The Rat Has It
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     I turn to look at the others, they have some minor bruises but nothing near as bad as Rose's injuries "Oh my little budding flower, it is sad to think you still doubt me." Rose turns and looks at the male giving him a smile. She glances to me and points at the male "This is Dahlia he's our youngest member, he was born into the market." she points to the woman next to him "This is Orchid she would be my gamma if we're using shifter structures. That leaves Poppy she was brought in a year after Orchid had joined our team." she says motioning to the other girl. The girl's wave back and Dahlia just gives me a nod before looking out the window at the passing scenery. They all had their hair shaved the same as Rose and Anti; Dahlia's hair was pink with purple streaks; his eyes were a cold steal blue. I could see how Orchid got her name she had orchid purple hair with magenta streaks, that made her amethyst eyes pop; Poppy had crimson red hair and her eyes were like looking into the stary night, her eyes were almost completely black with speckles of shining white. I look over to Anti his hair was a mixture of pinks and oranges, and his emerald green eyes shined like gems.

     Finally, I let my gaze drop to Rose sitting next to me her honey brown hair and dazzling heterochromia eyes still blew me away, the way the reds, oranges and yellows danced in her eye making one feel as if they were staring into a warm campfire and the solid gold iris that shone brightly. "You know if you keep getting distracted Bibi, you'll miss our opportunity to get the controller." James says through the mind link, I can imagine the cocky little smirk on his face. I tear my attention away from Rose and the rest of the group of shifters, I look through the windshield seeing we we're close to the long tunnel. Rose looks ahead too and leans forward like she was looking for something as the luxury car entered the tunnel. "Not yet." Is all Rose says keeping her eyes trained on the luxury car in front of her. It wasn't until the last of the convoy had entered the tunnel when Rose saw whatever she was looking for "Now" she says in an authoritative voice. I send the mine link to the rest of my men; I start to open the door, but Rose grabs my arm stopping me just a second. But it was long enough to send sparks up my arm and I almost miss what she was trying to tell me "The rat has it." she says before nodding and letting me go.

     I don't have time to be confused or we'd miss our window of opportunity, I throw the door open and jump out of the speeding car. I hear the door shut behind me, before I can hit the ground and I shift into half of my dragon form. This form was always hard to hold but the tunnel wouldn't be wide enough for my full dragon. I grunt from the effort of holding this form but surge forward, I notice the luxury car began to speed up trying to get out of the tunnel faster. I fly as best as I can in the cramped space, while also having to dodge the oncoming cars. I look ahead and realize the car is about to exit the tunnel and I start to feel the pain of failure in my heart. Thats when a large white dragon landed in front of the exit, putting one of its large paws on the front of the car keeping it in place "We're not failing today." James says through the mind link. I smile he always knew where to be; I am able to close the distance to the car, that was trapped under James' paw. As I get closer to the car Tristan gets out of the car pointing a gun at me, I let myself shift to my human for "Where is it?" the man shoots but misses by inches. James let out a bored yawn before pushing the man forward with the tip of his tail, I watch the fat, balding man fall on his face. The gun falling from his hand and skidding over to me, and I kick it away, Rory stops the car meters away and I hear the doors opening.

     I close the distance between myself, and the waist of life called Tristan. I pick him up by what little hair he has left, he screams in pain as my claws dig into the flesh of his balding head. I wasn't going to kill him yet "Please, don't kill me I'll tell you anything you want!" Tristan pleads. I couldn't help but soak in the joy his pleas brought me, it was satisfying watching the slimy piece of garbage being reduced to nothing but a babbling baby. Blood starts to run down his head from where my claws pierces his scalp and he whimpers "Where is the controller?" I manage to growl out. I can feel him begin to shake "I don't know!! After that thing landed on my car I couldn't find it, that's why I grabbed the gun." he says. Not liking the answer, I take my free hand and sink my claws into the tender flesh of his stomach. He screams louder in pain, and I have to scrunch my nose at the smell of him soiling himself "I swear I don't if I did, I would have used it to kill the others before trying to take you on." he pleads. deciding I believed him I decided on a few more questions "Where are the rest of the shifters in your collection?" I ask looking at the man. Tristan continues to shake and cry from the pain as more blood drips down my hand and onto the ground, but he doesn't answer right away so I begin dragging my claws up tearing through his flesh.

     The dead man realizing his fate lets out pained laugh and looked into my eyes "You'll never save all the mutts; I look forward to the day you all rot in hell." he says. I shrug and let out a Tsk, I remove the hand from his head and grab his throat as I drag the claws in his stomach closer to his chest tearing everything in between "Well you were going to die anyways." I say with no emotion. I watch the light go out of his eyes as I crush his throat, I only let go after I hear the snapping of his neck bones. I carry his lifeless body over to his car; I reach down and pop the trunk and shove his body into it "I don't want to litter" I say. I look down and see that I am soaked in the man's blood, for a moment I seriously consider having my clothes framed; so, I could relive this memory every time I look at the blood-soaked clothes. I start to feel numbness wash over me realizing that I had just killed my first human, sure I killed animals for food all the time, but this was a man regardless of how disgraceful he was. Before I can sink deeper into my thoughts, I feel sparks shoot up my elbow and I look down and my eyes meet with Rose's.

     "The first is always the hardest regardless of how much they deserve it, you did what needed to be done and you saved many lives today." she says softly and pulls me over to the side of the tunnel. Before I can register anything, she puts a controller in my hand and looks into my eyes "Take a deep breath and calm down, we have agreed that we would like you to do the honors when you are ready." she says gesturing to the controller in my hands. The others come over and give me a knowing look, then they straighten up "We accept you as our leader and respect you for what you did. Our fates rest in your hands." they say in unison. I look at each of them one by one, finally letting my gaze rest on Rose, she gives me an encouraging smile and nods. I appreciate what they are trying to do, I look down at the controller and carefully press the release button. I watch as the devices unlatch and fall to the ground, the devices were so tight that their necks bleed slightly where it cut into them. Rose's wrist and ankles do the same where the devices had sat "Where was the controller?" I ask. I don't remember hearing anyone go through the car but then again, my attention was elsewhere. She laughs and I look at her and finally notice a black and white rat sitting on her shoulder "I told you the rat has it." she says. I look at the rat, and suddenly have a feeling of familiarity like I had seen the rat before.