complexion, and a Cute face with cute little freckles, and long red hair reaching her lower back. Slightly glowing green eyes that are Beautiful. She has her Hair in a braid most of the time.
She has a height of 160cm(5,2 Feet). She has a voluptuous body, huge breasts, and a nice big ass.
Annika is 22 years old woman, she has a Pale Complexion and short blond hair. She has a Beautiful face with high cheekbones and a defined jaw, and has a slight scar under her jaw on the left side of her face. Her eyes are light blue.
She is 195cm(6.3 feet). Has a lean body with very nice six-pack abs, lean legs with nice muscularity, perky big breasts, and tight ass.
Luna is acolyte of Ilova, Goddess of Light.
She is short and petite, has small breasts, a cute butt,
This is a Roughly made Map of the Base Cave. The hole in the top right is a Bath now.
The bed is to the left of the camp fire.
Most things on the status are easy to understand, but some are not.
Level: this is the Race Level and not class level. Race Level gives something at every level and something bigger at Level 10, 20, 30, and 40. At Level 50 the race can evolve, they will have options to choose, the choices will change depending on your Class, Attributes, Traits, Affinity and much more.
Lesser races can have their first evolution at level 25.
Lesser races include Goblins, most beasts.
Class options are first only given to humanoids at 18 years of age. but most wait till they got their general skill up to a point to get something good.
Classes are Tiered,
But they are not just Tiered, they are also used and gain Exp in different ways.
Combat Classes are those that mainly use combat to get exp, and so fight a lot. Aka Warriors, Hunters, Mages.
Life classes are those that mainly focus on something specific, and gain exp that way. Aka Dancer, Scholar, Worker, Farmer, Whore. Anything that has something to do with a General skill.
Artisan Classes are those that focus on creating things to gain exp. Aka Crafters.
Skills are in divided into General Skills, Class Skills, and Artisan skills.
General Skills is any skill, that does not need a class to learn. But General Skills can become Class Skills, and Class Skills if they are not exclusive to the Class can also return to General skills. But any General Skill that became a Class Skill will change depending on the Class. General skills are divided by Passive skills and active skills.
Let's see Dancer as an example, [Dancer] is a Class that you can gain from having [Dancing] at lvl 5 and if you became a [Dancer], your [Dancing] general skill will become a Class skill. But with added effect. [Dancing] increases Flexibility, and Trains Dexterity and Agility. But after it became a Class Skill, it has the extra Effect of Bolstering (increasing all attributes by 10%) for a 1 hour at Lvl 1. That is the effect that the Class added.
Skills are also divided by type:
Artisan Skills go up to level 100 but gain something extra every 10 levels. Artisan skills have a [A] after the name.
I would rate this story with 2.5 / 5 stars, if it were published, as it is very very rough. Both in terms of writing style and grammar. But it's not published, so the neat little plot and plucky trysts deserve some more stars.
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