By FashionableForestD
While hiking during an extended weekend from grad school, the slightly airheaded Rose Snyder slips through a gap between worlds and encounters a witch.. With no way to return, she must adapt to the strange world of magic and danger, and find her p
Funny, s*xy, and most importantly Different. Many stories on this site are just generic, and bland. This one isn't. The main character is an eldritch horror, becoming friends and lover with angels, elves, and other cuties. But don't take it for a generic harem either, because the story is actually good (yes, I'm judging you generic harem story #46) and keeps you on the edge of your seat. The author isn't afraid of killing off characters either, so you don't know if your fav is gonna last or not (hint: she won't) gr8 story, I r8 8/8 m8.
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