Chapter 16: Cat Waches In Bafflement
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To Alice’s knowledge the kitsune/fox people (especially their royal family of Bloodleaf) were mostly unwelcome in other beasts territory due to carrying on the will of the old “god king”. Retaining their duty of fighting against the {Void Beasts} and repairing the spacial tears they breach into the realm of mortals with. A duty that only the most arrogant or unworldly of beasts look down upon as a useless task that anyone could do.

Their race, however, was actually specially suited to combating the terror that hides beyond. For they have a talent for the [Spiritual Arts] that can be combined with the little known special trait; their ability to weave techniques (or duplicate them) in accordance to the number of tails they have. This meant that one cast of theirs could account for an entire 10 of another race’s.

This statistic only gets more insane one one considers that duplicating spells often is not simple as just adding one more projectile. Instead it is multiplicative. A technique that launches 2 attacks could end up becoming 1024 attacks if used by a nine-tailed fox.

It does cost more energy to use the techniques nevertheless it’s additive this time; making the efficiency perfectly usable if not miraculous.

Though it wasn’t just this why they were given the “honours” of combatting the void.

The Mother-in-training was rightfully told that there were only two powers known, during the era where Altas rained supreme, that could deal with the offensive manifestations of the void. These being the powers of tribulation and the nature energy that is used in the [Spiritual Arts]. Hence why those foxes were entrusted with such an important task as well as why few beasts knew the true terror the void represented.

Despite all of that, as well as what the sheltered dragoness believed to be true all her life, that was not wholly the reason why the other beasts disliked the kitsune. Not to say that they did not have dislike for the foxes due to their task - seeing them as self important despite already being a very powerful faction that is preachy. The core reason for them being so widely disliked was quite simple actually… They were far too honest when it came to calling the other races out on their bullshit.

Especially when the other races always go on about how superior they are over mortals yet at the same time constantly copy their prior achievements.

In addition they even talk about how ugly they are in comparison but dedicate streets to fucking them.

Those of the forest were more than open about finding such hypocrisy disgusting which in turn made the races responsible angry at the foxes. Only problem being that essentially every race above the ocean other than the foxes and most birds did the same. A fact that turned the entire world against them.

Why was any of this relevant to the always still developing dragoness?

Because she had committed the exact same “sin” that the beasts claimed of the foxes; more importantly she did it in the middle of a very busy street. She cared little for the malicious glares that fell upon her yet that did not mean they did not exist. She merely stated a fact while admiring the scenery however it was evident that everyone around was feeling very differently about it.

The beast people - especially those from predators - were a violent bunch of people at the best of times. A fact that was not helped by the current situation within the city. Tensions as a whole were high as no one had any clue what could have caused such damage so quickly that no one could react.

So it was hardly surprising that no one who heard her took it very well.

She, once again, didn’t care however. Nonchalantly using her omnivision to view the surroundings to find someone who looked like they would visit a human-slave based brothel in their freetime. Promptly finding some portly golden pig-man that she could have probably found based on the strength of his musk alone.

Walking up to him with that same kind & innocent smile plastered across her face.

“Excuse me sir, you look like you would be knowledgeable about such matters, do you perhaps know about a brothel that had a blue haired human girl along with her mother and younger sisters?” <Mother>

Having always learned that it was best to be honest yet also best to butter someone up when you wanted to obtain something… She decided to do the best of both worlds. A fact that was not well received by the pigman nor any of the people in the surroundings - the brothels that didn’t have humans were essentially wiped away along with the owner of the most wealthy brothel there was. As a result most of the human prostitutes that survived either escaped or ended their own lives before they could be put to work again.

Of course the blue haired girl had long escaped before the “tragedy” that occurred nevertheless part of the reason the town ended up like this could be attributed to her. It was her running away that caused the dragons in the city to get all jumpy due to her actually being a Feng. In other words they had kidnapped a royal daughter of the phoenix’s when she was still in her mother’s womb…

Even if the girl was human that would not matter to the righteous and prideful phoenix.

