4.6k Views 87 Favorites 4 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 88 Readers 0 Reviews 7.7k Words May 29, 2020 Blanklines "For Millennia, I Stood"
Maybe I should write a book like that once I get the chance, it’s a nice name after all.
Though I suppose that is a metaphor I am using.
No, not the Millenia part. The “Stood” part.
I suppose in our language it’s still standing, but not the standing where you’re on your two legs type of standing.
Maybe it’s not a metaphor then, but something else? For all the time I spent reading, I never was too good with details like these.
Ah, I digress, where was I?
Yes, for millennia I stood, right here, without moving. Pretty sad, in a sense, but I suppose I just worked with what
... more>> I got.
How did this happen? Well, I suppose time is something I do not lack, might as well entertain you for a bit.
Witness the story of Robert, an unfortunate casualty in the acts of gods, who reincarnates...as a rock.
[Story is in Hiatus indefinitely]