Name: Kimiko Hasegawa Age: 16 (40)
Lvl 968. Job: Primordial Sword Master (lvl 930 req.)
Effect: ( STR,CON,VIT,DEX) all +50 Per level since acquiring the job
Title: The One (Immunity to ailments below Divine tier) ( Given to those who pursue the path of truth above all)
HP: 3,514,500 (Recover: 27500 per min) MP: 2,239,456 (Recover: 30080 per min)
STR: 3450 CON: 2556
VIT: 2750 DEX: 3879
INT: 2978 WIS: 3008
CHA: 67 LUC: 1002
An orphan who was transported to this world. Having bled for it and saving it from the Demon King she was given another chance at life in her original world by mysterious entity. Luckily this time she had wonderful parents and fulfilling life. But it changed one day when her entire class was selected to be the new heroes and transported to that world. Luckily she got access to her previous power and using it escaped from the formation. But she still got transported her to their world but to a remote place.
Now she wants to find a way back to her world but not before some major bashing given how OP she is, but is she?
Lvl: 9 Job: Villager Effect: -
Title: Star-child (A candidate for Saint; Passive Holy Power Emitted) [Given to those of direct descendant of ******]
HP: 85 MP: 71
STR: 10 CON: 13
VIT: 13 DEX: 20
INT: 19 WIS: 15
CHA: 35 LUC: 10
A bright child since young, her cheerful demeanor and sunny personality has won the heart of everyone in the Ranga Village. Born from an unknown father from unknown origin, her father died when she was young. She is extremely naive and latched unto her mother as well as her aunt. Now her favorite people include Kimiko as well.
Name: Sheila Satou Age: 27
Lvl: 45 Job: Villager Effect: -
Title: -
HP: 3999 MP: 1556
STR: 91 CON: 93
VIT: 86 DEX: 63
INT: 83 WIS: 75
CHA: 91 LUC: 93
A steadfast, bold and independent woman who lives in Ranga Village. However, she keeps a calm facade on her face to hide the unease she feels about something. People often mistake her bold behavior and interpret as 'Hater of Men' which caused her to remain single as every suitor wanted a demure woman as wife. But according to her, it doesn't faze her one bit, or is it another calm facade of her?
Name: Mary Satou Age: 30
Lvl: 51 Title: Villager Effect: -
Title: -
HP: 5832 MP: 2013
STR: 98 CON: 109
VIT: 107 DEX: 75
INT: 83 WIS: 97
CHA: 93 LUC: 103
A woman who is the mother of Rin. She is opposite of Sheila, a reserved and modest lady who was the eye candy for many young men back then in Ranga village. One day on her regular outings to Aron city, she came to meet with Rin's father and fell in love with him. Months later, they got married and lived in Ranga village until one day he died mysteriously. She loves her daughter very much and then her sister.
Name: Theta (Mira) Age: 14
Lvl: 274 Job: Titled Assassin (lvl: 250+ req.)
Effect: +10 DEX, +10 CON (Every level gained after acquiring the title)
Title: Named Assassin of the Cult (Leader of Theta series) [Given to those who survived the Series Experiment]
HP: 170478 MP: 42017
STR: 477 CON: 492
VIT: 693 DEX: 1372
INT: 463 WIS: 363
CHA: 332 LUC: 328
An orphan who background is a mystery to even her. Chosen as a candidate for the series experiment along with her big brother, her series experiment result caused a rukus within the cult and made her the only sole survivor of the experiment. Despite having her memories and emotions suppressed, she still had hints of rebelliousness within her. She had minor flashbacks regarding the series incident, as she was not even a teen when it occurred, her very mind is somehow twisted by the incident. Torn between her loyalty to the cult caused artificially or the a strong impression of 'Live... Live for us' which stuck to her heart.
Name: Gilles Ruiford Age: 43
Lvl: 212 Job: Puppeteer Master (Lvl 200+ req.)
Effect: +3 STR, +3 DEX, +2 CON ( Per lvl gained after acquiring the title.)
Title: Aron Adventure Guild Head Instructor (Head Instructor for the guild of Aron Branch.)[Given to those who strive to improve the next generation of Adventurers.]
HP: 68600 MP: 45100
STR: 593 CON: 392
VIT: 350 DEX: 763
INT: 410 WIS: 440
CHA: 370 LUC: 273
A gruff man with a bleeding heart. He may look like a wild man but he can't stand an emotional story before being reduced to tears. Despite his flaws he makes sure to instruct the next Adventurers and goes even an extra mile to pit them against his second hobby; Golem making which is extremely expensive! He has weird fascination with ventriloquism and uses mean dolls to attack his opponent when the opponent is clearly expecting him to fight directly. As they say, "Never judge a book by it's cover."
I would like to call this a "well written work, " but unfortunately I can't.
It is DEFINITELY a "well crafted work" and a very engaging piece of work that I love to read, but it is in serious need of editing. The writing itself is simply bad, and that's after it's already been edited for grammar (which is still bad as well.)
Aside from that, there are a lot of characters early on especially who just randomly drone off into random exposition dumps out of nowhere, even when it makes no sense for them to suddenly start saying the things that they are saying.
Honestly, my recommendation to the author would be to get a hundred or so chapters in, maybe more, until they have improved their writing skills and then go back and seriously re-write this entire thing. It is still a very fun read, and it's amazing to see an author this good at story craft who is likely very new to this considering the writing skill. It can just do for some more polish. The author doesn't have the skills right now to give it that polish, but I'm certain they will by the time this thing gets to around chapter 150.
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Not only does it suit my tastes almost perfectly, but it also is a fantastic read.
The MC is good, the characters aren't cardboard, and there is some good explanations to give the readers more in depth knowledge of this world.
The system creators have their nice little sassy moments that I like.
Still some little grammar errors and some inconsistencies flying here and there, but they are negligible and don't affect the read much.
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where to start, the basic story premise is decent. however it's so convoluted. it's like reading a compressed one piece arc where everyone and their pet's need a background story. to the point I know more about the side characters than the main character. on top of that most of it is in the form of giant information dumps while slightly different could fix so much. putting an example in the spoiler:
the story builds up the princess a little, there is something going on... but then the main character asks what's going on and we the audience are just told whats wrong. now we know more about the princess than the relevant character (duke's son) so the reveal will be a lot less impactful than it could have been. the audience should have been cut off for this information, and let us live along with the struggle of the duke's son. this way the information we are "given" is also spread out better reducing the giant information dump that's happening ad the moment. it will also reward the reader for trying to figure out this little secret, rather than just giving us the answer. (a later reveal will increase the impact in this case)
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The story is quite good!
Even though the MC is OP, the story is not boring at all. THe world building is good and there are many event happening that are not involving the MC.
I'm still a bit sad that most of what I was waiting for didn't come so far, which is "someone finding out the MC's identity".
The story is quite slow because we have a lot of different POV with event happening around the world. A bit too much in my opinion, I even started to skip them cause I wanted to see more about the MC.
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