As such most of the powerful dragons had flown out in an attempt to find her however months had gone by at this point. Meaning those mighty lizards had left the nest unguarded while being so far out that they likely had not even heard about the disaster. Even if many of those around were clearly not dragons themselves (due to it being a powerful trade city) they all had vested interests in the place.

Now a random girl was asking where their powerful defenders had gone after ‘mocking’ them? Hardly surprising what their next actions would be.

The golden pig man brought his fist down like a hammer on the dragoness’ head - containing such strength that the ground below became a mist that aerosolized around the two. Those who were watching just gave smug smirks as they turned around. However, they soon turned back when they heard a scream, an infernal screech that almost definitely did not come from a girl.

Waiting for the dust to settle with an uncomfortable feeling in their chests. It was clear to everyone that the young hatchling brat must have counterattacked yet they doubted that she came out unscathed. Those pigs were known for their strong defences and mighty power so there was-

“Was that meant to be an attack ohohoho~?” <Mother>

“URRMMM!” <Pyrite-Hide Boar>

In front of the crowd, for everyone to see, the girl stood in exactly the same place without so much as taking a step backwards or having her hand unconsciously move to defend. Instead it was the boar who showed the greatest change. He had fallen to his knees while cradling his wrist - his hand no longer meeting up with his lower arm - the bones of his wrist piercing through his tongue hide. All seemingly a result of trying to hit the inconsiderate brat.

“Ara~ you really shouldn’t have punched a drag-” <Mother>

“Shut up you ugly scale-less bitch!”
“Kill that lying whore!”
“She must have used some trick but she cannot handle everyone here!”
“You freak of a lizard!”
“Let's end the mutant!”

“Why does everyone think I have no scales and am a lizard… I’m clearly an amphibian.” <Mother>

Letting out a deep sigh as various fists & kicks came towards her; even some claws, hooves and fangs desired to claim their pound of flesh. She didn’t have much desire to dodge or anything, though. Not even taking up a stance as she instead had her hands rest behind her head with her eyes still closed.

<I thought the overworld was way more dangerous than this, however everyone is weak. All these enemies I randomly run into - solely due to them being unable to keep their ego in check - are nothing compared to her. Actually would I still call them a “her” since she had three heads? Either way they can hardly hurt me after my scales adapted to that random god’s attacks…>


Her thoughts were, indeed, proven correct.

It did not matter how many of them attacked.

It did not matter how much effort they put in.

It did not even matter how much they claimed it impossible.

She just stood there in a flurry of attacks - each doing more damage to the attacker on account of her not taking any damage at all - completely unbothered by their feeble attempts. The number of people attacking quickly increases yet the danger she was in did not fluctuate at all.

If anything… She just seemed bored.

Something which they soon realised yet someone came up with a crazy theory to explain all this.

“It must be an illusion!”

One which he would soon regret as that made Alice’s brow raise a little in interest; soon throwing her hands out to the side. Sending out such a gust of energy that every beast couldn’t help but be thrown off their feet. Only being able to watch as she slowly rose into the air with that same kind smile of hers - if hiding a glint of sadism as her eyelids quaked.

“That’s right… Illusions, I will be merciful and use illusions, I already tried to be kind with my methods however no one was gracious enough to return it with a simple answer. As such I will be forced to make more drastic measures to get the information I seek~!” <Mother>

Her eyes slowly opened, causing those staring to be entranced, like staring into a bottomless see that dragged on in yet never let them climb out due to that overwhelming pressure. A pressure that the world felt - the cities very foundations shaking as she let her power flow out. The scenery somehow becoming more vibrant if with a veil of nature-green.

“I do hope you give up quickly~.” <Mother>

That was a lie.




Meanwhile, back at the orphanage, the endless army of Cheshire (who had gotten back to watching) only had one question for which could only leave the gaggle of black cats baffled.

| What is with her and arms? |
| What is with her and arms? |
| What is with her and arms? |
| What is with her and arms? |
| What is with her and arms? |

“Chehehe~!” <Cheshire>

There was only Cheshire ‘prime’ who seemed to realise yet she just formed a teasing smile.

“She is letting her inner dictator leak out and yet she doesn’t even realise it herself~.” <Cheshire>