Chapter 4: Proof of Lineage
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As we approach the building I am momentarily shocked by the difference in the design of the admissions office. It is built with sleek lines and geometric patterns, with tall glass windows that go from floor to ceiling. All of it is built around the same white stones that seem to form all of the campus's buildings. Above the entrance the words 'Registry of Novitiates' shimmer with an ethereal glow.

Evelia's light laughter pulls me from my thoughts and asks, "It's quite something, isn't it?" I nod, still taking in the sight before us "Come on," she says, already moving towards the entrance.

Inside the office, the sunlight casts long golden rays through the glass that hit the floor. several tables and chairs occupy one corner of the main lobby. Against one wall is a large counter with an obsidian surface.

Sitting behind the counter sits a middle-aged human female who is the embodiment of diligence. Her chestnut hair is arranged in a neat bun and her eyes are a deep forest green, Her expression is focused as she scrutinizes each page before her. She is wearing an all-black version of the student uniform that marks her as part of the staff.

As I approach, she leaves her focused gaze and questions, "May I be of some service?" I reply confidently, "Indeed, I am here to undertake the Affinicrystal examination."

At my words her face changes into one of confusion, her eyebrows furrowing as she processes what I said. After a moment she dismissively shakes her head and says, "Regrettably those examinations are rarely taken here at the Arcane Legion Institute, and we aren't expecting to carry out one of the examinations."

I find myself shocked by the clerk's unexpected response. Grandfather is typically pretty on point when it comes to keeping appointments and things like this. My heartbeat starts increasing. I look towards Evelia hoping to find some help or answers only for her to offer a noncommittal shrug. My stomach feels like it is beginning to knot up.

In a slight panic, I manage to utter "That can't be... My grandfather Youssef Dawntide Shadowflame, had informed me that I was to undertake the Affinicrystal examination here at the Arcane Legion Institute." In response to my last name the clerk raises an eyebrow and says dismissively, "If you don't have any form of identification with you, I suggest you consider taking the examination at one of the numerous guilds located within the city."

In a panic, I think about what I have that can prove my identity. My family never went to many noble gatherings and I don't have a letter proving my identity from the crown. Grandfather would have the ring proofing his identity, but I am just his grandson. I then remember the cloak my grandfather gave me and I relax a bit. That should show as proof as that was a gift given to my grandfather by the king.

I say to the clerk, "One minute ma'am." I sit my leather trunk down and open it as I dig for the cloak. After getting it I present it to the clerk and say to her, "This should serve as proof of my identity." She raises an eyebrow as I hand her the cloak. She begins to examine it and then starts to breathe rapidly. She quickly hands me back the cloak very carefully and says politely, "Please accept my apologies. I will promptly initiate a discussion with the Superintendent regarding the possibility of arranging for you to take the examination here." I nod and say, "It's alright ma'am. You were simply fulfilling your duty. I shall patiently await your return here." She nods and without a single additional word, she quickly exits the room.


The sunlight pours into Superintendent Thanatos's office on the top floor of the admissions office. The walls are lined with trophies and accolades from military service. A large, polished oak desk dominates the room, meticulously organized with stacks of parchment and scrolls. The air is heavy with the scent of ancient tomes and the faint whiff of incense.

In one corner stands a suit of armor, gleaming in the dim light. A shadowy tapestry hangs on the opposite wall, depicting eerie scenes of skeleton warriors marching into battle.

Near the desk sits a sleek black metal staff, topped with a large piece of amber with fossilized feathers within. Books on the study of light and undead line bookshelves along the walls, their spines cracked from years of study.

Behind the desk sits Thanatos a 63-year-old human male with an imposing muscular build who measures over 6 feet tall(over 182 centimeters). His sharp features are distinguished by intense steel grey eyes, a trim black goatee, and short black hair.

Thanatos's stern frown creases his weathered face as he scrutinizes a particularly vexing report. His steely eyes narrow, reflecting a spark of irritation. Suddenly the silence of the room is shattered when the door to his office is opened.

He looks up to see his head clerk who should be working on the ground floor bustling in, her eyes wide with alarm. Straightening his chair Thanato's expression becomes one of both annoyance and curiosity, "Explain yourself, Matilda. Why are you here when you should be attending to your duties?"

Matilda nods, catching her breath. “There’s a young man downstairs...” she begins, her words spilling out rapidly. “According to him, he hails from the Shadowflame lineage and even bears the cloak to prove his identity! Furthermore, he purports that he has been dispatched by none other than Youssef himself to conduct an Affinicrystal examination within our institution.”

A momentary silence hangs heavy in the air as Thanatos processes her words. The Shadowflames are hardly more than whispers among nobles. Thanatos thinks back to a war campaign he served under Youssef, that man is a genius both on and off the battlefield and doesn't do anything without a reason. However, no one in their reclusive clan has had the talent for magic in many generations. Why send a scion here...

