Chapter 66: Dealing With a Murderer!!!
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Chapter 66: Dealing With a Murderer!!!

(Syrilblia’s POV)

Stan: “Who went into my office!?” He said with an angry tone.

Maid: “…”

The maid couldn’t answer, even if she wanted to do so. Stan was holding her up to the wall by her throat. Did you want an answer, or did you want to just hurt her?


Using wind magic, I sent a wind blade directly to cut off his hands. Though, I didn’t use much power in my attack. I didn’t want to kill him off so quickly, after all. And, of course, he was able to protect himself from it.

He let the girl go, though. Which was my main concern at the moment. Looking at me… the man was clearly furious. Oh? Did I upset you? Sorry, but after you murder more than ten innocent people, you lose all your human rights!

Stan: “Did you go into my office?” He asked.

Syrilblia: “That I did. And I have to say… I feel like your little museum has let down those that you have murdered. Could you not make it more classy?” I ask in reply.

Stan: “…I don’t care whose family you belong to, I will be killing you, and adding your bloodstained clothing to my collection!” He exclaimed, going in for a magic attack.

He chose to use water magic, which, made sense. A man like him… and his vanity wouldn’t allow damage to his property. Water can be cleaned up, things like fire are dangerous. Regardless, the attack was blocked by me.

Syrilblia: “Before I kill you, tell me… why do you kill?” I ask with a curious tone.

Stan: “The same reason that you’ve seduced my daughter. It’s for pleasure, dear. Hurting people… it makes me feel so good. Surely, you can understand my viewpoint?” He answered.

Syrilblia: “I do, and frankly, if you only killed men, I really wouldn’t care. But cute girls should be pampered and cherished, not murdered for sport.” I reply with a shrug.

Stan: “I see, I see… Why did you even come here? Was it to gloat about seducing my daughter?” He asked.

Syrilblia: “Not at all. I came here to steal your wife from you. In fact, I already did that.” I answer.

Stan: “…”

Syrilblia: “Right now… your wife and daughter are on a bed, completely nude, and kissing each other lovingly. The sight… it was very sweet.” I add with a giggle.

Stan: “You do not need to provoke my anger further… Why come up with blatant lies?” He said with a scoff.

He didn’t believe me? With a scoff, and as this man decided to abuse this maid just RIGHT outside of Priscilla’s room, I went back into it. And the man followed along with me.


Priscilla: “Mom… you taste so good.” She said in between kisses.

Barbra: “As do you, dear.” She agreed, also in between their kisses.

Stan: “…”

Syrilblia: “See? You skill in sex wasn’t even close to my level, Stan. Now I have taken your wife… I will also be taking your life!” I say, using wind magic to push him out of the window.

Barbra will be going to stay at Marina’s estate from now on, so I didn’t care about damaging this place at all. Flying out of the window, I saw Stan, covered in glass and wounds.

Syrilblia: “I won’t claim that I am somehow better than you, as I seduce every woman that I come across…” I say.

Stan: “…”

Syrilblia: “But I am curious. How does it feel to be hunted, rather than being the hunter?” I ask with a curious tone.

Stan: “…Dreadful. Is this what my victims felt?…” He answered.

Syrilblia: “…”

Stan: “How amazing! Even knowing such a thing, I do not regret my actions in the least! Girl, hunt me if you please. I won’t go down easy!” He exclaimed with an excited expression.

Woo… Who knew that a serial killer would have a few screws loose? Though, like Stan, I also have a few quirks with my own brain. Was it due to the sexual abuse that I experienced from my family, or would I have acted this way even without said abuse, when given such a chance?

That… I have no real clue or idea of the right answer. Right now, I am basically planning on sexing each and every woman that consents to it. That includes the MC. Oh, I can’t wait to taste that girl…

Stan: “Your expression… it’s similar to how I look when killing my victims. Are you like me, then? Does murdering me make you feel pleasure?” He asked.

Syrilblia: “Oh, I take no pleasure in this, Stan. As for my expression… I was thinking about seducing a specific woman, you see.” I answer with a slightly embarrassed tone.

Stan: “…Your mind is twisted like mine, but just in a different way.” He said with a laugh.

Syrilblia: “I won’t deny that. Now, please try to survive, pitiful murderer.” I reply with a laugh of my own.

The time for talking was over now, though. Stan ran through the courtyard of his estate, trying to survive my onslaught. As I was playing with him, he did survive.

In the end, I didn’t want to kill him. I just wanted to injure the man, and have him arrested. Not because I think it is morally right to do so. He will still be executed by the state.

Rather, I want him to be caught, so that the victims’ families won’t have to wait any longer to know of the death of their loved ones. I might seduce woman after woman, but I feel like this would be the correct thing to do.

A Very Drawn Out Fight Later.

Stan: “…”

Syrilblia: “…”

Stan: “This entire time… why haven’t you tried to kill me?” He asked with a confused tone and expression.

Syrilblia: “I cannot kill you, fool. I need you to be arrested so that your crimes can be brought to life.” I answer.

Stan: “You’re willing to break up entire families via you seducing the females, but you cannot bring yourself to kill someone?” He replied with a raised eyebrow.

Stan was covered in blood, but his wounds weren’t anything too extreme. He will survive this easily. Damn… I should have asked Velta to call some knights here…

Syrilblia: “Make no mistake, Stan. I was fully prepared to convince you to commit suicide from witnessing me stealing your wife and seducing your daughter. But with what I saw in your office… the plan changed.” I deny with my arms crossed.

Stan: “The pain that I’ve caused… it isn’t enough, you see. I won’t allow their families to get revenge.” He said with a scoff, placing his hand on his head.


Syrilblia: “…”

Before I could react, the man had used… some kind of magic, which element I wasn’t sure of. But, regardless, Stan had blown his own head off. Horrible bastard… With him dead, this whole thing will be such a fucking mess. Eh, I’ll go fuck his wife and daughter some more to get out my frustrations!