208 Views 0 Favorites 2 Chapters 1 Chapters/Week 12 Readers 0 Reviews 4k Words Jan 29, 2025 Craby_Crab Follow Reece, a random Brit who, after finding himself in another world as a kid named Elias. The boy, a bastard son of some random noble, fights for his very survival, mourns those he’s lost in coming here, makes a new family, pets some cat girls, valiantly stands against the forces of both good and evil, discovers the secrets of magic, fights god and all that other pish-posh while actually just searching for a nice cup of tea. How will a modern person cope living in a world actually like the 8th century...but with fucking dragons? Well, Mostly by taking the mickey out of everything, keeping a stiff upper lip and stabbing. Lots of stabbing.
... more>> Now cue the Overly Descriptive Death Scene.
(I don’t exactly know what the hell this is going to be, mostly just a creative outlet for a lot of pent-up frustration about D&D, fantasy shit, isekai, and life in general, as well as a way to show off how smart I am. Give it a chance; if you like it, stick along for the ride. If not, get bent.)
Three Chapters Weekly.
Cover by - KeiraNightFox