Thanatos's brow furrows deeper, his expression hardening with suspicion. "A Shadowflame scion, you say?" his voice tinged with skepticism. "And dispatched by Youssef himself? Unlikely."

He rises from his seat, towering over Matilda. "Fetch the boy, I will assess the validity of his claims personally. If this is some ploy or prank, heads will roll." His tone brooked no argument, his mind already calculating the implications of this situation.

Matilda quickly composes herself and replies, "Yes, Superintendent. I'll fetch him right away." As she turns to leave, Thanatos's voice adds, "Inform the guards to be on high alert. In case this boy turns out to be false he poses a potential danger to both the Arcane Legion Institute and the nation." Matilda nods, "Yes, sir." before quickly leaving.


I gently fold up the cloak my grandfather gave me and set it to the side as I repack my leather trunk. I might need the cloak out again in case someone of higher authority asks to see and verify my identity. I hope this doesn't blow up. I would like to keep my identity as a noble a secret. I have already freaked one person out with my last name.

After a while the clerk comes back and offers me a very slight bow in formal greeting, "I am Matilda, please excuse any prior impropriety," she gestures towards a corridor, "If you'd be so kind as to accompany me. The Superintendent wants to see you personally." I nod and begin to follow her to the top floor.

Before Matilda opens the door I straighten myself up. I think back to the proper salute that our military uses. It is made by raising your right hand and arm up to the height of the forehead, with your palm out skyward, and fingers spread apart. It symbolizes the catching of light and knowledge. I best give this salute as grandfather taught me to leave a good first impression on the Superintendent.

When we walk in I give the salute to the very imposing man behind the desk and say a bit nervously, "Sir Superintendent, you called for me." The Superintendent's sharp gaze falls on me his expression unreadable. He seems to study me. Then a flicker of approval and familiarity seems to pass through his eyes.

"State your name and purpose here," the Superintendent demands. "And bring that cloak here. I will judge for myself if you are indeed who you claim to be." I lower my arm and state, "I am Kepler Eclipse Shadowflame, sir. My grandfather Sir Baron Youssef Dawntide Shadowflame told me to take the Affinicrystal examination here at the Arcane Legion Institute." Then I hand the cloak over to the Superintendent.

The superintendent takes the cloak and examines it with a critical eye. After a while of going over it, he nods seeming satisfied with what he sees. He hands the cloak back to me and says, "I'll accept the legitimacy of your cloak and your resemblance to Youssef. The crystal should verify your claim anyway." Turning to Matilda he says, "The boy may employ the Affinicrystal. Ensure meticulous documentation of the outcomes."

Matilda nods saying, "Yes Superintendent." She then guides me out as I sigh in relief. I asked Matilda if we could go get Evelia before she took me to take the examination. She thinks for a quick moment before nodding in affirmation.

Soon I find myself being led down a hallway. Matilda pauses before 2 heavy wooden doors carved with intricate patterns and adorned with sparkling gemstones. "This is the Affinicrystal chamber," Matilda says as she opens the door.

Within I am left breathless. A high ceiling arches above me in a dome shape painted with images of war and battle. At the center of the room floats a colossal gemstone glowing with engraved runes across its surface.

Matilda's voice snaps me out of my awe-induced stupor as she says, "Once you touch it, the crystal will reveal your name, species, age, puberty status, mana capacity, and all magic affinities with talent grades."

I nod and think back to the books I read back at the library. Apparently, there is no way to raise mana capacity so it is assumed to be capped at birth. However to be known as a mage or magic user one must be able to cast at least the simplest of known spells thus requiring at least 100 units of mana.

Magic affinities are categories used to organize what types of spells someone can use based on the characteristics of the magic. Everyone is apparently born with non-elemental magic and will be assigned seemingly randomly different magic affinities until they reach the end of puberty for their species.

The magic talent grade system classifies each magic affinity a person has by comprehension talent ranging from F to SSS. With F representing the lowest and SSS representing the highest talent. The higher this rank the easier it is to effectively use and learn the magic affinity one has.

I wonder if I was born with the mana capacity to use any magic. I swallow hard and take a deep breath while stepping towards the floating crystal, Its pulsating light growing brighter with each step I take.

Standing near it I see my image reflected to me. I nervously reach out to touch the crystal my heart beating with anxiety. Then just as I touch the crystal, I feel something within me move toward the crystal. Then suddenly and without warning…

I watch in horror as the massive crystal begins to crack instantly in many places. Then a deafening sound overtakes the chamber "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!" as the massive crystal shatters into an uncountable number of shards. The shards go flying in all directions as well as myself. Landing hard on the wall I get the breath knocked out of me. I gasp for air.

I then feel a sharp pain shooting through my hand. I bite my lip to distract myself from the pain as I look at my hand to see what is causing the pain. I see my hand covered in blood as I am bleeding profusely and a fist-sized shard sticking out of my hand. I start to feel more shearing pain through my body as I pass out.